Articles of Elvandar

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The Articles of Elvandar are a Peace Treaty forced upon the Wild Elves of Elvandar in north-west Alfheim by the High Elves of Eidolon, in the last of their internecine wars, perhaps ten thousand years ago. In addition to symbolising the heavy yoke of oppression, several of the Articles forbid the Wild Elves from partaking in their favourite activities. They include:

4. That Wild Elves shall never raise arms against Alfheim.
6. That all claims to the lands west and south of the Dragonspines be ceded to Alfheim, of which Elvandar is a vassal.
7. That all Elvandar's rights to breeding, hunting, culling and other pastimes on sentients (excluding orcs) west and south of the Dragonspines be ceded to Alfheim.
12. That the Old Blood Rites and religion be put aside by the Wild Elves, including all manner of blood sacrifice, summoning of the Old Gods, possession by said Gods, forming of the Wild Hunt, and other barbaric practises.
17. That the Wild Hunt shall never ride, except at the direct request of a High Elf.

If the Wild Elves violate any of the above articles, the Articles of Elvandar will be broken, and the Elvish Empire may turn on itself, with the army (primarily consisting of Wild Elves) being sent to subdue Elvandar.

Recent History

In Winter 807, the Elfenburg copy of the Articles was taken from the lore master Hans in the Elven Consulate library, by Lord Larkin, Huntmaster for Lord Velteyn of Elvandar. It is possible that all exeunt copies are being gathered by Lord Velteyn.

In 804-806WK, Engleton, Morgan and Vychan have all called the Wild Hunt on different occasions. Most of these violations of the Articles of Elvandar occurred off-plane, and thus do not break the letter of the treaty. However, the Wild Hunt was summoned to help defeat Rashak, and this may come back to haunt elves across Alusia.