Alfheim Maps
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<= Return to Alfheim

- Most of the provincial borders follow natural features, but the provinces adjacent to Eidolon are noteable in that their shared borders follow the canals.
- There are few cross country roads in Alfheim, but a wide array of canals and navigable rivers which are used for travel and transport
(canal map in progress Summer 2010, RM) - The Elvandar western border is as far deep into the mountains as they feel like patrolling.
- The road through the pass from Elfenburg enters Alfheim in Winter Garden.
- The canal under the mountains from Borovia connects with the Fergensee/Passau canal.
- 250 miles ESE of Elsfield is the Inland Sea making Tac the nearest civilisation eastwards. There is no established trade route between them and, due to terrain, most travellers enter into Alfheim through southern Passau or Winter Garden.
A4 printable version
A4 grey-scale (the colour version does not print well in black and white)
GM Note: The originals of these maps are held by Rosemary Mansfield. They are in Adobe Photoshop and if you want a layered version to tinker she is happy to help.