Keshah's Award
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Keshah has spent 10 weeks on adventure and may advance Talents by 10 Ranks. By virtue of the magicks of the Bishop's library, she has 20 normal weeks of training which can be spent on the acquisition of 'knowledge'. Skills affected are Alchemy, Astrology, Mechanician, Philosopher or Herbalist. Training in these Skills is compatible with training in magic in this particular place.
Salvage: 17,563sp
Less Guild Tax: 8,237sp
Experience: 39,080
Rune Stela

This vaguely rectangular stone is about 1 metre high and about 30 centimetres wide. It is hollow and weighs 12 lbs. The geode must be split in half and carved with runes representing the current location, the destination and the gate rune. An Adept whose Rank in Runes of Sight or similar magic is equal to or higher than the Rank of Creating Rune Portal successfully Divines the destination of the stela. If the ritual is successful, anyone touching the stela will travel to the matching half of the geode, such travel reducing their FT to 0. This is lost to exhaustion and cannot be healed back.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Rune | 1,000sp | ![]() |
Greater Healing Potion
This potion weighs 6 oz and may be drunk without requiring a Prepare Action, so long as it is attached outside armour.
If half of it is drunk, it will Heal D10+7 deficit, curing EN first, then wrapping to FT. If all of it is taken, it will cure 3 D10 + 14.
Valuation: 2,000sp
Potion of Protection vs Order
This potion weighs 4 oz and is robust. It requires a Pass Action to prepare. Whoever drinks it ignores the first 12 points of damage each Pulse from any source that is considered to be an expression of Order. This special protection will refresh at the beginning of the next Pulse.
The effect lasts for 22 minutes.
Valuation: 6,500sp
Wolves Blood
Rank 10 Herbalism
This unusually large draught weighs 12 oz, requires a Pulse to Prepare and a Pulse to drink.
The effects lasts for D10 + 10 minutes if the imbiber is size 8 or greater, otherwise D10 + 10 Pulses. For that period, the imbiber's Strike Checks are modified according to the following table:
Result | Effect |
Fumble | Miss |
Miss | Hit |
Hit | Blow directly to EN |
Blow directly to EN | Possible Spec. Griev. Inj. |
Possible Spec. Griev. Inj. | Possible Spec. Griev. Inj. x 2 |
Two Possible Specific Grievous Injuries may be inflicted unless the DM rules such a resolution makes no sense.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Blood/Wolf | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Rune Scroll
Converse with Spirits
Chance: 82%
Effects:The reader inscribes the Converse Rune and a Rune representing the target spirit on their face. Should they successfully cast this spell they will be able to 'converse' with a single spirit which is within 70 ft and falls within the Rune of representation. For example, the Adept could use a rune representing lesser undead, and then any ghost or other lesser undead could answer, or use a number of runes to represent say Girden Bloodaxe, a fallen dwarven warrior. Then, if the spirit of Girden is within 70 ft then only he would answer.
This spell does not compel any spirit to answer any question and if they do answer then it does not compel them to speak the truth.
The effects of the scroll last for 65 minutes.
Binding Spirits
Chance: 82%
Effects:This section of the scroll contains instructions on what the reader must do to complete a Ritual of Binding Spirits. The ritual requires that the reader possess the skull of the spirit they wish to bind, and the spirit must be present (e.g. within 100 hours of death, the body has been preserved by a Healer, the spirit is held in a spirit trap, the spirit has remained on plane as a greater undead or ghost). The reader must spend four hours etching the skull with Runes to bind the spirit. Note that although they may not resist this ritual, the spirit may, should they be able, attempt to disrupt the ritual, even slay the reader.
Upon successful completion of the ritual, the spirit is bound to the skull and may not leave unless and until the skull is destroyed. Although a bound greater undead would be able to drain anyone who touched the skull, in general the bound spirit will be unable to affect the material world. The Adept can use the Spell of Converse with Spirits to question the spirit, and may gain useful answers / advice should the spirit have any expertise in the area. Although the spirit cannot lie it may refuse to answer and can mislead by omission or neglecting to correct false assumptions and the like. A backfire result destroys the skull and the Adept’s Endurance value is reduced by (D-5) (minimum 1) points which may only be recovered by the expenditure of Experience Points. The Adept will be unable to attempt to bind that spirit again.
NOTE:Unless the spirit has some reason to wish to remain as an adviser it is unlikely to be happy about being kept trapped on this plane
Modify Aura
Chance: 82%
Effects:This spell allows the Adept to able to modify the aura strength of any one object or entity that is within 65 ft. The target object may be up to 260 cubic feet. The strength of the aura increases or decreases by up to 4 levels on the table below. This spell does not alter the target’s aura in any other way, and lasts for 13 hours.
Aura | Equivalent |
0 | No Aura |
1 | Magic (magical wall, illusion) |
2 | Formerly Living Composite (chair, stew) |
3 | Formerly Living (dead orc, log) |
4 | Non-Sentient Animates (stone golem)and Non-sentient Undead (skeleton) |
5 | Living Plants (rose, oak) |
6 | Living Animals (dog, cat) |
8 | Sentient Animates (flesh golem) and Sentient Undead (vampire) |
9 | Living Sentient (human, sphinx) |
10 | Long Living Sentient (dragon, titan, elf) |
15 | Avatar (material form of a Demon, etc.) |
Valuation: 8,000sp
Invested Gems
These gems have the listed Base Chance. It is modified by the user's Enchantment, not the investor's. A gem may have different spells invested in it.Once the last Invested spell is used, it becomes a standard gem of its valuation.
Gem Valuation 4,000sp
Wall of Stone Rk 10 BC 50%
Hands of Earth Rk 20 BC 85%
Tunneling Rk 15 BC 55%
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Tanuel | Magical | Meta-magic | 14,200sp | ![]() |
Bronze Sabre

This bronze sabre has been forged for someone of size 8 or and weighs 15 lbs. It requires PS of 29, MD of 15, has a Base Strike Chance of 70% and the Damage Modifier is 9.
If the Strike Check is in the range of a Possible Specific Grievous Injury, but the roll is outside the range for a B Class weapon, then a second roll is allowed. The first Specific Grievous Injury is assigned, the wielder cannot choose.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Tanuel | Magical | Cruelty | 8,000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Protection

This plain ring weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The wearer subtracts 10 from the die roll whenever they attempt to resist magic, making it more likely that they will succeed. It does not increase Magic Resistance.
In addition, it surrounds the wearer with 11 unseeable pentagonal planes of protection that float around the wearer on all sides. These will protect the wearer so that the first 7 physical damage points the wearer takes per pulse are ignored. This does not work vs any kind of magical damage, although it can be applied to damage from spells like Diamond Javelins, Ice Bolt or Ice Projectiles. Nor does it protect against hits directly to EN or Specific Grievous Injuries.
If the wearer has some similar means of protection, then the greatest protection will apply.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Lands of Chaos | Magical | Protection | 15,000sp | ![]() |
Ring of Willpower

This ring of strange blue metal weighs about 2oz. Its magic will only be effective if it is worn on the index finger of the right hand. The ring does nothing directly, except that it allows the bearer to buy 5 more points of Willpower, to a maximum of 23. Once the ring is removed, the Willpower thus raised is not lost. However, no one may benefit from wearing the twice. Once it is taken off, it never provides any benefit to that bearer.
- Note
- Several adventurers have come to an arrangement about who can carry the ring. At the moment, the current bearer is ___________________________,
played by __________________________, - cell: ____________________________.
- The next bearer will be _____________________________________
- cell_________________________
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Willpower | 10,000sp | ![]() |
Spinning Top

This top weighs a remarkable 2 lbs. It is about 15 cms high, and perhaps 2 cms at it's widest. It appears to be made from amber.
It is a legal target for a Darkness spell, but instead of shrouding the toy, it becomes heavier, its weight being multiplied by the Rank of the spell (minimum 1).
If the owner sacrifices 1 EN to the top, then it only ever weighs 4 oz, and they can use it in all ways as they might a top. Of course, anything else that hasn't sacrificed EN to it will find that it weighs much more.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Spin | 7,000sp | ![]() |
Spell Rack - Keshah's Casting Board

This slate casting board weighs 2 lbs and is a Spell Rack,
Keshah may Prepare a spell taking 10 minutes and writing its runes on the board. At some time in the future, Keshah may cast the spell written on the board without requiring a Prepare Action, erasing the runes on the board.
If the board gets wet or the runes are wiped or defaced in some way, this special Preparation will be lost.
Only spells whose Rune is 'Touch' or greater may be written on the board. The Greater Heart Rune is not allowed, either. In addition, the range property of the Prepared spell is set to 'Touch' if it weren't already.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Meta-magic | 4,000sp | ![]() |
Copper Scroll: Of Discipline & Mental Fortitude

24 hours after this scroll is opened, it will crumble to a greenish dust.
Whoever reads from this scroll for 4 hours must permanently sacrifice 3 EN (which may be bought back in the usual way). From then on, they may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | None | Discipline | Quest | ![]() |
Sacrifice-Ephemeral Will
Name: Sacrifice
Spell: Ephemeral Will
Effects: The duration of the spell is changed to Concentration: no maximum.
Cost: 2500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT by 2
This incantation is not teachable.