Benefits of High Elven Civilisation
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- Most elves, especially the wild ones and noble ones, like to indulge their time sporadically as their fancy takes them. They hunt when they want food, wench when they want wenches etc. Which leaves no one to actually make sure the grains are planted at the correct time. High Elven society evolved when the essentials were regularised, yeilding the surpluses that allowed time to develop artistry. Gradually the arts became to define noble or courtly behaviour, rather than governance, the organised essentials or wild elements. and the essentials were considered 'common' and the wild 'benal'.
- Much of the recent lethargy and self-indulgence within the artisitic (courtly) echelons of elven society were the result of demonic influence. All echelons need to be vigorous, and those whose past performance has been less than stellar will gain the necessary motivation.
- Roads, Aqueducts, sanitation, irrigation, medicine, education, wine, public baths, law and order, public health and peace. {to quote Life of Brian}
- Arts, poetry, theatre, sport, culture, ballet, classical music, singing, rock and roll,
- The other races have little or none of these, and that only recently as inferior copies of elven developments (EG rap, disco).
- elven society can evolve, and will. Leaders of old who actively governed areas (or even just their estates) shall do so again. Ancient provincial pallaces will be filled with nobles directly administering their lands.