Aquatic Mammals

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Aquatic mammals are generally moderately intelligent and neutral, or even friendly, to adventurers. They are air breathers, and cannot remain submerged indefinitely.


Natural Habitat
1-20 (4)
Dolphins are mammals of the sea. They grow to 12 feet in length and are basically fish-like in form (although their bodies are more cylindrical than most fish). They have long, thin snouts, and are generally greyish in colour. Dolphins are two-hex monsters.
Dolphins will sometimes aid humans in need, and will remember with a vengeance those humans who have harmed them in the past. They will rarely attack humans unless provoked.
Dolphins have no talents, skills or magic.
Movement Rates
Swimming: 400
PS: 25-30 MD: None AG: 24-26 MA: None EN: 12-15 FT: 20-25
WP: 15-17 PC: 14-17 PB: 12-15 TMR: 8 NA: Skin absorbs 4 DP
Dolphins may ram with their snouts as a Charge.
Snout: BC 40%, [D - 1], Melee, Rank 0.

Great White Whale

Natural Habitat
Very Rare
These creatures are the largest mammals found on sea or on land. They reach lengths of 200-300 feet, and are a truly spectacular sight when they rise three-quarters of the way out of the water, sending spray hundreds of yards in all directions. These whales are pure white in color.
Great white whales cannot use magic and have no special talents or skills.
Movement Rates
Swimming: 700
PS: 700-1000 MD: None AG: 8-9 MA: None EN: 300-400 FT: 500-600
WP: 8-10 PC: 12-15 PB: 4-6 TMR: 14 NA: Hide absorbs 8 DP
Great white whales may bite creatures 30' long or longer. Smaller creatures are swallowed whole, inflicting no immediate damage.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 10], Melee, Rank 0.

Killer Whale

Natural Habitat
Ocean (prefers Arctic)
1-25 (20)
Killer whales are black on top and white on their bellies. They have fins on either side of their body, as well as one fin which sticks up from their back much like the fin of a shark. Large males reach 30 feet in length. Killer whales are 14-hex monsters.
Killer whales have no special talents, skills, or magic.
Movement Rates
Swimming: 400
PS: 40-45 MD: None AG: 13-15 MA: None EN: 35-40 FT: 60-70
WP: 12-13 PC: 15-17 PB: 10-12 TMR: 8 NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Killer whales may bite.
Bite: BC 50%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Ocean, Arctic, Coastal
1-20 (20)
Seals are medium sized mammals with slick brown skin, flippers for swimming, and long tubular bodies. Seals can weigh as much as 300 pounds, and grow to lengths of up to 6 feet.
Seals have no special skills or talents, and they cannot use magic. Seals can hold their breath for an hour, and can dive to depths exceeding 1,000 feet.
They are deft swimmers, and commonly spend their days hunting and playing in the waters near Arctic coasts. They are intelligent animals, and will generally flee to water if threatened, where they can usually avoid any predator. Seals eat fish and shellfish almost exclusively. Seals are hunted for their skins, meat, and blubber.
Movement Rates
Running: 100; Swimming: 350
PS: 10-14 MD: 6-10 AG: 14-18 MA: None EN: 15-20 FT: 20-25
WP: 10-14 PC: 15-18 PB: 10-12 TMR: 2/7 NA: Skin absorbs 4 DP
Seals can attack with their snouts or bite.
Snout: BC 35%, [D - 2], Melee, Rank 0.
Bite: BC 30%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Ocean, Arctic, Coastal
1-5 (20)
Walruses are huge marine mammals who inhabit the sub-arctic coastal regions feasting on fish, clams, and seals. The have plump, oblong bodies with almost hairless skin. They have no legs or feet but they have reversable front flippers which facilitate movement along ice. Walrus bulls can grow as long as 12ft and weigh as much as 3200 pounds or more. They are generally grey in colour with thick hides, long sharp tusks and an abundant layer of insulating blubber fat under the skin. Walruses will sometimes lurk in the water, below ice, and attack creatures by propelling themselves up through it. A bull may have as many as ten cows in his herd and they are very protective of them and their territory.
Walruses have no special skills or talents and they cannot use magic. Walruses can hold their breath underwater for up to an hour.
Herds will be generally be found lazing in the sun near where they feed. If someone comes near the herds they will not hesitate to challenge them. Walrus tusks can be valuable.
Movement Rates
Running 150; Swimming: 200
PS: 25-30 MD: 5-8 AG: 5-10 MA: None EN: 25-35 FT: 30-35
WP: 12-16 PC: 12-16 PB: 5-8 TMR: 3/4 NA: Hide absorbs 5 DP
A walrus can attack in Close where it will use it's tusks (BC 38%, D+8 Rank 1-4). If a tusk attack is successful, then it will roll on top of it's target and crush them into the ice. (BC 20%, D+10 not absorbed by non-metallic armour)