St Charles

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Vassal of Independent Republic
Status Democratic Republic
Location Off the West Coast of Southern Alusia (35°S 0-10°W)
Geography Island...
Population ~?
95% Human
Major Towns









Trade and Commerce

History and Events

798 WK

San Carlos saved?
A recent Guild Party has managed to destroy a group of Drow pirates operating out of St Charles (San Carlos), under the orders of the King's Mistress of Raniterre. These Drow have committed numerous crimes such as piracy, kidnapping, murder, torture, pauperizing the Duchess of Avenal, and destroying the protective magic of San Carlos.
They also had links with one Juan Diaz of Liberation City, and were to be used by him in his imminent overthrow of El Presidente.
Adventurers heading to the vicinity should be aware that the current political situation there is very shaky, and Civil War could break out in San Carlos and/or Raniterre at any time.
There is evidence that a large Destinian fleet is in the vicinity.

- Issue 22 - Spring 798

Destiny to attack St Charles?
For the past 3 weeks a Warfleet from the Destinian Empire has been on manoeuvres in the waters near the Republic of St Charles, an island about 100 miles off the coast of Raniterre (35 degrees South). A guild-member speaking for St Charles issued the following statement:
Until a generation ago, St Charles (then called San Carlos) was a colony of Destiny (then merely called the Marquisate of Calatrava). Several noble Destinian families had winter haciendas and banana plantations on the island, and they ruthlessly enslaved the local peoples. Don Pedro the Bloody, the last governor of San Carlos was a tyrant whose vicious rule was overthrown by a populist movement, which also adopted Common as the national tongue because of the diverse cultures in the region.
The current President, widow of her predecessor and hero of the War of Independence, has held office for the past 30 years. She did win the last election with a record 130% of the electorate. Obviously this is a slight clerical error, but it shows, in principle, her enormous popularity. The next elections may be held later this year.
It is believed that Destiny is behind mysterious acts of violence occurring in the Jungle, and it is feared that they will invade St Charles. Although no-one has yet been stopped by the fleet, all movements to and from the island paradise have been closely monitored by the rapacious Dons. As yet we have no definite proof that recent ships which disappeared were not captured and sunk by the Dagos. An anonymous guild-member, with Destinian connections, said the following in reply:
King Carlos has no designs on San Carlos, despite its violent history. The so-called republic is clearly an unsavoury, corrupt regime, and always has been; perhaps because of the known orcish blood which is common amongst the islanders. Several Destinians of note were murdered during the armed insurrection, and their properties sold to ex-pirates for weapons to maintain the rebel cause. However, an official Amnesty was declared decades ago and the Unpleasantness of That Time has long since been forgotten. There never was any slavery, enforced or otherwise. Indeed many plantation labourers or personal servants loyally worked for the same families for generations; some were even distant relatives of the plantation owners. All the inhabitants were protected by Destiny's fair and just laws.
Whereas now, it is well known that the president and her cronies has never set foot outside those luxurious estates on the North Coast whilst intimidation, graft, and corruption reign supreme in the so-called capital city.
We are in the Gulf of Raniterre at the express wish of the Duke of Avenal who is concerned at the loss of several local vessels. Despite San Carlos's extensive chocolate-trade (a well-known Drow luxury) and the strange magical goings on, especially in the jungle, we have no specific intention of invading San Carlos; however any nation indulging in piracy will face the stern wrath of Destiny.

- Issue 21 - Winter 798