And Darkness Was on the Face of the Deep: Treasure and Valuation
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Auctionable Loot
Blade Venom of the Spider

This phial is robust and contains six applications of blade venom. It takes a Pulse to prepare an application and weighs 4 oz.
This Rank 12 venom may be applied to an A or B class weapon and will last for an hour upon the blade before dissipating. If the weapon inflicts damage to EN before that time, the victim's primary statistics are reduced by 1 per minute until they are halved. At dawn the following day, they are entitled to Break 100: EN + WP. Note that their EN and WP will be halved along with their other statistics. If the roll fails, they reduce their EN by 1.
This continues each day until they recover, are cured or die.
If the victim is gathered while the venom is still in their body, and the blood from their heart poured out, then a special property may be extracted therefrom. On most occasions, this ichor will be congruent with some or all of their Aspect, either the Season Stars or Elemental parts, or entirely if Lunar, Solar, Death or Life Aspected.
Rich experiences of life increase these properties. A non-adventuring mortal would only have 1 such quality, a beginning adventurer about 3, a medium level adventurer as much as 15, a high level adventurer would return more, even, than this.
Applications | |||||
6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Formerly living | Chaos | 7,000sp | ![]() |
Scroll of Whitefire

This scroll is blank and weighs 8 oz. It is made out of Whitefire, and will destroy anything written on it (unless it is written with Blackfire Ink) and anyone who comes into contact with it must successfully resist vs Celestial Special Knowledge magic. If they fail, they and the scroll will be subjected to a heat so intense nothing will remain except ashes.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Beyond the Veil | Magical | Celestial | Quest | ![]() |
Blackfire Ink

This phial is robust and weighs 8 oz. It contains sufficient ink to write [D10-4] Laws, if a surface can be found that will not be destroyed by the acting of writing upon it.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Beyond the Veil | Magical | Celestial | Quest | ![]() |
Waters of Vision Potion

This phial is robust and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz.
The contents of this phial are poured onto a bowl of water or ink, whereupon it will function as a Rank 15 Crystal of Vision.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Water | 2,000sp | ![]() |
Firearmour Potion
This phial is robust and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz.
Rank 15 Firearmour.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Fire | 4,000sp | ![]() |
Treeform Potion

This phial is robust and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz.
When this potion is drunk, the imbiber acquires the properties of a tree. Roots will burrow into the ground, breaking through most materials except metal flooring, and they will grow to 3 times their normal height and girth. Their weight is multiplied by 30. The physical change to the imbiber's body will take about 5 minutes.
Their experience of the passage of time will be seriously slowed. Although they remain aware, everything blurs past them at a rate of 30:1 and are not likely to make much sense of it. They may end the effect whenever they want, although it will take as long to return to a humanoid form.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Earth | 3,000sp | ![]() |
Blade Venom

This phial is robust and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz.
This Rank 8 venom may be applied to an A or B class weapon and will last for an hour upon the blade before dissipating. If the weapon inflicts damage to EN before that time, the victim's primary statistics are reduced by 1 per minute until they are halved. At dawn the following day, they are entitled to Break 100: EN + WP. Note that their EN and WP will be halved along with their other statistics. If the roll fails, they reduce their EN by 1.
This continues each day until they recover, are cured or die.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Fire | 2,500sp | ![]() |
Water Breathing Potion

This phial is robust and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz.
Rank 15 Water Breathing.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Water | 2,000sp | ![]() |
Rank 9 Suspension of Fire onto Water
Rank 9 Alchemy

This phial is robust and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4 oz.
- If the contents are poured onto
- -the surface of about a pint of water, it will produce a view of a place they know that is within 5 miles + 15 miles per Rank in Alchemy and which will last for a minute.
- -into the right eye so that any visual obscurement (mist, fog, dust or smoke), illusion or deception will be penetrated. This effect will last for a minute.
- -into the left eye so that the emotions or spiritual state of an entity can be observed. This may reveal curses, geasa, afflictions of the soul and other obligations (i.e. pacts, bloodthirst, etc). This effect will last for a minute.
Whenever the oil is used, a D10 is rolled. If the result is less than the Alchemist's Rank, then it works perfectly. Otherwise, the thing it is poured onto catches on fire and is burnt up within a Pulse. Losing an eye reduces MD by 1, PB by 2 and PC by 4.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Alchemy | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Rod of Absorption

This rod is treated as a mace with a base Strike Chance of 60. It inflicts 1 roll up D10 + 5 damage. It weighs 4 lbs.
The rod has two states, charged and discharged.
In the discharged state, the wielder may 'absorb' a spell cast at them or the area they occupy. This requires no Action of any kind, and the energies of the spell will be drawn entirely into the rod. This will change the rod's state to charged. Such is the powerful magic of the rod that anything in the area of effect will not be subject to the spell's effects.
If the rod is charged and the wielder is an Adept, then they may cast any spell they know without requiring any Preparation Action. This will change the rod's state to discharged.
The rod may be discharged 20 times before its magic fails, whereupon it loses all its magical properties.
Charges | |||||||||
20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | 15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 |
10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
The rod may be discharged no more than 3 times on any given day.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Absorption | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Ice Cube

This cube is about 2 ½ cms across and weighs 4 oz. It may be affixed to a surface, and the gauge will drop 1 per Pulse for 10 Pulses. The cold will spread to fill a volume of about 2 x 2 x 2 hexes, and the temperature will not drop below -30°C. The coldness will last until sunlight touches the volume affected or the cube is moved, which will destroy it.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Ice | 1,600sp | ![]() |
Potion of Diminuition

This potion is contained in a robust container and requires a Pass Action to prepare. It weighs ½ lb.
When drunk, it will reduce whoever drinks it to 1/12th their normal height. Thus, if they were 6 ft tall, they would become 6 inches tall.
- This has the following implications
- original weight is divided by 144
- PS & EN are divided by 12 (round up)
- a 5 ft hex is 60 ft across from the drinker's perspective
- Stealth is doubled
- the drinker takes no more damage from falling than their weight in lbs. Fractions are truncated
The duration is a maximum of 55 minutes. If the drinker uses a Magical Pass Action, they can end the effect earlier.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Folding | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Force of Will Charm

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Force of Will Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered once a Pulse for 3 Pulses. Each utterance will require a Free Act. The parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn .
When the charm is spoken aloud for the third time, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'By the strength of my will and the power of my Art!'
It will not work for anyone who is not an Adept. If it does work, it surrounds them in a dome of force 15 ft across that will absorb 10 x their base MA damage from any source before failing. Bonuses from magic and items are added after the multiplication.
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Charm | 4,500sp | ![]() |
Last Stand Charm

This scrap of parchment weighs ¼ lb and contains three charges of the Last Stand Charm. It does not need to be read out, in fact the phrase must be memorised and uttered once a Pulse for 3 Pulses. This will require a Free Act. The parchment itself might be kept in the owner's backpack, or even at home and it may not be uttered again until after the next dawn.
When the charm is spoken aloud for the third time, the number of charges is reduced by 1 wherever they are. The phrase must be spoken by the character's player in a clear voice without hesitation, stumbling or unnecessary pause. The phrase is:
'Though all about me fall, yet shall I endure!'
If it works, the utterer may not be stunned and can only be slain if their head is separated from their body. This effect lasts for a number of Pulses equal to one half their base EN (rounding up). All damage should be recorded, including Specific Grievous Injuries, but no matter how negative their EN drops, they will not die until the charm expires. Bonuses from items and magic are not considered at all for the purposes of calculating the duration of the effect.
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Charm | 4,500sp | ![]() |
Black Iron Grenado
Rank 4 Alchemy

This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 2 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone who it shares a hex with, while those in the surrounding hexes suffer 1. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Alchemy | Incendiarism | 1,000sp | ![]() |
Cobalt Chaos Grenado

Rank 6 Alchemy
This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
Result | # of Spec. Griev. Injuries |
1-4 | 1 |
5-7 | 2 |
8 or 9 | 3 |
0 | 4 |
Those who share the same hex as the grenado suffer the indicated number of Specific Grievous Injuries. Those one hex further out suffer one less Specific Grievous Injury, and so on until there are no Specific Grievous Injuries left. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Alchemy | Incendiarism | 2,000sp | ![]() |
Red Iron Grenado

Rank 8 Alchemy
This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 3 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone up to 3 hexes away. Targets who are between 4 and 6 hexes away suffer 2 Specific Grievous Injuries, while those between 7 and 9 only suffer one. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Alchemy | Incendiarism | 3,000sp | ![]() |
Healing Potion
This potion is contained in a fragile container for quick use. It weighs 4oz.
When drunk, it will heal D+12 EN damage.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Healing | 600sp | ![]() |
Restoration Potion

This potion is contained in a fragile container for quick use. It weighs ½ lb.
When drunk, it will inflict 14 EN damage, and restore 28FT. A moment later, it will heal D+12 EN damage.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Restoration | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Philtre of Persuasiveness

This potion is contained in a robust phial and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4oz.
When drunk, its effects last for an hour. If the imbiber is an Adept of the College of Ensorcelments & Enchantments, then their Rank in Mass Charming is increased by 8 Ranks.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Formerly living | Charm | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Contagious Anti-Venom Potion

This potion is contained in a robust phial and requires a Pulse to prepare. It weighs 4oz.
When drunk, its effects last until the Hour of the Wolf has passed. If the imbiber should be poisoned within that time, it will attempt to Neutralise it as if they were a Rank 15 Healer (but requiring no Action to do so). If the potion succeeds the imbiber is spared the effects of the poison.
Whether or not the potion works, the benefit is passed to the next sentient entity capable of learning the Healer Skill after the Neutralise Poison attempt is made. The effective Rank drops by 1 on each occasion it is so passed . It loses its virtue when Rank drops below 4 or the duration expires, whichever comes first.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Transformation | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Wall Walking Unguent

This unguent may be rubbed over a few inches of bare skin, whereupon, in 2 Pulses it will quickly spread to cover an area of size 6 or less (i.e. it will not work for entities that are larger than humans). The entity so covered will be under the effects of a Rank 15 Wall Walking spell.
Because it is an unguent, it may be rubbed into an object of less than human-sized, and it is also treated as under the effects of Wall Walking.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Binding | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Brooch of Shielding

Brooch Record | |
Damage Type | Amount |
This small brooch weighs 2 oz. It must be worn openly on the upper chest to be effective.
It will absorb 300 points of damage from spells that target the wearer. This does not include magic that targets an area or volume or magic that does not cause damage. Acceptble examples: Bolt of Energy, Bolt of Fire, Necrosis, Earth Hammer, Lightning Ball, Ray of Cold, Diamond Javelins and so on.
When the last point of shielding has been used, the brooch will crumble into a greyish-green dust.
The dust can be used by an Alchemist to recover some quality of the magic. This is an Alchemical operation that can only be attempted at Rank 8 or higher, and the they must Break 100 + PC + 3 x Alchemy Rank. An attempt is made for each type of damage that the brooch absorbed, the Alchemist declaring the amount and type of damage to be treated.
If the brooch has absorbed 20 damage from Diamond Javelins and 15 from Earth Hammer, and the Alchemist succeeds, then the operation will return 35 Earth. If, for example, they have taken 35 from Hellfire and 10 from Bolt of Fire, it would return 45 Fire.
It is important that the Alchemist know how much of each damage type has been absorbed by the brooch. For this reason, if the wearer does not notice or forgets amounts and types of damage, then the operation will automatically fail when an attempt is made to guess.
- Example
- The brooch has taken 35 damage from Hellfire but cannot remember the exact amount they took from Malignant Flames. They guess it was 11, and attempt to collect 46. The operation fails regardless of the Alchemist's roll. Since the wearer knows for a fact that they have taken 35 damage from Hellfire, and the attempt is made only with respect to this, then the Alchemist has a chance at success.
The wearer must keep a record of the amount and type of damage they have taken. There is no onus on the DM to remember the details for the wearer, or even reveal a damage type, unless they can be bothered.
Cups of tea and chocolate biscuits are a known sovereign for DM apathy. Also dancing girls.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Aybss | Magical | Certainty | 9,000sp | ![]() |
Skull Flail

This morningstar flail weighs 5 lbs. It has a Base Strike Chance of 60 and the base Damage is 2 rollup D10+3. The wielder ignores any Defence their target may have which comes from shields.
The flail is a legal target for Warping and Animating Bodily Parts. When it is so Animated, the skull is capable of delivering vicious bites such that if a roll in the range of a Specific Grievous Injury is scored, then in addition to C Class injuries, results in the following ranges are allowed: 26 - 36 & 41 - 66.
Animating the flail increases its Strike Chance by the Rank of the Animation and it will accept weapon spells.
Only the most abject optimist would believe that the constabulary might not have an interest in this weapon. Displaying it openly is sure to attract the attentions of the authorities, who are likely to take a dim view.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Corruption of the Flesh | 13,500sp | ![]() |
Serpent's Tooth

This dagger is made from a serpent's tooth and weighs 14 oz. The Base Strike Chance is 50 being 10 more than normal, and base damage is 2 rollup D10. It is not balanced for throwing, and in that circumstance, the Strike Chance is halved before applying the target's Defence. In any case, it only inflicts D10+2 damage when thrown.
It is a legal target for Warping and Animating Body Parts and will accept weapon spells. If it is animated, it has a TMR of 4 and a movement rate of 150 yards per minute.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Serpent | 9,600sp | ![]() |
David's Sling

This sling is made of leather and weighs about 1 lb. The Base Strike Chance is 60% and the Damage Modifier is +3.
It comes with 5 stones, which, when prepared, will slowly orbit the wielder, making it easier to load them and allowing the first 5 stones the slinger throws to be snap-fired without any penalty. If the slinger is at least 1 size smaller than their target, the stones inflicts 2D10 + the damage modifier of the sling, otherwise they inflict normal damage of their type. The stones return to the wielder's pocket at the end of the Pulse.
The sling may be used with other forms of payload, including Boomcubes, but not grenadoes.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | David's Gambit | 16,000sp | ![]() |
Shield Boss of Bronze

This bronze boss may be attached to the face of a shield, whereupon it will increase its weight by 1 lb. This will increase its prowess against ranged attacks.
- Arrow Ward
- Whenever the wielder is attacked by ranged or missile weapons, they may roll under their Rank in Shield on D10 to completely avoid all harm, and they can make this roll as many times as they are attacked.
- Intercepting Throw
- In addition, the wielder can throw the shield 1 hex for every 5 or fraction PS to intercept arrows meant for another target. The intercepting throw may only be attempted once per Pulse, and the wielder must Break 100: MD + PC + Warrior Rank + Shield Rank - Opponent's Unengaged Initiative. This ability requires no Action. In fact, it may even be attempted before their Initiative. The shield will return just before the end of the Pulse.
- If the bossed shield has been thrown, then the wielder may not benefit from its Defence until it returns.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Feralie | Magical | Ward Lore | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Sword of Sharpness

This sword weighs 2 lbs, and behaves as if it were a hand-and-a-half. Base Strike Chance is 70%, and Damage Modifier is +7.
- Bladeskill
- The wielder uses their greatest skill in either shortsword, falchion, scimitar, tulwar or hand-and-a-half.
- Keenedge
- If the wielder rolls 20% or less of their modified Strike Chance, then they will inflict a blow directly to EN, ignoring armour. If they roll 10% or less of their modified Strike Chance, they they may have inflicted a possible Specific Grievous Injury.
- The virtue of the blade may be sacrificed to a shortsword, falchion, scimitar, tulwar or hand-and-a-half, then it will enhance that weapon's chance to deliver strikes directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries as indicated above. In this case, however, the enhanced weapon does not acquire the Bladeskill property.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Feralie | Magical | Blade Lore | 12,500sp | ![]() |
Wand of the Angry Bees
This wand uses the wielder's skill in Dart and is treated as if it were a Missile Weapon, not Thrown. MA replaces MD for the purposes of calculating strike chances or the ability to wield it.
Little figurines of bees made out of an Alchemical death metal are fired at such speed as to be unseeable, although the whine of their wings can be heard as they pass. As many as 1 bee for every 2 Ranks in Dart may be fired from the wand. The wielder may shoot all the bees at a single target, or one single bee for each target or any combination thereof.
The bees do no damage if they hit, but there is a chance they will inflict a Specific Grievous Injury. Roll on the Spec. Griev. table. If the result is for an A class injury, then it is applied, otherwise the result is ignored. This can reduce the Protection value of armour, but because the bees are so small, the reduction is just 1 per Spec. Griev.
The wielder must utter a phrase to trigger the device, and it must be very loud, for it is well known that the calcinatory sprites that drive the bees on are nearly deaf.
The wand contains 30 bees when it is full.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 810 | Assyuria | Magical | Mechanical | 10,000sp | ![]() |
Rood Awakening

The haft of this silvery rood must be braided with withes of whitethorn before becoming effective, whereupon it will weigh 5 lbs. When this task is completed, it is treated as a mace with a base Strike Chance of 60. It inflicts 1 roll up D10 + 5 damage. If 1 point of EN is sacrificed to the whitethorn by driving the thorns into the palm, the following properties become available:
- It is rated for Melee or Close combat, but not Ranged.
- The usual penalties to Strike Chance for Healer is ignored. Instead, Strike Chance is increased by Healer Rank.
- At a cost of 3 FT, the wielder may restore D10+Rank in Healer EN lost as a result of damage on a target up to their Rank in mace hexes away. This requires the wielder to point at their target as they take a Magical Pass Action.
- The FT cost of Healer abilities is reduced by 1 if the wielder's Rank in mace is 4. If their Rank is 5, the costs are reduced by 2.
- Disruption
- At a cost of 3 FT per Strike, the wielder may use their Ranks in Healer to inflict dreadful wounds with the mace.
- Defence is ineffective against this attack. Instead, the opponent's Active Magic Resistance replaces Defence. Enchantments, subtractions from the die roll and counterspells do not usually apply.
- The base damage is 2 rollup D10 + 5 + [Healer Rank - 5]. Unless the opponent is complete enclosed by their armour, they only benefit from half the value of their Protection rating. Damage Reduction is unaffected.
- This damage may only be applied to something with a body containing organs so does not apply to creatures of mana (denizens of the Seventh Plane, elementals, etc).
- Except it always applies against undead, whatever their degree of substantiality. If the wielder is pacted to a Power of Light, and rolls in the range of a possible Specific Grievous Injury, the opponent must roll under WP x 1 or be instantly destroyed. Powerful, non-standard greater undead may be entitled to positive modifiers at the DM's discretion.
EN sacrificed to the mace may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Sacrifice | 18,500sp | ![]() |
Bladed Lance

This lance weighs 7 lbs. It requires PS of 16 and MD of 18 to wield. The base Strike Chance is 75 and the Damage Modifier is +8. It can only be used mounted, being too unwieldy otherwise. The wielder may attack every opponent they pass within a hex of and who are not on the side they would wear a shield on. This is a Charge Action and the wielder gains +20 Strike Chance. Damage is increased by 1 damage point for every 10 points of PS that their mount exceeds 20. The wielder's excess PS is ignored. It inflicts B Class wounds.
The weapon is Ranked as if it were a Glaive.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Earth | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Frost Spear

This heavy spear weighs 7 lbs and has a long jagged blade capable of delivering wicked blows. It requires PS of 16 and MD of 18 to wield. The base Strike Chance is 75 and the Damage Modifier is +7. If thrown, the Strike Chance drops to 25% although damage is unaffected. It is considered an A AND B Class weapon. It may deliver Specific Grievous Injuries from either category.
- Weapon of Cold
- It is a legal target for weapon enhancement spells. If Weapon of Cold is cast on the spear, then it may be stored to be released at a later time. The enhancement spell is invoked by uttering a special phrase and this is a Free Act.
- Cold Light
- When the temperature of the spear drops below 0°C, it will shed a light only visible to those whose temperature is the same or less. Thus, if the spear was -10°C cold, then only those whose temperatures were -10°C or colder would be able to see by it.
- The light is shed over a volume of 25 feet, centred on the spear. Alternatively, it may be directed in a cone 30 feet long and 20 feet wide, emanating from the point of the spear. This light penetrates Darkness of any Rank. Volumes of mist and smoke will be cleared by the Cold Light in a Pulse or two depending on the density of the obscurement.
- Extinguish Flames
- The wielder may thrust the spear into a fire and Cast Extinguish Flames without having to Prepare the spell. Walls of Fire or other forms of magical incendiarism may also be Extinguished, the chance of the magic being dispelled is 40% [(+ 3 / Rank with Extinguish Fire)(- 3 /Rank of the target magic)].
- Cool Under Fire
- The wielder ignores the first 15 points of fire or heat damage per Pulse. In addition, the wielder subtracts 15 from their die roll when making a MR check versus magic that harms by smoke, fire or heat. This applies to most Fire College magic, but also Smoking Magma and Wiccan Hellfire.
Although the weapon is a spear, it is Ranked as if it were a Glaive.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Sparlainth | Formerly living | Ice | 17,500sp | ![]() |
The Rod of Charm

This crystal is magical and weighs 2 lbs. It is a legal target for a spell of Charming. When that spell is cast upon it,the crystal will grow into a line of light with the appearance of a quarterstaff. At the end of the duration, or if it is counterspelled earlier, it will return to the shape of a crystal. The quarterstaff has fractional spin of ½ but no weight and is not physically manifest. It still requires two hands to wield, however. Instead, it exists somewhat probabilistically. It never inflicts physical damage and has no encumbrance.
- The wielder increases their Defence by 2 (+2 per Rank in quarterstaff). This will not stack with Defence from other weapons or shields.
- The wielder reduces damage by 1 at Rank 4 in quarterstaff and by another 2 at Rank 8 (thus reducing damage by 3). This applies to all incoming damage, but excludes damage caused by curses, poison, disease or Hand of Death.
- The wielder subtracts their Rank in Quarterstaff from the die roll when making MR checks and if the modified result of the MR check is '01' or less, then they (and the hex they occupy) are not affected by any aspect of the magic. Thus, half-damage spells or magic that is not resistable may be entirely avoided. If the magic does not normally allow a MR Check, then the wielder must roll under their Rank in Quarterstaff.
- The counterspells of one extra college may be cast on the staff, to the benefit of the wielder.
- The owner may advance the Ranks of these spells beyond 20: Charming, Mass Charming, Telekinesis, Bolt of Energy (or similar), Enchant Armour or Enchant Weapon.
- The wielder may touch an end of the staff to an object or area and bind it to the staff as if it were under the effects of an Adhesion spell (G-1 of the College of Binding & Animating Magics). The Rank of the Adhesion is 10. Although the staff does not acquire any materiality, neither can it be broken by an attempt to break the adhesive bond.
- These spells may be cast from the staff once per day at Rank 10
Mana Sense | Animate Object | True Seeing |
- Certain spells may be invested in the staff at half the normal cost, each charge taking 8 hours to store. Only 20 spells may be invested in the staff, but any combination is allowed. The following spells or types of magic are allowed:
Counterspells | Charm | Opening | Darkness |
Insubstantial walls | Light | Telekinesis | Bolt spells |
Levitation | Mage Lock | Windwhistle | Web spells |
- The wielder releases the spells stored by using a Cast Action. They are not Triggered.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Charm | Quest | ![]() |
Copper Scroll: Pattern of a Namer's Bracer

This copper scroll contains instructions on how to enchant a bracer for the left forearm. It will take a Rank 6 Artisan Leatherworker or a Rank 4 Armourer six days to make a bracer sufficient to the task. The bracer will weigh 1 ½ lbs, and the craftsman will charge 800sp for their time.
Once it is crafted, the rite inscribed on the scroll must be performed on a Sunday, and 4,000 sp of exotic alchemical ingredients used in the process. The rite is so taxing that no other activity is allowed.
Once empowered, the bracer has the following functions:
- Spell rack - In addition, if it is worn by a Namer, then it allows them to learn the General Knowledge spells of the College of Binding & Animating Magic.
- Allows the wearer to benefit from an extra counterspell if it is cast upon the bracer.
The spells must be embedded into the matrices of the spell rack by means of Ritual Spell Preparation before the wielder can cast them. They attract no constraints unless associated with a special incantation. This means that casting one of these spells will not unrack it, unless, as noted, it has been associated with an incantation.
They behave in all ways as Special Knowledge spells of the College of Naming Incantations.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Magical | Naming Incantations | 25,000sp | ![]() |
Faerie Chain Mail

This 'chain mail' fits an adult of size 5 and weighs 1 lb. It does not reduce AG. However, Stealth is penalised by 20 because of the musical, joyful sound of the silvery links, and the eye-catching way they flash.
This armour is a construct of an unexplained magical force. If it is worn over or beneath other armour, it provides no special benefit at all. It provides Protection of 6 against damage from normal blows and spells but not Putrid Wound, Disruption, Necrosis, Hand of Death or similar magic. Nor will it protect against poison or disease.
If the wearer sacrifices a permanent point of EN to the 'chain mail' (which may be bought back in the normal way), Protection from normal and magical damage increases to 7,
This may be done again, but never more than one per Adventure or season, whichever is less and will increase both types of Protection by 1. Each new sacrifice of EN costs twice the the previous one, so the third one would cost 4 EN, the fourth, 8 EN and so on.
Note: the 'chain mail' never protects against the special damage of a Specific Grievous Injury.
If the 'chain mail' is reduced because of a Specific Grievous Injury, then it may be repaired by pinning a live fairy to the torn section with an iron staple.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Feralie | Formerly living | Faerie Lore | 14,375sp | ![]() |
Demonskin Armour
Eric has had an Abysmal demon bound to his soul. This has been done in such a way that it cannot be readily detected by those who are aware of such things. This does not make Eric undying or immortal. On his final death, the demon will dissociate itself from his form and eventually re-manifest in the Abyss. While the demon is so bound, however, the armour has the following properties:
-2 AG, Weight Factor is 6 and Stealth is penalised by 5.
7 Protection and 7 Damage Reduction, so completely protecting against a FT blow of 14 or less.
Each adventure or season, whichever is less, Eric can 2,500 Experience on this armour, thus increasing his EN while wearing it. He can, similarly, spend 5,000 Experience on the armour to increase his PS while wearing it.
While in his armour, Eric is always considered to have resisted Disintegration, Dark Spheres and similar magic. The armour does not protect against Light Spheres.
White Dwarf
- At a cost of 5 FT, Eric can increase his density according to the schedule below:
PS & EN | Weight | NA | Experience |
5 each | x 2 | 1 | 5,000 |
10 each | x 3 | 2 | 10,000 |
15 each | x 4 | 3 | 15,000 |
20 each | x 5 | 4 | 20,000 |
- So, for example, he must have bought 5 EN and 5 PS before he can buy the first level of increased density. Once he has, his weight will be multiplied by the number indicated, and his Encumbrance may have to be recalculated.
- During the White Dwarf effect, his skin and hair turn white, and lasts until he ends it or the next dusk, dawn, noon or midnight.
Once a season, Eric can use the Demonskin Charm:
- The phrase 'That is not dead which can eternal lie' must be uttered three times, once per Pulse and within a minute of the first utterance. This is a Free Act but cannot be combined with a Cast Action. If it succeeds, all of Eric's armour and damage reduction (except for his Natural Armour) fades away. At the same time, his skin (but not his hair) turns black for the duration of the charm, which is 6 Pulses.
- While under the charm's effects, Eric cannot suffer Specific Grievous Injuries, nor may his head and limbs be torn off by creatures with enormous strength.
- Damage is not subtracted, however a square root function of each discrete source of damage is taken instead. This means that if 5-9 damage was taken, 3 would be inflicted, from 10-16 damage, 4 inflicted, or from 82-100, 10.
If Eric buys more PS or EN than he has Ranks in his Individual True Name, his armour will manifest in a demoniacal way, i.e. blue scales and hide, legs that bend backwards, horns, hooves and a tail.
The demon can devour so it may be possible for Eric to upgrade his armour. Devouring something with a spirit will alter Eric's Individual True Name so that he will be forced to Rank it again.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Formerly living | Demon Binding | 35,000sp | ![]() |
Serendipity's Dark Armour
- Valaraukar Scale Mail (1 EN + 7 Darkness)
- If the mail is worn over Serendipity's Dark Armour, it provides the following properties:
- -2 AG, Weight Factor 6 and -5 Stealth. These values are inclusive of the ones provided by the Dark Armour.
- 7 Protection which, combined with 8 Damage Reduction from the Dark Armour means that it completely protects against a FT blow of 15 or less.
- While wearing the Valaraukar Scale Mail, Serendipity is always considered to have resisted Disintegration, Dark Spheres and similar magic. The armour does not protect against Light Spheres.
- If the Dark Armour is not worn beneath the Valaraukar Scale Mail, it will devour the wearer.
- Dark Nymph Silk (1 EN + 1 Darkness)

- If the silk is is worn beneath the Dark Armour, then it will morph into a formfitting catsuit of dark silk which has the following properties:
- Weight Factor 1, +15 Stealth, inclusive of the Dark Armour's properties.
- 8 Protection and 8 Protection from spell damage. This will stack with the Burnt Sienna Dress (if worn over the catsuit) to 11 Protection and 8 Protection from spell damage.
- Valaraukar Shield (1 EN + 10 Darkness)
- Weight 3 lbs 4% Def per Rank.
- This Valaraukar hide, when supported by Serendipity's Shadow Shield Talent, will band her Rank in Shield damage into Elemental Darkness. Since her Rank in Shield is currently 4, this means that the first 4 points of damage per Pulse are deflected into Darkness. This only applies to damage that attacks through her front hex. The banding will be overwhelmed when she has banded her Rank in Shadow Shield (20 currently) into Darkness, and will not be available to Serendipity until after the next midnight.
The shield stacks with the catsuit and dress or with the scale mail. The scale mail overwrites the effects of the catsuit and dress.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Formerly living | Demon Binding | 35,000sp | ![]() |
Annis Skin Armour

This leather armour has a weight factor of 3, adds 10 to the wearer's Stealth and subtracts 1 from AG. It provides 6 points of Protection and 3 points of Damage Reduction and therefore completely protects against a FT blow of 9 or less damage.
It may be repaired by an Artisan: Leatherworker of Rank 6 or an Armourer of Rank 4 who will charge 600sp per point of Protection repaired.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Butchery | 14,500sp | ![]() |
Robes of Woven Dreams
These robes may be cut down to anyone smaller than a human. The weight factor is 1.
They provide 10 points of Protection vs normal damage, and 12 points of Protection vs spell damage. It will not stack with any other armour, except Natural Armour.(1 EN + 9 Worm)
It has the following functions:
- The wearer may raise their MA and WP to racial maximums, whatever their current maximum, and FT may be bought without limit. They lose one PS for every characteristic so advanced. This may be bought back at a cost of 5,000 Experience. FT should be recorded in a separate track, since it cannot be used to absorb damage, and in fact, can only be expended in the performance of magic. (1 EN + 1 Worm)
- Once a day, the robes can be transformed into clothing suitable to the occasion, increasing the wearer's PB by 1 for every 3 Ranks in Courtier. Racial maximums cannot be exceeded. (1 Worm)
- It is a focus for the Disguise Illusion (S-5) of the College of Illusions, but the target of the spell is always 'Self'. (1 EN + 4 Worm)
- It is a focus for the Nightmare Illusion (S-14) of the College of Illusions. If the Phantasm spell is known, then it can be cast as a Nightmare Illusion instead.(1 EN + 8 Worm)
. A Nightmare cannot enter the area of effect of a Special Knowledge Counterspell of the wearer's college. If they have more than one college, then any of these counterspells will suffice.
There is one set of robes that Damien trades for the rings, any robes made bespoke by Morphia will have to be paid for as per the schedule in brackets.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Sparlainth | Formerly living | Dream Weaving | 22,185sp | ![]() |
Agate Amulet

This amulet of agate weighs 4 oz and must be worn openly around the neck to be effective.
This amulet will cure the bearer of any non-magical diseases as if they were being treated by a Rank 7 Healer. The necklace always tries to cure diseases in the order in which they were acquired. It has three charges. In the event that the amulet succeeds in its Cure Disease check, no charge is used. If the roll fails, a charge is used and the bearer is cured anyway.
Charges | ||
3 | 2 | 1 |
Once all of the charges are used, the amulet fades to a greenish dust.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Affliction | 3,000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Sustenance

This plain silver ring weighs 2 oz. It must be worn on the ring finger of the right hand to be effective. While this ring is worn, the bearer will not die from thirst or hunger, however uncomfortable such privation makes them.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Endurance | 5,450sp | ![]() |
Ring of Liberation

This plain silver ring weighs 2 oz. It must be worn on the thumb of the left hand to be effective. The bearer's base PS is doubled when they attempt to break free of restraint, webs, Hands of Earth or similar forms of containment. PS bonuses from magic or items are not doubled. Instead, they are added after base PS has been doubled.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Liberation | 8,500sp | ![]() |
Ring of Spell Deflection

If the bearer is right-handed or ambidextrous, this ring must be worn on the middle finger of the left hand to be effective. Otherwise, it must be worn on the middle finger of the right hand. It weighs 2 oz.
If the bearer has been specifically targeted by spell magic, then they may Break 100 + MA + Rank in Mana Sense, any success deflecting the magic away from them (not necessarily dissipating it, however). If the roll exceeds 125, then the magic is reflected to the caster. The may wield an object that weighs no more than 1 lb, or a shield that is about the size of a buckler in the hand they make the attempt at Deflection.
The attempt may only be made against spell magic that they are aware of. They are not entitled to attempt a Deflection if, for example, the attack approaches from a rear hex, surprise or the magic manifests unseeably. Nor is an attempt at Deflection allowed against magic that has a range of Touch or affects a volume or area.
In the event that a spell is Reflected back to the caster and they successfully Deflect it, a magical resonance is established between the original caster and the target. Any roll of 100 or more a Reflection. The bearer of the ring may choose not to make any attempt to Deflect, in which case they suffer the effects of the magic.
Although it takes no Action to use the ring, and the attempt may be made as many times as they are targeted by spell magic, the ring draws tiredness FT from its bearer whenever Deflection attempts are made. The cost is 3 at first, doubling on subsequent attempts. The cost resets at the end of the Pulse.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Deflection | 9,000sp | ![]() |
Improved Ring of Protection

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand.
The bearer subtracts 10 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
Whoever attacks the bearer by spell or weapon adds 5 to their die roll, making it less likely that they will hit.
In addition, it surrounds the bearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. These will protect the wearer so that the first 9 physical damage points the wearer takes per pulse are ignored. This does not work vs magical damage except for spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
If the wearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest effect will apply.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Protection | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Regeneration

This ring must be worn on the thumb of the left hand to be effective and it weighs 2 oz.
The magic of the ring allows an Adept to cast Trollskin on the bearer without having to prepare the spell. Of course, an Adept who is not aware of the magic of the ring may prepare the spell, anyway, without ill effect.
In addition, if the bearer suffered injuries that would require the arts of a Healer to repair or regenerate, then the recovery is time is halved. The bearer must have been wearing the ring at the time they took the wound(s).
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Regeneration | 17,875sp | ![]() |
Ring of Ice

This plain silver ring weighs 2 oz. It must be worn on the fourth finger of the right hand to be effective. It protects the wearer from the damage arising from cold or ice magic.
The bearer of the ring takes no damage if the amount is a number that ends in '0', e.g. 10, 20, ...1,000 etc.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Ice | 6,000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Keeping

This ring must be worn on the middle finger of the right hand to be effective and weighs 2 oz.
The bearer of the ring may pass any durational (but not concentration magic), beneficial spell that has targeted them into the ring, where it will remain until it expires. Stacking is not allowed, so the bearer cannot benefit from two Strength of Stone spells, for example. Magic held in the ring is not obvious, and can only affect the bearer. Magic that affects an area or other objects has no effect. If, for example, the bearer has passed an Immolation to the ring, then it will provide them with Defence but will not damage anything around them. A Detect Aura question to reveal the magic in effect on the bearer will not reveal magic passed to the ring, unless the ring is interrogated.
The ring will hold two spells for the bearer. The current ones must be counterspelled, or their duration must have expired before they can be replaced.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Abyss | Magical | Holding | 8,725sp | ![]() |
Lesser Ring of Jackals

This ring encumbers as if it weighed 4 oz and must be worn on the ring finger of the left hand.
The bearer is always considered to be in a rear hex when attacking in melee, even if they are in front of their opponent. This will not work against an opponent without rear hexes, unless the bearer is actually in their rear hex.
The effect is purely magical, and does not mean that the bearer's opponent can't seem them.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Feralie | Magical | Ring lore | Quest | ![]() |
Lesser Ring of Serpents
This encumbers as if it weighted 4 oz, and must be worn on the middle finger of the right hand
It was made from the Great Ring of Serpents and has these properties:
- The bearer may assume the form of a member of the Snakes entry in the Bestiary, or indeed, any non-sentient, non-fantastical snake that the bearer has encountered. The mental characteristics of the bearer while in the snake form remain the same, and these are MA, WP, PC and FT. Physical stats are the minimum for the creature. These are PS, MD, AG and EN. It is incumbent on the bearer's player to get a DM-signed record of the creatures stats in the case of a non-standard snake, however.
- The bearer always resists the Song of the Serpent.
Type of snake | Adventure acquired |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Feralie | Magical | Ring lore | Quest | ![]() |
The Narcissus Locket

This locket must be worn to be effective and weighs 2 oz. Inside is a crystal that holds an image of a figure staring at its reflection.
If a Ritual of Creating a Crystal of Vision is cast over the image, then the figure's appearance will gradually change over the course of a week or so to resemble that of the Enchanter.

Once a month, the locket may be used to create a duplicate of the Adept. As the duplicate forms, the Adept's appearance becomes less and less noticeable, PB either increasing or decreasing until the value reaches 11. This process takes about 10 minutes per point of PB. The duplicate's PB does not differ from the Adept's original value. However, the duplicate is magically more noticeable, the distinction measured by by every point the two differ. If the original and their duplicatem were to meet someone who knew the original, the duplicate would be accepted as the Enchanter and the Enchanter, themself, would likely be considered an uninteresting relative.
The duplicate has the same statistics as the original, but no magic or Skills. It will follow simple instruction and will likely be believed to be the original. If it is subjected to serious questioning, its responses will seem repetitive, stilted and rehearsed, whereupon the deception will likely be penetrated.
The duplicate is a material construct and has all of the normal physical properties of the Enchanter. It is not an illusion. It will appear on an ESP as a sentient, and will always appear to resist Telepathy spells. As a construct, its mind or personality cannot be affected, although its physical form can be. Its MR is equal to the Enchanter's base WP + 20. It cannot be Enchanted.
Telepathic inquisition is a special case. If the duplicate's "mind" is interrogated, then the Telepath must roll below ½ their MR vs E&E General Knowledge magic or find themselves subject to an hypnotic suggestion (as the Hypnostism spell of the Wiccan College) that they didn't know anything useful. If the telepath successfully resists the suggestion, then they are not affected by the suggestion, but even so, they are likely to believe that the duplicate successfully resisted Telepathy, rather than that they are a construct. The Rank of the Hypnotism is the same as the Enchanter's Rannk in Ritual of Creating a Crystal of Vision.
Divination, of course, will reveal the nature of the duplicate.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Face-dancing | 12,475sp | ![]() |
The Eye of Azure Flames

This disc looks like a mosaic of subtle shades of blue crystal, crafted into a shape vaguely reminiscent of an eye about 5 centimetres across and weighing 4 oz. In fact, it is the iris of a Balrog's eye. It may be worn as a brooch.
If the wearer has a Bound Fire in their service, they may use the brooch to cast Telekinetic Rage as Hellfire (they must touch the brooch as part of the Cast Action). While they remain within range of the Bound Fire (1 hex per Rank in the Ritual of Binding Fire (or similar magic)), the Adept may nominate a number of targets to be wrapped in searing blue flames. 1 target per 3 or fraction Ranks (thus, 7 targets at Rank 19) may be so afflicted.
These are the features of the spell:
- The flames are visible and blue.
- Each target's MR is reduced by 5 + Rank in Telekinetic Rage.
- The range is 10 ft (+5 ft per Rank in Telekinetic Rage).
- The spell inflicts is D10 (+2 per Rank in Telekinetic Rage) fire damage.
- If the Cast Check falls in the range of a double effect, damage may be increased by the Adept's Rank in Telekinetic Rage. If it falls in the range of a triple effect, damage may be increased by twice the Adept's Rank.
- If multiple targets are chosen, the target with the highest WP value is compared against the Adept's, as usual.
- It is an Actively Resistable spell, although Telekinetic Rage is not normally. Note, however, that the targets' MR is reduced by 5 (+1/Rank in Telekinetic Rage).
- The Rank of the Bound Fire is reduced by 1 for every entity who is successfuly wrapped in searing blue flames. When the Rank of the Fire falls below 0, the Bound Fire is exhausted.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Formerly living | Pyrokinesis | 14,550sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Stagger

This scroll has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Break 100: percentile dice + 3 x Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
- Break 100: percentile dice + 2 x Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
- Break 100: percentile dice + Adept's WP - target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 WP at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Power Word | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Shatterwill

This scroll has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Break 100: percentile dice + 3 x Adept's WP - target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
- Break 100: percentile dice + 2 x Adept's WP - target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
- Break 100: percentile dice Adept's WP - target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Power Word | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Speed

This scroll has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Add 4 to TMR for the rest of the Pulse.
- Add 2 to TMR for the rest of the Pulse.
- Add 1 to TMR for the rest of the Pulse.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Power Word | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Phylactery of Luck

This scroll has been itemised and remembles an iridescently green pin, weighing 4oz. Whoever wears it openly above their heart knows this Power Word.
- Subtract 4 from all percentile dice rolls for one pulse
- Subtract 2 from all percentile dice rolls for one pulse
- Subtract 1 from all percentile dice rolls for one pulse
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Power Word | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Portable Athanor

This alchemical device weighs about 20 lbs. While an Alchemist uses it, they are considered to be in their laboratory and can prepare an product that they have the resources for.
If they are actually in their laboratory, their effective Rank in Alchemy is increased by 1 and they can produce alchemical products in half the normal time. This does not allow a Rank 4 Alchemist to learn how to make products that they do not know how to create. It does improve the virtue of these products where appropriate.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Tanuel | Magical | Alchemy | 12,000sp | ![]() |
Spell Anchor: Darkness

This trinket is about 7 cms long and weighs 4 oz. It must be worn openly on the left forearm to be effective.
The trinket is a legal target for a Darkness spell which will become bound to it. This means that if the trinket is moved, the Darkness will follow it until the duration expires.
The volume of effect, however, is calculated differently. If the Rank of the Darkness is less than 10, then it will only cover the same hex as the trinket. If the Rank is greater than 10 but less than 20, it will cover a diameter of 15 feet centred on the trinket. If the Rank is 20 or greater, it will cover a diametre of 25 feet centred on the trinket.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Void | Magical | Meta-magic | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Belt of the Calamari

This belt is braided out of one or more Calamar tentacles, who, presumably, resented it. It weighs 10 oz.
The wearer gains a bonus of 5 to cast Telekinetic Rage, Force Shield, Telekinesis or Disruption spells.
- Telekinetic Rage
- The wearer may choose to create an instantaneous, magical storm that fills a cone emananating from them to a range of 15 ft (+5 ft/Rank), 5 ft (+5 ft per 3 or fraction Ranks) wide, with roiling, body-wrenching forces. All objects and entities that fail to resist, are hurled away from the Adept until they are out of the area of effect, or they strike a solid barrier.
- The storm inflicts [D - 5] (+ 1 / foot travelled) of magical damage and is inflicted once only, at the time of casting. The damage is not contingent on striking an object. Additional damage may be done on hitting a wall, entity or other substantial object.
- Telekinesis
- The belt can sustain one Telekinesis spell so that the wearer does not need to concentrate upon it. This sustained Telekinesis must be counterspelled or the duration expire for its effects to end.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Uranus | Formerly living | Telekinesis | 18,000sp | ![]() |
Black Knight

Each day, dawn to dawn, the bearer is entitled to teleport 15 hexes but no more than 5 in a Pulse. This takes no Action and behaves in many ways as if it were part of their normal movement, but with the following properties:
- This teleport is additional to their TMR but is not considered TMR movement.
- They can teleport in any direction, i.e. up, down, sideways, backwards.
- This teleport does not attract penalties that using TMR can. For example, the wearer could specifically choose not to use their TMR but teleport up to 5 hexes to deliver a melee attack with a non-pole weapon and not attract a penalty.
If the bearer should choose to teleport to a hex that they cannot see, then they must Break 100: PC + AG + WP. If they roll 125 or higher, they succeed. If they roll less than 125 but more than 99, they succeed but are Stunned. If they roll less than 100, they do not succeed and are Stunned.
If the bearer has special abilities or items that make them immune to being
Stunned, then they cannot make the attempt. Special abilities that increase the bearer's chance of recovering from Stun work as normal.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | House of Games | Formerly living | Void Dancing | 45,000sp | ![]() |
Pectoral Spell Rack
This pectoral weighs about 2 lbs and may be worn over any armour made of cloth or leather.
It is a Spell Rack and provides a bonus of +5 to percentile checks for any operation of Alchemy, Astrology or Healing.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Metamagic | 1,000sp | ![]() |
Wand of Mana Sense

This wand weights 8 oz and never holds more than 3 charges of Mana Sense. The wand may be recharged by use of the Investment Ritual. It must be wielded to be effective, but either hand can be used. Anyone not an Adept of the College of Naming Incantations must Trigger the spell. Namers, however, need only use a Magical Pass Action to release the effect.
Current Stats | ||
% | Rk | Duration |
73 | 10 | 55 mins |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Malkuth | Formerly living | Sense Magic | 3,000sp | ![]() |
Thurible of the Flames

This spherical brass thurible weighs 4 lbs. It provides a portable environment in which a Bound Fire can be sustained for its normal duration. However hot the Fire within the thurible, the outer surface is never more than warm.
It may be used by anyone but if it is not attuned by Lugnasad, it will irrevocably crumble to a greenish dust. The attunement cost is 1 EN, and this may be recovered in the usual way. If the thurible is passed to another, then this attunement is lost, and, again, the censer must be attuned by Lugnasad. Re-attunements by previous owners cost twice the EN they have already paid.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Hell | Magical | Holding | 15,675sp | ![]() |
Terry the Transvestite Street
Terry is an Immortal whose signature is Paths. He manifests as a street. The display windows of many shops line each side of the street, and in these windows are such things as mannequins wearing lumberjack shirts and colourful boas, or hardware tools swathed in metres of bright pink ribbons and bows. At the end of the street, there is a cabaret. On its facade there are pictures of a handsome, if heavily made up and scantily clad torch singer whose fishnet stockinged leg rests upon a chair.

Terry is truly alien, and conversations with him are usually stumbling and stilted. Over the millenia, he has shown himself to be gentle, brave, and about as useful in a fight as an open wound. He does seem to understand others, and with continued contact, can make himself understood. Sometimes.
Once a year, Sabrina can call upon Terry's services. It may take as long as 24 hours for Terry to respond to her call. If he does hear it, Terry will transport Sabrina and her companions to a place of their desire, if he can. The journey will take a day, and in general, can cross planes.
- Two conditions must be met
- He may only travel to or from places that are accessible by road, path, street or way. Places that are only accessible by trails or worse are inaccessible to him.
- He can only transport people to or from places that are proximate to the Astral. The Seventh Plane, for example, is not proximate to the Astral.
Date |
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Signature | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 810 | Beyond the Veil | Avatar | Paths |

Koch is a snowflake with the following stats:
PS: | 1 | MD: | None | AG: | 26 | MA: | 1 | EN: | 6 | FT: | 6 |
WP: | 21 | PC: | 14 | PB: | 23 | TMR: | 10 | NA: | None |
He is not a legal target for most spells, even though he is a sentient entity. Nevertheless, he can be harmed by spells that attack objects, volumes or areas.
Generally speaking, Koch will follow or be borne by Pent depending on the situation. He may reduce the temperature to 0°C over his megahex or reduce Pent's temperature by 1 gauge (+1 per 4 or fraction Ranks) in the Cold Affinity Talent.
When Pent is this cold, he is much slipperier than normal, and may escape from restraint by rolling a D10, adding his PS + (Rank in Cold Affinity/2) and subtracting his opponent's MD + (Rank in Cold Affinity/2). A roll of 1 always fails whereas a roll of 10 always succeeds.
Koch can also cast a Minor Telekinesis which operates as a Talent. This requires concentration and so Koch can only have one Minor Telekinesis can be in effect at a time. It will lift an object or entity of 3 lbs or less and move it at up to 5 TMR. The range is 15 feet.
If Koch dies or is sacrificed (requiring a Free Act), Pent may choose to replace any one of his stats with Koch's for the next 3 Pulses. If, for example, Pent has taken Specific Grievous Injuries that reduce his AG to 14, he may sacrifice Koch and take his AG value of 26 for the next 3 Pulses, after which time his AG will return to 14.
Koch reforms at dawn on Sunday if he has died or been sacrificed. Being a little unimaginative, he does not mind sudden, frequent or violent deaths.
Except for MD which cannot be raised at all, FT, which can be raised to 18 and PC which can be raised to 25, all other stats may be raised 5 more points. Pent pays the normal cost for these increases. No stat can be increased more than once per adventure or season, whichever is less.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Signature | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 810 | Sparlainth | None | Entropic |
Deepstreet Gallery

Deepstreet is a tunnel with ambition. He dreams of becoming a venue for the display of Art. He will happily communicate with anyone who can cast Speak to Stone, but he is always considered out of range of most other spells, even if he is adjacent to the centre of the effect. This does not apply to spells of Tunnelling or Earth Tremor. If he is caught in the volume of a Tunnelling or underneath an Earth Tremor, his length is reduced by the Rank in feet of the attacking spell. When his length is zero or less, he is destroyed.
If some of his length remains, he will regenerate 1 foot of length per day he 'rests' (i.e. not required to perform any tasks).
Braegon may summon or dismiss Deepstreet by casting a spell of Tunnelling.
Deepstreet is 10 feet wide and 30 feet long. Aside from the art on his walls, there are a number of stone benches that he would like to have upholstered in soft black leather. He would also like to have indirect lighting installed. He, his furnishings and anyone inside him move down at a rate of 200 yards per minute, horizontally at 150 yards per minute and upwards at a rate of 100 yards per minute. This movement is cumulative. He may never pass through Bound Earth, iron bars, or , indeed, a volume that has a 10% or greater metallic content.
Deepstreet has no special ability to see through the earth, although he can sense openings and obstructions as he becomes adjacent to them, and so can avoid dropping his contents into chasms or broaching watercourses, lava flows or the like.

One painting is special. It is a picture of three card players. The trio emerge from the painting at Deepstreet's whim to attend his visitors and remark upon notables works.
If an artwork by a great master is given to Deepstreet, and 1 EN sacrificed, another 10 x 30 ft length of tunnel may be added to the gallery. Once the configuration of the new tunnel is chosen, it can only be changed by providing another masterpiece, although alterations of existing tunnels require no EN costs. Extensions of the gallery, on the other hand, always do.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Signature | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 810 | Sparlainth | None | Chthonic |
The Formula of Creating a Great Emerald

The creation of a Great Emerald is a Masterwork Alchemical Operation for Rank 8, and on the first occasion does not cost Experience. Subsequent Emeralds always cost 12,750 Experience to create.
It takes eight weeks to make the Emerald and no other task can be performed alongside it. At the end of this time, if the Alchemist pays 12,750 Experience, the will achieve Rank 8 in that profession, if they are not already .
A Great Emerald can be cut to create one amulet of three different kinds:
The Amulet of the Voice
This amulet adds 15 to the Base Chance of any magic that Compels, Charms, Binds or Controls by use of the voice. It does not provide a benefit to a Ritual of Binding Wills nor Control Person nor Controlling Earth Elemental, although Hypnotism would be affected.
The Amulet of the Word
The wearer of this amulet may choose to capture the effects of a Power Word of which they are the target. They suffer none of the effects of the Power Word and can release it on their next available Magical Fire Action. The amulet will store the Power Word indefinitely until it is used, thus making it capable of capturing a new Power Word.
The Amulet of the Incantation
The wearer of this amulet may cast (if they know the spell) Compelling Obedience at a single target. If the target fails to resist, then they must obey the Adept's instructions. They are aware that they are under Compulsion, and usually harbour great resentment over it. If forced to an action which would put them at credible risk of their existence, they are entitled to another MR check. If they succeed, the spell is broken.
Alternatively, the wearer can cast Compelling Obedience at their usual number of targets, but they are treated as if subject to Mass Charming of the College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments. The amulet, however, does not change the College of the magic being cast.
Finally, any spell that Compels, Charms, Binds or Controls will have the duration enhanced to 1 day + 1day per Rank of the spell if it is cast as a ritual.
Three Emerald Waters are formed in the process, as well. These waters replace the components required to make potions that allow the imbiber to Communicate, Compel, Charm, Bind or Control by the written or spoken word.
Adventure | Season | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | 30,000sp |
The Iris and the Bough
This martial technique allows the practitioner to increase their damage by feinting and drawing their opponent into a position where they are more vulnerable. The practitioner must succeed in a Strike Check but choose to inflict no damage. If they forget and roll damage, then the technique automatically fails. If their next Strike Check is successful, then their damage is multiplied by 1.5, rounding fractions up.
This technique takes a week to learn, and costs 800 Experience. It may not be taught.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Martial technique | Quest |
Increased Gravity-Major Area of Effect
Name: Major Area of Effect
Spell: Increased Gravity
Effects: The spell has a large area of effect with a radius equal to the Rank of the spell in feet. In addition, darkness in the area increases to 40 + 2/Rank of the spell.
Cost: 1,000
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by two.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Hands of Earth-Long Hand
Name: Long Hand
Spell: Hands of Earth
Effects: This incantation of the Hands of Earth spell behaves in all ways as if it were a Spectral Hand of the same Rank except that it is not invisible. Instead, the hand is ethereal and translucently reminiscent of stone.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Name: Tremorsense
Spell: Tracking
Effects: The Adept can sense things that move on a contiguous surface that they share. If they are touching a wall, they can sense along the surface of the wall. They cannot sense through the wall, however, and neither does it let them discern the presence of immobile objects or terrain features.
The range of Tremorsense is normally 5 ft\Rank (minimum 5 ft). However, some terrain is less conducive than others, and the DM can require the Adept's player to Break 100: PC + 3 x Rank of Tracking + 2 x Ranger. The DM may apply further bonuses or penalties. The amount in excess of 100 is the range of Tremorsense over questionable terrain.
If the Adept learns to gait of a specific individual at a cost of 300 Experience, then they may identify them by use of this incantation.
The Adept may identify a particular type of creature (but not an individual of its type) if they Break 100: PC + 3 x Tracking Rank + 2 x Ranger.
Mobile objects and entites that are within range of Tremorsense may be targeted by magic, although not with ranged weapons.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Windwhistle-Gust of Wind
Name: Gust of Wind
Spell: Windwhistle
Effects: The wind summoned by this incantation of the Windwhistle arrives the following Pulse.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Trollskin-Minor AoE
Name: Minor Area of Effect
Spell: Trollskin
Effects: All legal targets that share the target's megahex at the time of casting benefit from Trollskin for the duration of the spell
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Name: Cannibalise
Spell: Trollskin
Effects: This incantation of the Trollskin spell can only be cast on the Adept. It will immediately inflict 1 Damage Point directly to EN (which cannot be avoided). If they are Quickened, then they lose the point of EN on their Initiative, and the next one at half that value. They receive 2 FT (which will restore FT lost to spell casting before that lost to damage) whenever they lose EN.
Since the Adept is under the effects of Trollskin, they cannot benefit from another casting of the spell (even a normal one). The incantation cannot be made into a potion. It will remain in effect until the duration expires or it is Counterspelled.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Hands of Earth-Earthgrasp
Name: Earthgrasp
Spell: Trollskin
Effects: This incantation of the Hands of Earth spell causes ethereal strands of elemental earth to rise up and enshroud the target(s). This increases their affinity with the earth, making them heavier and strongly attracted to the ground. Their PS is reduced by 2 (+2/Rank).
This incantation is less effective against creatures with more stability and leverage (quadrupeds and the like), who halve the PS penalty. Multi-hex creatures double their MR vs this incantation. These modifiers stack.
Flying entities that are no higher than 20 ft (+5 ft/Rank), but are otherwise in range of the spell (i.e. the targets are within range of Hands of Earth if they were on the ground) are considered legal targets. If the target is a natural flyer, and PS is reduced to less than a half of their racial average, then they will be forced to the ground. If they fly because of a spell, then for each Rank in Hands of Earth reduces the Rank of the target's flying spell. If the result is a number less than 0, the target is similarly forced to the ground.
Note: Flying quadrupeds etc in the air do not halve the PS reduction. Neither do flying multi-hex creatures double their MR vs this spell.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Name:Phantasm - Improved Damage Capacity
Spell: Phantasm
Effects: The amount of combined EN + FT of the Phantasm generated by the Adept's Rank is doubled.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 1.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Name:Quickness - Temporal Evasion
Spell: Quickness
Effects: In addition to the usual effects of Quickness, the Adept is able to revisit the the recent past and improve their fortune by rolling back time slightly as determined below:
Rank 0: Once Again - Reroll a failed percentile dice roll.
Rank 10: Second Chance - Reroll a failed percentile dice roll or reroll any percentile dice roll.
Rank 20: Triple Play - Reroll a failed percentile dice roll, reroll any percentile dice roll or require anyone within sight to reroll a percentile dice roll. This is not normally resistable.
These abilities are used at the player's discretion, not the Adept's. They may be used at any time in the pulse, regardless of the Adept's other actions or state of consciousness. They may not be used when the Adept is dead, however.
The amount of time that is manipulated is very small and so must be used directly after the roll to be adjusted is first made. Each of these rerolls may only be used once in any 24 hour period.
- Note
- This incantation of Quickness changes the target to 'Self'.
Cost: 5,000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 4.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Walking Unseen - Unremarkable Appearance x 3
Name: Unremarkable Appearance
Spell: Walking Unseen
Effects: The target of this incantation of Walking Unseen is not concealed by the magic. However, they are less generally noticeable. This does not entitle them to use Stealth in plain sight, but it does mean that if the target does nothing to attract attention, anyone who has seen them but does not recognise them will have to Resist or forget that they saw them. This MR check is penalised by the Rank of the Walking Unseen spell. If an observer successfully resists, then they may well remember the target if asked.
The spell always fails if the target does anything that would attract attention to them like drawing weapons or preparing spells. So will whistling, dancing naked on tables, or generally behaving inappropriately to the situation as determined by the DM. Casual physical contact, on the other hand, will not cause the spell to fail.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Mental Attack - Mind Blast
Name: Mind Blast
Spell: Mental Attack
Effects: This incantation of Mental Attack fills a volume that is 5 ft wide (+1 per Rank) and 15 ft long (+5 per Rank). Entities in the area are not knocked unconscious, but any who fail to resist find themselves confused and disorganised, and may not act until they have spent 1 Pass Action for every 3 or fraction Ranks. At Rank 20, this increases to a maximum of 8 Pass Actions. The incantation is still a Mental Attack, so Mind Shield provides the usual bonus.
If victims of this effect are attacked even if no damage is done, then they may Break 100: PC + WP + Sense Danger to recover their senses.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Disruption - Enhanced Damage
Name: Enhanced Damage
Spell: Disruption
Effects: This incantation of Disruption adds an extra D10 to the damage at every Rank that ends in 0 (Rank 0, Rank 10 and Rank 20). Thus, at Rank 20 the damage is 4D10 + 20. All dice are considered roll up dice.
Cost: 1000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Blackfire - The Black Rooks Castle
Name: Enhanced Damage
Spell: Disruption
Effects: This incantation of Blackfire can only be cast at a single entity, and never does damage nor can it cause fear. However, if the target fails to resist, then the Adept may swap places with them.
Cost: 2000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Blackfire - Enhanced Damage
Name: Enhanced Damage
Spell: Blackfire
Effects: This incantation of Blackfire inflicts an extra D10 is added to the damage at every Rank that ends in 0 (Rank 0, Rank 10 and Rank 20). Thus, at Rank 20 the damage is 4D10 + 20. All dice are considered roll up dice. Those who resist take half damage.
Any entity in the area of effect that fails to resist suffers a penalty vs fear equal to the Rank of Blackfire. This penalty lasts for five minutes or until successfully Rallied, whichever happens first. It does not cause fear in and of itself.
Cost: 3000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Blackfire - Black Lightning
Name: Disintegration
Spell: Blackfire
Effects: This incantation of Blackfire inflicts half damage on those that succeed on their MR, and any who have failed are treated as if they had been touched by a Dark Sphere. Any entity in the area of effect may Break 100 + 2 x AG or fall prone if they are in a state to care about such things.
Its effects on objects is devastating, the ravening arcs of the lightning tearing all non-metallic structures apart, leaving only ruin behind.
Cost: 3000 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2.
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Emerald Missiles
Range: 10ft (+5ft/Rank)
Duration: Immediate
EM: 650
Base Chance: 5%
Resist: Active & Passive (Save for half)
Storage: Investment, Ward, Magical Trap
Target: Entitiy, object
Effects: This spell fires a green missile of emerald energy that inflicts D10 (+ 2/Rank) damage damage on the first entity or object that it encounters. The Adept may target 1 entity or object for every 3 or fraction Ranks. Those that successfully resist suffer half damage. If the Adept rolls in the range of a double effect, they can increase the damage of the bolt by the Rank of the spell. If they roll in the range of a triple, they can increase the damage by twice the Rank of the spell.
The Adept must have a clear line of sight to target the missiles.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Meta-magic | Quest |
Dark Portals
Dark Portals requires the Souldark Staff
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple: 550
Base Chance: 10%
Resist: None
Storage: None
Target: Wall of Darkness
Effects: This spell is focused and may only be cast while the Adept holds the Souldark Staff. Dark Portals cannot be Ranked higher than the Adept's Wall of Darkness spell.
This spell is cast upon a Wall of Darkness, causing a portal to connect it to a previously cast Souldark Wall. The portal is about a metre wide by about 2 metres high, although it is somewhat elastic and large creatures can force their way through. Nevertheless, only one entity can pass through the
portal per Pulse.
Passing through the portal happens during the Pulse, and reduces the traveler's FT to zero. This is lost to exhaustion and cannot be healed back. The distance between Walls of Darkness can be no greater than Rank² x 50 ft.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Portal | Dark | Quest |
Fall Banding
Fall Banding
Range: Self
Duration: 30 minutes (+30/Rank)
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 40%
Resist: None
Storage: Potion
Target: Entity
Effects: Should the Adept fall while under the effects of this spell, then they will take no damage on striking the ground. Instead, the impact of the fall is transferred directly to the ground, the noise of which will be easily audible up to several hundred metres away, and leave a crater about 3 metres across. Although no damage is done, the Adept will be stunned by the impact.
If the Adept lands on terrain that they cannot Tunnel through (water, trees, entities), then they will take normal falling damage.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
The Face of the Deep | Summer 811 | Force Deflection | Demon Binding | Quest |