Tomsk is the western-most district of Ruska.
The Western Ruska district known as Tomsk is divided into 16 provinces. Roughly North-South, they are:
P1 Perlarsk
Thoroughly infested with Swordsworld troops.
P2 Mukutaloi
No forces have returned since the end of the first month of Summer. Elves and Swordsworld in likely conflict.
P3 Narim
Thoroughly infested with Swordsworld troops.
P4 Tiskini
No forces have returned since the end of the first month of Summer. Northern half occupied by Swordsworld troops.
P5 Prikina
No forces have returned since the end of the first month of Summer. Thoroughly infested with Swordsworld troops. Central Army near Sungorov communicates with Central Hub, Termakova, (Narim), (Perlaksk), (Pakina), Tomsk. Also Eastern army North of R.Tchet. Also Western army South of Kargalinska.
P6 Termakova
Not heard from since start of Breeze. Elves have seized the western half.
Western Army near Termakova communicates with Sungorov, Central Hub, (Mukutaloi).
P7 Tomsk
- Tomsk (town)
- Capital of Province and District.
- has not been heard from since start of Breeze
- Important crossroads, downriver from Kuznetsk
- Liberated, Day 58 Autumn.
- Has Stables, Foundry, Armourer, etc. Built additional Barracks.
- Can produce Medium Cavalry, Horse Archers, Heavy Men at arms.
Central Hub communicates with Termakova, Sungorov/Tiskini, Tomsk, Marinsk, Kuznetsk Hub, Barnaul, Malisheva, Eresna, Kolivan.
P8 Marinsk
Swordsworld army retreated from the east through here to Tomsk, having been defeated by Imperial troops.
- Marinsk (town)
- Taken Day 6 Winter.
Eastern Army near Marinsk communicates with Marinsk, Kuznetsk Hub, Central Hub, Tomsk, (Pikina). North of R.Tchet, also Sungorov. North of R.Tchulima, not Central Hub.
P9 Eresna
Not heard from since mid-Breeze, may be OK at start of Fruit.
- Eresna capital liberated, ~day 40 Autumn. Province liberated day 9 Winter.
- Kolivan
- Flourmill.
P10 Kuznetsk
North of Tashtagol, east of Malisheva and Eresna, south of Tomsk, south-east of Termakoya and Tiskini, south-west of Marinsk.
- Kuznetsk (town)
- Near border with P14 Tashtagol.
- On the Tom River
- On Busk to Tomsk road, and upstream of Tomsk.
- Faith established east training camp.
- Barracks, Stables, Fletchers, Weaponsmith, Armourer, Officers Mess, Orphanage, Yak Corral, and Granary built.
Kuznetsk Hub communicates with Central Hub, Marinsk, Tashtagol, Tcheynsk Hub, Busk, Barnaul.
P11 Malisheva
West of Kuznetsk, North of Kachina.
small lakes
N-S road on E border (with P10)
- WordSmith established supply lines and west training camp Barracks, Fletchers.
P12 Kachina
West of Bamunl, south of Malisheva.
Has road to SW of district
P13 Bamunl
West of Tashtagol and North West of Tcheynsk.
Mountains and forests
- Bamunl (town)
- Capital
- On road to and upstream of Kolivan
- Busk
- On road to Kuznetsk
- Upstream of Bamunl and Kolivan
P14 Tashtagol
East of Barnaul, south of Kuznetsk, north-east of Tcheynsk.
Mostly forested and reasonably mountainous.
- Tashtagol (town)
- Capital of province.
- General Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich based here.
- Sandipsk
- On road between Busk and Kuznetsk
- Upstream of Busk
- Supply dumps, wagon trains from central Ruska and Hindia deliver to here.
- WordSmith established supply lines and Flourmill, Boatyard.
P15 Tcheynsk
South-West of Tashtagol
Mostly forested and reasonably mountainous.
Tcheynsk Hub communicates with Krasnoiarsk, Kachina, Barnaul, Busk, Kuznetsk Hub, Tashtagol, and the SE passes.
P16 Krasnoiarsk
South of Tcheynsk
Southern most province of Tomsk, mostly forested and reasonably mountainous.