Yellow Dragon

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Natural Habitat
Anywhere (prefers Caverns)
Very Rare
Yellow dragons have yellowish scales. Note that when seen from distances of 100 feet or more there is a 50% chance that this dragon will be mistaken for a golden dragon, and vice-versa.
Yellow dragons have a particular fondness for gold over gems and other items of value
General abilities for all dragons, as noted above. Yellow dragons also use all magic of the College of the Mind or the College of Illusions at Rank 15 and all counterspells at Rank 12.
Movement Rates
Flying: 700, Running: 300
PS: 280-320 MD: 20-22 AG: 18-20 MA: 24-27 EN: 80-90 FT: 110-140
WP: 26-32 PC: 27-30 PB: 14/6 TMR: 2-4 NA: Top scales absorb 11 DP
At Range, a yellow dragon may use its transfixing gaze or fear, in addition to its dragons-fire or windstorm. They may breathe a cone of fire 60 feet long by 30 feet wide as a Fire action [D + 1] times per day.
In Melee, a yellow dragon can attack with two claws, a bite and a tail swipe without penalty. In Close, a dragon may roll on all opponents in its hexes.
Breath: BC auto, [D + 12], Ranged, Melee & Close.
Bite: BC 60%, [D + 10], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Claw: BC 45%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank ?.
Tail: BC 65%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank ?. Trip.
Roll: BC 80%, [D + 15], Close, Rank ?.