Warp Gate

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Warp Gate

Range: Rank squared x 10 miles (min 10 miles)
Duration: 10 mins x Rank (min 10 mins)
Experience Multiple: 550
Base Chance: 1% (+ Rank in Second Sight, if known)
Resist: None
Storage: None
Target: Area
Effects: This spell allows the Adept to travel to one of their port crystals that is within range. A greyish,roiling vortex appears in front of the Adept, twisting off in the direction of the crystal, fading after about 30 feet or so.
The gate is one hex wide. The Adept can increase this by spending three FT per additional hex, making it wider. In general, a multi-hex creature will need a gate as wide as the number of hexes they occupy, although the DM can rule otherwise. Entering the gate strips all travellers of FT.
The gate closes after Rank number of entities enter it or the Adept, whichever comes first. The Adept can dismiss the gate at any time. Travellers exit in the order they entered. There must be space for them to do so, otherwise they and all subsequent travellers will be instantly returned to their point of origin.
For ease of calculation, the distance is covered at a rate of 60 miles per hour x Rank. However, although the travel takes time, the distance is not actually traversed. Nevertheless, the wormhole's path must be unimpeded, it cannot pass through barriers like closed doors or windows, etc. Nor may it intersect or become adjacent to any ferrous metal.
This spell will only work in places where there is gravity or something that closely approximates it. It is not affected by the presence or absence of the Astral, the Ethereal, the demi-plane of Shadow, etc.
The Adept will need to have at least one port crystal to make use of this spell. Such a crystal is usually spindle shaped and about the length of a dagger. It will weigh about two lbs and cost 1,000 sp to buy. The points must be shod in metal, and bronze is often chosen. Ferrous metals may not be used.An Arithmetician of at least Rank 8 must have performed the appropriate calculations upon it to correct for any internal flaws. This operation taking at least a week and they will charge 8,000 sp for their labours.
At the end of this time, the Adept must sacrifice a point of WP, which they may recover by spending 5,000 Experience.
An Adept may have as many port crystals as they like.
This spell is not teachable.

Adventure Season Plane of Origin Nature of Magic College of Magic Value GM
Teleportation Sorceries of the Mind Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376