Menhaden Island

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Menhaden Island is an island near West-Capital, the political capital of the Dragonfolk, a militaristic hybrid human/elf race found in Purple. It was visited during a Fact-eliminating mission.

There is a single town on the Island, which is 57 miles SW from West-capital's harbour entrance. Contours on the map are at 200'. The 'lake' is sea water, mostly less than 50' deep, famed for its oily fish — considered "sweet-eating" and excellent fertilizer. Current population is about 100 citizens. Historically the island used to support about 1,000: mostly fishers but also lizard herders and bird-hunters. At the height of the season, after the rainy season, there used to be as many as 3,500 people on a fine day — given its closeness to the capital, it was an ideal day-trip or short stay holiday for citizens with free time. The birds are now even more plentiful; the lizards are mostly gone (eaten by townsfolk or birds), and the vegetations has grown back vigorously. Even on the lea side of the island, the town is sometimes exposed to the SW wind if it blows; although the shallow harbour usually remains calm in most winds. However, being so near the equator, there are often. Probably the best place for the new Lighthouse would be on the 'mountain. There is a small, covered reservoir on the east side of the "mountain", usually sufficient for the town these days.
