2006 Minor Fixes

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Minor Changes made in the 2006 Rulebook are listed in this external file.

Suggested Edits

The items below were suggested as changes to the 2004 Rulebook. A number code has been added to show the action taken.

I have not yet moved unresolved items to Noticed Rulebook Issues. --Errol 13:44, 9 Jun 2006 (NZST)

9 indicates change applied to 2006 Rulebook. Note 8 means obsolete or already fixed, 0 is change rejected, 5 is document-wide review to be done, 7 is transferred to Noticed Rulebook Issues.

7.7 Backfires - rewrite this sentence

"The Backfire Table (§53) is just one of many possible tables, and the GM may make free of any other table they possess."

  • 0No longer required


Consistent use of main gauche vs main-gauche

  • 9main gauche applied
    • 55.1 EP Weapons table line 3
    • 56.1 Weapons table line 2
    • 56.2 Shields table last line

Non-College Magic

  • Geas reworded to use 'target' and 'geased entity' rather than the mixture of terms in 2004 Rulebook.
    • 9Checked and applied

17 Namer

  • 7Reword 17.4 General Knowledge spells re learning new colleges (June 03)
  • 7Review Disjunction wording (March 04)
  • 7Review Forbidding wording
  • 7Review Spell barrier wording (Thu 15/12/2005 17:09)

28 Skills

28.1 Acquiring and Using Skills

  • 9New text after "left to the discretion of the GM.": Some skills have additional requirements (e.g. literacy) before learning some ranks. Check each skill for details.

29 Adventuring Skills

  • 9Col 1 Para 1 - remove the word 'who' from the line 'tutor who with'
  • 9Col 2 - Both Rank 5 entries in Horsemanship and Flying should read "May fire a missile weapon or cast a spell while moving" - also fixes misspelling of missile.
  • 8Swimming - reword final sentence
  • ensure Adventuring exceptions clearly explained everywhere they should be.
  • link to mounted combat section of combat (and vv)?

32 Artisan

  • 8Col 3 first example - 'kkill' should be 'skill'
  • 0Col 3 para after third example - should be 'bonus may be applied'
  • 8Col 3 fourth example - 'where' should be 'were' and 'with the a' should be 'with a'
  • 8Col 3 last paragraph - 'tool kit' should not be hyphenated.

45 Ranger

  • 9Bottom of Col 2 - 'The know how' should be 'They know how'

48. Troubadour Prestidigitation

9uses 'Minor magics' rather than the current 'Cantrips'.

Minor edits to skills

  • 36 9Courtier - col 2 - the word 'blackmail' should not be hyphenated.
  • 37 9Healer - col 1 paragraph 1 - new sentence after 'not common', and use 'However' vs 'but even so'.
  • 43 9Navigator - col 1 para 2 - 'sea creatures' should not be hyphenated
  • 47 Add a cost for Lockpicks for thieves as there is currently no cost for them
  • 48 Troubadour - Changes in section on Bardic Voice
    • 9line 2 - missing space between 'see the'.
    • 9line 3 - missing space between 'and the'
    • 9line 11 - missing space between 'When the'
    • 9line 12 - misspelling of 'enthrall' (enthral)
    • 9line 27 - missing space between 'of the'
  • 49 Warrior
    • 9Paragraph 1 - 'with the need' should be 'without the need'
    • 5Paragraph 1 - ' a mixture of 'practice' and 'practise'. Please check. - throughout doc
  • 50 Weaponsmith
    • 7Gilding gives no magical benefit (see history 1.1), either remove ref or make clear that it is for show only.

Tables etc

  • 51 8Grievious Injury table - entry 12 - misspelling of 'which'(whcih)
  • 52 8Fumble table 52.2 - entry 13 - 'rolled a minimum' should be 'rolled minimum'
  • 52 8Fumble table 52.2 - entry 00 - remove 'to perform' after 'hastily elect'.
  • 54.1 8Fright table - entry 76-90 - comma after 'Once broken out of it'
  • 54.1 9Fright table - entry 91-95 - comma after 'On recovery'
  • 54.1 8Fright table - entry 96-100 - comma after 'On recovery'
  • 54.2 8Awe table - entry 91-95 - comma after 'On recovery'
  • 54-2 8Awe table - entry 96-100 - comma after 'On recovery'
  • 55.2 8Skills - note A - misspelling of 'adventuring' (adventurering)
  • 56.1 Weapons - note F - mention 3 darts in one hand?
  • 56.1 8Weapons - note Q - misspelling of 'until' (util)
  • 56.1 8Weapons - note Q - 'victim is head' should be 'victim is dead'
  • 56.3 8Armour - note on weight - '0.5 should from' should be '0.5 from'
  • 57.2 Special Damage
    • Note that table contines?
    • Update note re fumble
  • 57.4 Combat Equation Summary
    • review formulas included, and that they reflect the relevant rules


  • 4.2 9point 3. "Modified Ability" should be "Modified Agility".
  • 5.7 9Becoming infected. Split the first paragraph into two sentences to read "The chance of becoming infected depends on the entity's health, the type of injury, and the environment the entity is in. Modifiers are cumulative, but only one is applied from each category."
  • 6.5 9Ranking Skills
    • Old text: The EP costs for ranking Skills is listed in the rulebook.
    • New text: The EP cost for ranking each Skill is listed in table &55.2
  • 6.6 9Ranking Adventuring Skills
    • Old text: Experience Point costs are set out in the rulebook. The Maximum Rank in all these Skills is 10.
    • New text: The EP cost for ranking each Adventuring Skill is listed in table &55.2. The maximum rank in each of these Skills is 10, except Knowledge only has Rank 0.


  • 9 - 8Names and Auras - col 1 - mispelling of 'continuous' (continuos)


  • Binder - 9Shaping Clay Golem. Remove the word 'Base' after the sentence ending 'lifeless face'.
  • Namer - 9Divination - 'upto' should be 'up to'
  • Air - 9Gliding - last sentence - change 'make flying' to 'make a flying'
  • Air - 9Knockout Gas - last sentence - insert a comma after 'duration expires'
  • Air - 9Whispering Wind - 'affect' should be 'effect'
  • Earth - 0Summoning Animals - insert comma after 'or call'
  • Earth - 9Wall of Iron - S-12 should be S-13
  • Earth - 9Smoking Magma - 'ever pulse' should be 'every pulse'
  • Fire - 9Infravision point 2 - 'may identified' should be 'may be identified'
  • Fire - 9Infravision point 3 - capitalise 'Fire' in 'fire College'.
  • Fire - 9Cleansing Flame - Remove the word 'Spell' from the title.
  • Fire - 9Cleansing Flame - 'scaring' should be 'scarring'.
  • Fire - 9Fireball - 'and are' ahould be 'and there are'
  • Fire - 9Wall of Fire - 'pillar fire' should be 'pillar of fire'
  • Fire - 8Ritual of Summoning Lesser Efreeti - 'for a themselves' should be 'for themselves'
  • Fire - 9Ritual of Summoning Lesser Efreeti - "rider 's" should be "rider's"
  • Ice - 9Iceberg 'contract' should be 'contact'
  • Water - 9Waters of Vision - 'If user' should be 'If the user'. ALso missing final full stop.

See Also

<= Rules