Bluestone Setup
<<----Too much of a good thing
Temp page for prep notes
After we did our casts, I opened a mana pot (for us to gather around and get spell-casting FT back). The 2 pulses that I rolled for (D10) gave 6 and 8 FT back, do we need another pulse or two?
Counterspells - I haven't rolled durations (was in duration enhance, so [D+5]+2xRk minutes)). Numbers below are ranks with GK/SK
* Fire - Sabastian - 7/6(double) * Namer - Wordsmith - 6/6 * Fire - TDP - 7/6 * Fire - Sven - 7/6(triple) * Celestial - Mario - 4/6(triple) * Celestial- Tari - 4/6 * Celestial - Vapour - 4/6
For completeness sake adding definite buffs:
All - Enchant Armour - +25 Def, +6 AP (including 3 off EN)
All - Str of Stone - +17 EN
All - Quickness - Extra Action, +10 IV
?? Some - Poisoned Weapon - effect TBA ?? (on whom and what?)
?? All - Waters of Strength - D+14 Str ?? (did we do this?)
?? All (minus Mario) - Flying ?? (yes?)
?? All - Vapour Breathing ?? (yes?)
Mario - Weapon of Flames +4 SC, +2 Dmg (Rapier and Main Gauche) can do more if required, though Enchant Weapon from TDP is better)
Mario - Mind Shield