Ancient Cantrips

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Ancient cantrips are similar in many ways to standard minor magicks: they must be Prepared, cost 1 FT normally and the base Cast Chance is 3 x MA.


Range: 10 feet
Duration: Rest of the Pulse
Effects: The Adept may add their MA bonus (i.e. MA - 15) to the Cast Chance of another's spell. In other words, if the Adept's MA is 20, they may increase the Cast Chance of another's spell by 5. In addition, they may pay all or part of the FT cost for the other Adept.

Deep Breath

Range: Self
Duration: MA Pulses
Effects: The Adept does not begin to suffer the effects of anoxia until the duration ends. It may be cast underwater, but not again until they have taken another breath.


Range: MA feet
Duration: MA minutes
Effects: The Adept may conjure to their hand a light source of about the same size and brightness as a lantern in the central hex (20% light) a torch in each hex surrounding it (10% light) and a candle in each hex surrounding those (5% light). The lumen may be moved away up to MA feet away, and will travel with them.


Range: MA hexes
Duration: 2 Pulses
Effects: The Adept points their finger toward a creature within range and whispers a message. The target (and only the target) hears the message and can reply in a whisper that only the Adept can hear. The message may be sent out of line of sight if the Adept is familiar with the target and knows where they are. Magical silence or a solid wall blocks the cantrip.

Mothwings Go Spinning

Range: MA feet
Duration: MA seconds
Effects: The Adept points their finger at 1 object (only) that weighs less than or equal to their WP in lbs and causes it to spin over the area of a hex. The Adept may accelerate the object at a rate of 10 MPH each Pulse to a maximum of MA MPH. The object may be hurled at a target no further away from its original position than twice their MA in feet. It automatically hits the target and inflicts 1 rollup D10 - 9 + 1 for every 2 lbs that it weighs, minimum 1, can stun but never inflicts quality blows. Unless the target is unaware of the object being lofted at them, they will avoid it on a percentile roll equal to or less than 3 x AG.
The cantrip may be used to turn a handle or rotate a discrete object either vertically, horizontally or, indeed, in any orientation.

Shadow Shape

Range: Self
Duration: MA minutes
Effects: The Adept may alter their shadow so that it can be sculpted into various shapes and animated or to increase their Stealth by their MA - 15 for the duration. This effect will end when the Adept enters an area of 80+% Darkness or 95+% Light

Spinning Grass

Range: Touch
Duration: MA minutes x 10
Effects; The Adept may weave grass, leaves and twigs into homespun clothing of average quality. They will protect against the elements no better than normal clothing. Ranks in Artisan: Weaving and Tailoring may be added as a bonus instead of Ranks in Troubadour.