Arcane Items - Process for players

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This page is the Players info page on Arcane Items. Arcane Item has its own page and should also be looked at. It covers more information about the system and process which the 'Arcane Points' use and fit into. Please see, either Quick Guide or the main Arcane Items page.

Arcane Items Chit

As a Player in DQ you will be given an Exp chit for one of your characters and on the exp chit maybe a payment of 'Arcane Points'. You are able to save these points up and use them at Guild meetings.

Seagate Adventurers Guild Members

The Seagate Adventurers Guild gives new members 2,000sp and 10 Arcane Points upon joining.

Older members get a starting bonus of 'Arcane Points' equal to twice their Perception 
attribute but no money the first time they wish to purchase any Arcane items. This is once 
off per character. This is in addition to any rewards from adventure.

Redeem / Sell Items for Arcane Points

Members are able to redeem older items for Arcane Points. There are two ways to do this:

  • Four plus items which are valued at over 500sp each will be accepted and they need to total over 5,000sp. You will get 5 Arcane Points for these items.
  • Up to three items which are of any value individually and together are valued at a total over 12,000sp. You will get 15 Arcane Points for these items.

Guild Meeting

At the standard DQ Guild meetings Keith Smith and often Ian Anderson, will be administrating the Arcane Items system. You are able to go alone to a the meeting and ask to purchase one of the items within the Arcane Items system with your Arcane points. Limited printing will be available.

If you have a sizable amount of items you are after I suggest you Print the items off and bring them along for them to sign-off on.