Ashur Asafe

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Ashurasafe is a man with a reputation, which reputation you uncover differs with each being involved. To some he is known for his 'MK I Teleport potion' which teleported you 1 mile away and then back 1 minute later (which by all accounts was better than his 'MK 0 Teleport potion' which randomly sent you places (some of which took months to walk/fly back from).

A man of talent who should be taken very carefully. It is thought that he is a member of the Alchemists Guild of Seagate.

His home for many years, near the border of the Greenwood in Brastor was destroyed during the depredation of the Dark Circle. His current whereabouts are unknown, though probably in either Seagate or Sanctuary, where is talents are in demand.

GM: Micheal Young