Opposed Rolling Combat

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A proposed change to DQ combat to introduce rolling against your defence instead of subtracting it from SC. And other tweaks and changes bundled with it.

Opposed Rolling

Quality of Rolls

Current Rules
Fumble (99-100), Fail, Success, Endurance (15%), Spec Grev (5%)
Fumble (> 90 + weapon rank), Fail, A Success, B Success (40%), C Success (20%), D Success (10%), E Success (10% of BC - 100), F Success (10% of BC - 200)

Charts are available to make it easier to look up the quality of result based on a dice roll and BC, it is recommended that players have the dice roll required for B-F for their main weapons pre-calculated on the character sheet.

Reasons/rationale for change
To get more variety in the results of the opposed rolls and have it less binary, additional levels of success are required.
Change from 5/15 to 10/20 is because the numbers are easier to estimate on the fly.
E & F introduced as an additional benefit for excellence.

Qualities of Defence

Current Rules
Defence is a modifier to Strike Chance.
The defence is a roll that is made using the defence of the character as the Base Chance.
An equal quality defence stops an attack
A successful but lower quality defence reduces the quality of an attack
A successful and higher quality defence may result in a riposte.
Proposed Tabular results
Attack Cols
Defence Rows
Fumble/Fail A B C D E F
Fumble/Fail Miss A Success B Success C Success D Success E Success F Success
A Miss Miss A Success B Success C Success D Success E Success
B Miss Miss Miss A Success B Success C Success D Success
C Miss Miss Miss Miss A Success B Success C Success
D Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss A Success B Success
E Riposte 1 Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss A Success
F Riposte 2 Riposte 1 Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss
Proposed numerical resolution
Attack gives a result from 0 - 6, Defence gives a result from 0 - 6. Subtract Defence from attack to get a numerical result.
Positive is some level of hit (refer results below)
0 is a 'miss'
a negative number is a 'miss'. Unless the defender is evading, in that case, remove the negative and treat the result as a level of hit back against the attacker.



A critical fail.

Current Rules
A fumble is 'resisted' by rolling under your engaged IV with the weapon. Results are determined by rolling on the fumble table.
The recipient of the fumble chooses one of these results:
  • Costs 3 FT to recover from the fumble
  • Weapon becomes un-prepared/dropped.
  • Weapon is damaged (-1 damage mod.) - requires Weaponsmith/Magic to repair. For a defensive fumble, Shield -3% Def or Armour -1 AP.


A Success (1)

No change from current 'Fatigue Hit'.

B Success (2)

Proposal 1
'Fatigue Hit' with the damage increased by 5 or 10
Proposal 2
'Fatigue Hit' with the first damage dice automatically being 10
Proposal 3
Standard damage, normal armour protection applies, any damage in excess of AP is deducted from Endurance instead of Fatigue.

C Success (3)

No change from current 'Endurance Hit'

D Success (4)

'Spec. Grev.'
Proposal 1
'Endurance Hit' with the damage increased by 5 or 10 and potential 'Spec. Grev.'
Proposal 2
'Endurance Hit' with the first damage dice automatically being 10 and potential 'Spec. Grev.'
Proposal 3
No change from current potential 'Spec. Grev.'

E Success (5)

Proposal 1
As per 4 but no EN Armour.
Proposal 2
As per 4 but no EN Armour.
Proposal 3
Guaranteed Spec Grev - as per Spec Grev except that you roll on the Spec Grev chart until you get a valid result for your weapon class.

F Success (6)

Proposal 1
Maximum EN damage, no EN Armour, and potential 'Spec. Grev.'
Proposal 2
Maximum EN damage, no EN Armour, and potential 'Spec. Grev.'
Proposal 3
Guaranteed Spec Grev as above, with the first damage dice automatically being 10


A miss by more than 30% against an evading opponent, D + Defenders Weapon Rank - Attackers Weapon Rank, etc.
Proposal 1
Riposte 1 from the chart above is an A Success result back against the attacker.
Riposte 2 from the chart above is a B Success result back against the attacker.
Proposal 3
If the defender is evading, a negative number is treated as that level of hit back against the attacker.


Only some specific Spec Grev results cause bleeders.
Proposal 1
Results 3-6 (C - F) also cause bleeders
Proposal 3
No change

Armour Damage

Potential Spec Grev results damage armour and reduce Protection by 2.
Results 3-6 (C - F) also cause armour damage. C -1 AP, D -2 AP, E -3 AP, F -4 AP.

Defence Calculation

Magic + AG + Shield (+ Warrior)

Front hexes: AG + PC + Shield bonus + Magical Defence. (Greater Enchantment is NOT applied.)

Rear hexes: AG + Magical Defence. (Greater Enchantment and shield are NOT applied.)

Side hexes: count as Front hex on shield side, and Rear hexes on off-shield side.


  • Rank zero bonus = 5 x the listed book value.
  • The Maximum Rank of Shield is increased to 5.


Add 10% + 4 * weapon rank to defence vs melee. +20% to defence vs ranged.
Increase defence vs melee by another 40%. I.e. 50% + 4 * weapon rank to defence vs melee.

Defensive Withdrawal

Add 20% defence and step back 1.
Add 50% defence and step back 2.





Ranged Aiming

Add 20% SC, EN/SG change to 20/10%.
Add 20% and -5 dice modifier.

Trip, Disarm, Knockout

The following attacks are aimed at specific locations, and are effectively replacements for Trip, Disarm and Knockout, respectively.
  • Damage is reduced by 10 for all Location-Specific attacks
  • Grievous damage is always to the specified location. A specific grievous result (4 or more) means the location is unusable.
Location Weapons allowed Combat result level 2 Level 3 or more
Hand 2 handed hafted or any pole 2 x AG or drop carried items 1 x AG or drop carried items
Foot Any, although GMs might exclude dagger and shield 2 x MD or trip and fall prone 1 x MD or trip and fall prone
Head 2 handed weapon or any C-class weapon 2 x EN or be stunned Automatically unconscious if any EN damage

Close Combat


Action Declaration and Timing
