Tarquin ffiske. Marseille is not his real name but one made up on the spur of the moment for a town guard, is irresponsible - handsome opportunistic, a gambler, artist, and fop. Mostly focussed on self preservation, he is prone to rash opportunistic high risk behaviour.
He is a human 17 years old tall, thin with long red hair & as his precarious finances allow, garbed in the cutting edge of affectation (fashion).
He uses his mind mage, spy & thief skills to help him gamble, seduce I & sell information in order to finance his wardrobe & dissolute lifestyle.
His father, a respected small landowner of a military background, before disinheriting him & casting him out for the final and last time, made sure he knew how to ride a horse & use a sword - probably to assist in escaping / defending himself against creditors & angry fathers/ husbands.
His social status is not as high as he claims but he can pass as gentry He is a 5th son.
Marseille has painted: A portrait of a giant golden dragon in its lair on top a treasure pile. This painting will convince all others of Marseille Mastery & has other magical powers. A fresco of Arawn god of the Hunt in manly pose. work in progress). A giant goblin centaur with lance (Work in progress). Lothar the Manticore dining. Lila au naturel (adventurer).