Greater Undead

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Greater undead include all those undead who have the ability to drain life force from the living of this plane.


Natural Habitat
Crypts, Ruins
Very Rare
Mummies are undead beings whose life-force has been sustained through elaborate magical rituals performed by the being while still alive. Mummies generally do not immediately become active after their death, instead requiring the passage of great amounts of time (for more details, see Comments, below). When they do finally activate, mummies emerge from their deathly sleep in a state of near mindlessness. However, their condition improves with time, eventually becoming fully aware and sentient by the tenth year of their undead existence. Mummies generally appear to be zombies, though beings that can detect magic will be able to clearly and easily distinguish them quickly. They smell like rotting flesh, and generally attract the attention of flies.
Mummies are the by-product of magical structures, rather than any sort of curse or ritual. In order for a mummy to be created, the corpse of an Adept must be interred into a suitable structure. A suitable structure are those structures that can absorb and focus the ambient mana of the world and environment, such as pyramids, ziggurats, specially prepared crypts (usually involving obelisks or other mana-gathering monuments such as standing stones), or any other structure of internment that the GM deems suitable. The corpse to be transformed is placed in a location that allows them to receive the unique magical focusing efforts of the tomb, where it rests for several decades (or longer). At a certain point, a critical amount of absorbed mana is reached, whereupon the corpse re-animates, becoming a mummy. Note that only adepts can become mummies, though once activated they will not regain their magical capabilities for some time.
These creatures may use any and all human skills, talents, and magic that they knew in their mortal life, though they cannot access these abilities until they achieve some degree of sentience. In general, they will be at least Rank 10 with whatever College of Magic they studied while alive. They can use weapons, wear armor and carry shields just as they did when they were alive. Their touch is frighteningly chilled, and any character that comes into contact with a mummy suffers D+1 damage. This damage is never absorbed by normal armour.
Movement Rates
Running 150
PS: 30-40 MD: 10-12 AG: 6-10 MA: 20-30 EN: 28-35 FT: 30-40
WP: 25-30 PC: 20-30 PB: 1-2 TMR: 4 NA: None
Mummies are treated as humans for all purposes in combat, except that they cannot be harmed by non-magical weapons. In addition, the touch of a Mummy causes D+1 damage, which cannot be absorbed by mundane armour.

Night Gaunt

Natural Habitat
Caverns, Crypts, Ruins
1-5 (2)
Night-gaunts are similar to wights, but weaker. They may be created whenever a wight drains the last point of Endurance from a sentient or whenever a entity dies while still under a geas or oath. Unlike other undead oath-breakers, they will not seek to fulfill their oath in death. Instead, they will serve evil in all ways. They wax and wane substantial in the same manner as wights.
Night-gaunts are similar to wights and are usually found nearby a controlling wight. A night-gaunt can not create another night-gaunt or wight. Night-gaunts can only be harmed by magic or silver edweapons.
Night-gaunts possess the same talents and skills as they did when alive, but they cannot use any magics except Celestial Magics. They can use weapons, armour and shields just as they did when they were alive.
Movement Rates
Running: 250
PS: 10-20 MD: 10-18 AG: 5-15 MA: 15-30 EN: 10-20 FT: 10-20
WP: 20-25 PC: 20-30 PB: 3-10 TMR: 5 NA: None
Night-gaunts are treated as all ways as human when in a substantial state except that they cannot be harmed by normal weapons. A night-gaunt may drain the life-force of any entity with whom they come in contact. Draining damage is never absorbed by armour.
Drain: [D].


Natural Habitat
Caverns, Crypts, Ruins
Very rare
Spectres are undead beings half of this world and half of another plane. They enter this world most fully at night and may disappear entirely during the day. If exposed to direct sunlight, they permanently dissipate. Spectres are humanoid in shape, but tend to show an easily discernible blue glow when viewed in the shadowed areas they prefer.
The characteristics and power of spectres varies in direct proportion to their substantiality. The same spectre that has a PS of 3 at noon would have a PS of 25-30 at midnight. A spectre cannot physically harm a character while insubstantial. They can perform magic. Except for the few hours when the sun is highest, the spectre may choose whether to be insubstantial. It takes a spectre 1 minute to change between these forms. Spectres can only be harmed by exposure to direct sunlight or by magic. Magic does not affect spectres while incorporeal.
Spectres may possess the entire gamut of human talents and skills. They are also Dark Celestials. Their touch is ice cold and any character coming in contact with a spectre will be drained. A character who dies by being drained by a spectre becomes a half-strength spectre.
Movement Rates
Running: 300
PS: 3-30 MD: 3-25 AG: 10-20 MA: 17-30 EN: 20-30 FT: 25-35
WP: 20-30 PC: 20-30 PB: 3-20 TMR: 6 NA: None
Spectres have no natural weapons other than their touch. They never use weapons. Draining damage is never absorbed by armour.
Drain: [D + 3] Endurance.


Natural Habitat
Anywhere (prefers Caverns, Crypts, Ruins)
Very Rare
Vampires are human (or humanoid) beings who have entered the netherworld of "life-drinkers." They support their existence by drinking the blood of the living (or recently dead) members of their own species (but not necessarily their own race). A character becomes a vampire only by performing a Ritual of Becoming Undead or by being killed by a vampire who drains the character's last point of Endurance. A character that dies in this manner rises at sunset of the third day after their death in the form of a vampire and must, thereafter, be treated in all ways as a vampire. Once the character's last point of endurance has been drained, the character may not normally be resurrected or prevented from becoming a vampire. They may be destroyed in the same way as a vampire once they rise from the dead, but not before. Vampires always appear to be the age they were at when they became vampires. All physical wounds or disfigurements during life are, however, removed. A character may sometimes be prevented from becoming a vampire by being pinned in their coffin by a stake driven through the heart.
A humanoid character bitten by a vampire becomes under the control of the vampire that bit them if that vampire has any remaining capacity to control their victims. Otherwise, they become a vampire under no one's control. A master vampire may control (Willpower / 2) vampire minions. A vampire's control over their undead victims is not total and the victim has a 10% Base Chance of successfully disobeying any order of the master vampire which would lead to their injury or destruction or which would prevent them from feeding. This is increased by 5% for each additional minion. Control requires no concentration.
Vampires retain all magical and racial skills acquired during their life and may learn any number of new skills. They lose all magical knowledge except Mind magics. All vampires are automatically Mind mages. An Adept retains any Rank they achieved with Mind magics.
Vampires have the following special skills:
  • They can change shape between the following forms: bat, rat, wolf, cloud of mist or their "natural" human shape as a pass action.
  • Vampires are hypnotically attractive to members of their own race.
  • They possess most of the characteristics that they did during their life except that their Physical Strength and Willpower are both increased by 50% (round up).
  • Vampires are not harmed by weapons other than silvered weapons. They may be harmed (but not destroyed) by magic.
  • They gain the ability to summon control and communicate with all common land mammals and are especially adept at communicating with and summoning bats, rats and wolves. This talent works like the appropriate general knowledge Earth spells and ritual, with a Base Chance bonus of +20%.
  • The Kiss of the Undead allows a vampire to create a telepathic bond with a living victim by forcing the victim to drink blood from an open wound over the vampire's heart. They will both have a limited knowledge of each other's thoughts and location until one is destroyed.
  • When a vampire feeds, they transfer either Fatigue or Endurance (their choice) from their victim at a rate of 1 per pulse. A vampire feeds by entering Close Combat with a character and drinking their blood (only possible with armour of leather or lighter), or by hypnotising the character into allowing them to drink the character's blood using a Spell of Hypnosis. Characters hypnotised by a vampire will not resist a suggestion that they allow the vampire to feed on them, and will loosen armour if greater than leather.
Vampires have the following disadvantages:
  • Vampires lose 1 point from Fatigue, then Endurance, each hour, replenishable only by feeding.
  • Vampires do not cast a shadow.
  • Their reflection does not show up in a silvered mirror.
  • They may not cross running water (streams, rivers, and the like).
  • They must sleep from sunrise to sunset in a bed of their own gravedirt.
  • Vampires only enter an inhabited dwelling if invited by its inhabitants.
  • Relics and holy items associated with the Powers of Light are repellent to vampires. So is garlic. They will not willingly come in physical contact with such items and will tend to flee them or at least stay 10 feet or more away from them.
  • Vampires suffer [D - 5] damage from the touch of consecrated objects, but will become infuriated and attack instead of fleeing their presence.
  • Vampires fear dogs with angel eyes (dark circles around the eyes) and will generally flee from them.
Vampires cannot die. They can be destroyed in the following manner:
  • By direct exposure to sunlight.
  • By being staked through the heart while in their coffin.
  • By hearing the crow of a cock at dawn while out of their coffin.
  • By having their heart pierced by a silvered weapon.
  • By failing to replenish Endurance through feeding.
A character that becomes a vampire can not normally participate in the game; and if allowed, would operate under severe limits. They would, for example, be unable to travel during the day except while locked in a coffin. They would be prevented from entering certain dwellings, travelling over consecrated ground, etc.
Movement Rates
Running while in human form: 300. The Movement Rates for other forms (bat, rat and wolf) are as per the creatures of the same name.
PS: 15-30 MD: 15-25 AG: 15-25 MA: 15-25 EN: 15-25 FT: 20-30
WP: 25-30 PC: 20-30 PB: 12-25 TMR: 6 NA: None
Vampires may fight unarmed, but also may use weapons. The older vampires have had much time to master the arts of combat. They have no special weapons except their ability to drink blood.


Natural Habitat
Caverns, Crypts, Ruins, Rural
Wights are a form of ghost. They normally appear in their human form, but vary in substantiality in direct proportion to the time of day. Bright sunlight makes them fade into the spirit world while moonlight and starlight increases their corporeality. When in a corporeal state (usually just after moonrise), they are capable of harming humans just as if they were alive.
Wights are individuals who have died under a geas or oath that they have been unable to fulfil in life. Often, they are bound to a specific place by an oath to protect that place. They are often found guarding burial sites, especially where treasure is buried along with the body of the master the wight has been set to guard. Only magic or silvered weapons can harm a wight and these things can destroy it. An individual whose last point of Endurance is drained by a wight becomes a night gaunt upon the next moonrise, but will have all their normal characteristics halved and will exist under the control of the wight who killed them unless that wight has been destroyed. When a wight is destroyed (by magic or silver), all night gaunts under the wight's control are also destroyed.
Wights may exhibit any and all human skills and talents. They may use magic, but are limited to the Celestial College at Rank 10 or above due to their unique status as beings who themselves wax and wane substantial in direct proportion to the power of celestial bodies.
Movement Rates
Running: 250
PS: 15-30 MD: 15-25 AG: 10-20 MA: 15-30 EN: 10-25 FT: 15-30
WP: 20-30 PC: 20-30 PB: 3-7 TMR: 5 NA: None
Wights are treated as human when in a substantial state except that normal weapons cannot harm them Wights have no natural weapons other than their touch. They can use weapons, armour and shields using the ranks they gained while alive. Draining damage is never absorbed by armour.
Drain: [D + 2].


Natural Habitat
Caverns, Crypts, Ruins, Rural
1-10 (l)
A wraith is much like a wight in that they appear as humans and tend to wax and wane insubstantial. However, a wraith dissipates entirely in full sunlight and may never reform. Consequently, wraiths stay in dark areas where the sun does not penetrate and only come out at night. The natural pallor of a wraith is replaced by a silvery aura in bright moonlight when its power is at its height.
A wraith may not be harmed by weapons (including enchanted weapons). It may only be destroyed by magic spells or by exposure to direct sunlight.
Wraiths cannot harm living beings by physical means, nor can they engage in any physical skills. However, a wraith can, when its power is high, perform Celestial Magic at Rank 8 or above. Even at their most substantial, they are not otherwise physical beings.
Movement Rates
Running: 250
PS: 2-5 MD: 2-5 AG: 25-35 MA: 15-30 EN: 15-30 FT: 20-35
WP: 20-30 PC: 20-30 PB: 5-20 TMR: 5 NA: None
Wraiths have no natural weapons other than their touch. They never use weapons. Draining damage is never absorbed by armour.
Drain: [D + 4].