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The Seagate Sun Sport Times goes to print!

Dear Loyal Readers,

The Seagate Sun Sport Times soon going to print. It's going to be a speed and whiskey fuelled journalistic marathon. No Truths will go undiscovered, no Innocent will be left unscarred, nothing is too Horrific to go unprinted, we are on a deadline driven mission.

Submit your articles today!

Sebastian and Ishmal


The Seagate Sun Sport Times needs you!

Dear Loyal Readers,

Its not too late for all you pretty ladies* to pose for the page three Illumination! Just turn up to the Silverfoot gallery any evening and ask for Sebastian. Remember to wear loose clothing, and feel free to bring a friend.

The presses are not yet assembled so feel free to contribute any overheard information or unsubstantiated rumor! Confidentiality assured.




  • Orc and Dwarves need not apply.

Articles Required

Dear Loyal Readers,

As part of the new editorial make over the slogan 'Fair and Balanced' will now be used to indicate that no partisan politics, religious ideology or racial bias is contained in our reports and that any reader who feels there is such is plainly wrong, stupid, orcish or all three. No more long multiply page articles. Short and snappy word bits are the new order. Nobody cares about in depth reporting when third hand rumors will suffice. The editors feel that the public has the right to know any information about a person, especially if it is scurrilously, defamatory, intrusive or even plainly false.

With only a few weeks to go until the presses begin printing you'll need to begin your articles as soon as possible! Remember we pay good money and confidentiality is assured!

The application process for the page 3 girl begins soon, more details to follow. (Dwarves and Orcs need not apply)



Investigative Journalism

Dear Loyal Reader,

While looting the files at the "Seagate Sun Sport Times" offices have come across an interview with Gokolan Neumenour, of GoK to his friends.

Investigating this individual further we revealed this self confessed vampire is the current front runner for most nominations AND winner of 'Stupidest Adventurer' award. We at the "Seagate Sun Sport Times" are sure fellow adventures have dirt to spill on this adventurer and are willing to pay good money for any anecdotes you can provide us.

Send us any good dirt on this walking disaster, or anyone else, to us now! Confidentiality is assured!

Sebastian and Ishamael



Were Back!

Following the sudden and unexpected illnesses that is predicted to befall the current editors of the Seagate Time, two of the previous award winning editors have generously stepped in and publish issue 54.

Sabastian Silverfoot, proprietor of the 'Silverfoot Gallery', and Ishamael, owner of La Croix Enterprises, are taking over the print press. They were responsibly for numerous prestigious articles; "The Best Brothel Guide to Seagate" and "How to score with Elves" but to name a few. They regret that Bleyze, the creator of the Seagate Times and the man that taught them all they know, was unable to join them back at the print press.

Sabastian said the editors were "looking forward to picking up where we left off , and promise to put the 'T' back in Tabloid. Bring us your muck, rumors, innuendo and insinuation. Mail them to us or post them on the notice board!"

Sebastian and Ishamael