Sams Recuperative Draft

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Revision as of 08:19, 6 March 2014 by Andreww (talk | contribs) (now available at Rank 11)
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Sam the Ork is selling Earth Mage Recuperative Drafts, which are identical to Witchcraft Restoratives, except that you can negotiate the flavour in advance. Currently he only makes them at up to Rank 11, so some flavours are still in development.

The flavours below are adapted for racial palates. Select your race and thirst level, and the table below will provide a flavour and recommended (FT gain / EN loss). Crossed-out flavours are not yet available due to current rank limitations. The cost is 550sp for those with silver; rough conversions to native currencies have been provided.

Race Cost Slightly Dry Moderately Parched Highly Dehydrated
Elf 2 guineas + tip   Lemon, Lye and Bitter (8/4)     Moonshine and Faerie Dust (14/7)     Absinthe (20/10)
Halfling 1 cart of bread   Shards of Shandy (10/5)   Thornapple Cider (16/8)   Small Beer and Salty Nuts (22/11)  
Human 550 sp   Best Bitter (12/6)   Brandy Snaps (18/9)   Whisky very Sour (24/12)
Dwarf 45 gs   Stout and Steak (16/8)   Rum and Razorblades (22/11)   Vodka and Vermin (28/14)
Orc 8 good swords   Brew and Spew (18/9)   Blood and Bone (24/12)   Backstreet Mugging (30/15)
Giant 1 Bull + 1 Cow   Landslide Homebrew (20/10)   Fire 'n' Ice Mixers(30/15)   Old Troll Special (40/20)  

Custom Cocktails

Other races, and patrons with specific needs, can create a custom cocktail. Simply pick any alcoholic base, pick a contrasting flavour, and select your required strength (up to Rank 11, of course). More contrasting flavours are listed below.

Intrinsic Organic Alchemic
Bile Foxglove Aqua Regia
Blood Hemlock Arsenic
Pus Monkshood Cinnabar
Spit Nightshade Ground glass
Sweat Carrion Naphtha
Tears Dung Quicksilver
Urine Maggots Saltpetre
Vomit Venom Vitriol
  • New Flavour: Hallucinogenic Pixie Dust, made from real Hallucinating Pixies.