Luther Luthier

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Luther Luthier

A practitioner of the trad. Hobbitish Industry of Finding — a.k.a. nicking stuff or what Gt-Aunt Hedera prefers to call ``reallocating neglected objets de virtue --- (the `for fun & profit' is implied). Also a mechanician, low-level ranger, artisan, etc. Not a Mage.

Luther is pronounced LOOT-er because previously lived in the capital city of Bowcourt for Generations.
The Hobbit family were Mechanicians patronised by and granted their Surname & charter to be Master Lutemakers (among other less formal confidential services) to the Royal Court — until unfortunate circumstances the blatantly political marriage of the current Head of State to the Duke (sorry, King) of Aquila disrupted How Things Ought To Be Done and, more to the point, who was doing them.

Now in AnteCarzala, on the highway North, The Hobbit clan now runs an Inn and related businesses Brewery/mill/Bakery/Mech-Workshops/etc, maintaining very close ties to various Seagate guilds.

Luther is played by Michael P.
Apologies for any incomprehensibility ... Lut'r has finally achieved Rank-7 common, but his spilling not so bien.