Alusia-2 (sometimes called Ailusia) is a mirror-plane of Alusia.
Physically Alusia-2 is the same as Alusia-1. Same continents, same weather. The seasons are six months out, i.e. it's winter there when it's summer here. The politics, however, are vastly different.
In Alusia-2 the Church of the Holy Elohimic Empire rules the entire plane, and has done so for about 50 years. It has ruled the Western Kingdoms for about 400 years. The Church has eradicated the Drow and subjugated the Orcs, and has never heard of the Calamar. The head of the church is Pope Louis IV.
There are four main arms of the Church: the Michaelines, the Raphaelites, the Urielites, and the Gabrielites. The Church recognises and worships many Gods, all Elohim. The heraldic symbol of the church is a black four pointed star on a white background. The four points stand for the four arms of the church, and also for the four virtues Hope, Valour, Peace and Happiness.
On Alusia-2 the language, dress and customs are similar to Alusia-1. The coinage is similar enough to pass a casual inspection.
The equivalent of the Seagate Adventurers Guild is the Seagate Chapter of Adventurers, in Segate, Karzala. It was created by the Cardinal (the ruler of Karzala) as an arm of the Church of the Western Kingdoms. He used the Chapter to unite various warring mercenary groups, and once he had them united he used them to annihilate all enemies of the church and to conquer the entire plane.
Over the last two or three years the Chapter has been looking at other planes. The Chapter is run similarly to the Guild. Chapter members are not required to belong to the Church, as long as they swear loyalty to the Chapter. All Guild members have a duplicate in the Chapter, with the same skills, talents, experience and tactical ability. The only exception is that there is no Flamis-2. We guess this has something to do with her being the Eternal Consort.
Members from either organisation can physically pass as the members of the other. Ignorance of people and events will, however, quickly show up the deception.
The Chapter hires out as mercenaries, but most of its work is done for the Church - rescuing people, eradicating evil, and generally behaving as the SWAT enforcement arm of the Church. The Chapter seems stricter and more professional than the Guild. For example, the Chapter has no Stupidest Adventurer award, they prefer to "teach by instruction rather than reward stupidity."
The Chapter headquarters is a large cathedral complex. The current Cardinal is Phaeton-2 (just like Phaeton-1, except with a beard and a spine). He is very charismatic, well-liked man, and is very driven and hard-working.
There has been only one recorded account of contact between Alusia-2 and Alusia-1. A person from the Chapter encountered a Guild party about six months ago. The party concerned were quite loose-mouthed, and the individual learned a lot about us. The Guild believes this individual was Liessa-2, our client for the mission described below.
How did the Church gain supremacy? The current Cardinal used a device to travel back in time, and took a group of Chapter members with him to do over the Drow. While they were in the past Engalton killed the then King of the Western Kingdoms. The resulting power vacuum allowed the Church to take power. Was this an accident? Engalton only knows, and he's never told. The King's body was never found.
Taken from: The Alternate Adventure
Alusia-2 can probably be considered one of the Alternate Alusias, although it may no longer be easily accessed from other planes in the cluster.