Drow invasion

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The Drow invasion of the eastern continent. Some helpful facts.

After millenia of largely doing their own thing and not being a major nuisance the Drow city states of Terra Nova have banded together and staged an invasion of (to them) the Eastern Continent.

How are they getting here?

By every means imaginable. Most of them are comming across by ship either in Galleons very similar to those of Destiny or on giant floating island fortresses known as black arks. Like this one Star of Naggaroth. They're also using the old portal networks, astral travel and teleports. The ships are bring most of the rank and file and nuts/bolts of the invasion while the more esoteric methods are dropping elite groups of trouble makers in wherever they can get to.

What are they?

Drow, like their elven cousins are not a prolific widespread race. As a result actual units of regular drow soldiery are rare. The majority of their forces are made from their human subjects and whatever mercenaries they've scrounged up. Of course being fabulously wealthy and magical they have hired practically every bad boy in the multiverse currently out of work. The Drow are mostly present as elite units, mercenary employers and 'police' units to keep humans at bay. A drow force can thus consist of well, almost anything you want. Tailor them to the PCs capabilities. Low levels can run into poorly equipped, low moral human militia while a mile away Sabrina and co. can slug it out with elements of a Dragonarmy and Chaos Warbands.

Why are they here?

Beats us. Um, they want to? Er, they've been talked up by some charismatic rabble-rouser with a bunch of astrology readings and a lot of that ol' kin-slaying rhetoric. Of course now the city lords and aristocracy are committed they can't back out. There's honour at stake and they've called in too many markers that need paying, preferably in loot from The Western Kingdom and Alfhiem. The stars are right too.