Kirazian: Generals
part of the School of Mental Discipline
General Knowledge Spells.
Class of Corporeal Affinity
G1. Gift of Energy (Empathy)
This is the same as the College Empathy Spell.
Range: Touch until Rank 10
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple: 200
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: None
Storage: Investment
Target: Entity
Effects: The spell allows the Adept to feel the emotions and physical sensations which the target of the spell is currently experiencing. It also allows the Adept to absorb wounds from Endurance and Fatigue at a rate of 2 points cured for every 1 which the Adept agrees to subtract from their own Fatigue (never Endurance). The additional fatigue subtracted by the Adept is damage fatigue, not spell fatigue. This spell may not be used to regenerate spell or tiredness fatigue, but only reduces/transfers damage. At Rank 10 or higher, the Adept can cast this spell on a target who is within 15 feet (+ 15 / Rank over 10) or less from them. This spell may be cast on self, but only to cure endurance damage. On a ‘Double’ effect, 3 Damage Points are cured for each point inflicted on the Adept; a ‘Triple’ effect allows for 4 points per point inflicted on the Adept.
G2. Sensory Awareness
Range: Self
Duration: (1 + Rank) Minutes
Experience Multiple 250
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: N/A
Storage: Investment, Potion
Target: Self
Effect: Enhance any of the five senses for purposes of the perception skill and range. System: The adept can enhance one of their five senses. This will add (5 + Rank) % bonus to perception checks using this sense. Also add Rank feet to normal range of sight, hearing and smell.
G3. Heal Self
Range: Self
Duration: Immediate
Experience Multiple 300
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: N/A
Storage: None
Target: Self
Effect: The Adept can, by force of will – heal damage within their body. System: Regain 1/Rank FT of physical damage. At Rank 10 the healing can roll over into EN. The healing can still only affect physical damage (vs. spell casting FT).
G4. Sure Footedness
Range: None
Duration: (1 + Rank) Minutes
Experience Multiple 300
Base Chance: 20%
Resist: N/A
Storage: Investment, Potion
Target: Self
Effect: By concentration – the adept can augment their reflexes for a short amount of time. This will help them in matters of balance, agility and speed.
System: Add 5+2% per rank to the following skills/stats.
1. Defence
2. Unarmed Combat
3. Stealth
4. Climbing
5. Dancing
6. Acrobatics
7. Tumbling
8. Raw Agility checks
Add 2 + 2% per three ranks to Inititave.
As mentioned above; The adept may elect to use Self Hypnosis(T2) to enhance their chances of success in casting this spell. (Rank% Bonus to BC)
Class of Spiritual Affinity
Notes - Contest of Wills.
Used in Sympathy(G7),
Command/Suggest(S5) and
Telepathic Mastery(S6).
Sometimes, an adept’s grasp on someone’s mind is not as complete as one would wish. Those situations call for a contest of wills.
System: Both adept and target must succeed (2xWP + Mental Affinity) checks until one fails. I.e. if both succeed then both must roll again. Each time takes one pulse.
G5. Control Entity
Range: (10 + Rank) Feet
Duration: (30 + 30 / Rank) Minutes
Experience Multiple 650
Base Chance: 30%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: None
Target: Entity
Effect: The adept will gain a puppeteer like control over their target making it ‘follow orders’ in a slavish manner. System: If the target fails to resist (MR) then the adept has complete control over it. The target will move at half TMR. Add 1 per 2 Ranks over Rank 10 Mental Affinity to the TMR of a controlled entity – up to ¾ of the targets maximum.
G6. Sympathy
Range: (30 + 5 / Rank) Feet
Duration: (10 + 10 / Rank) Minutes
Experience Multiple 300
Base Chance: 15%
Resist: Active, Passive
Storage: Potion
Target: (3 + 1 per 2 Ranks) Entities
Effect: Sympathy allows the adept to ‘get inside’ of an entity’s mind. This can only be used passively (Reading someone/thing’s mind) Note: This spell can be used on animals. The extent of information that an adept can extract from a mind is limited by two things. 1. The ability to understand the thoughts and language of the entity in question. 2. How far the subject is willing to let the adept into their mind. System: If the target resists (MR) then the adept is blocked from their mind. Once the adept gains access to a mind then they can read their surface thoughts. If the subject is willing then they can push further into their mind, into memories, sub-conscious, and cognisant process. Unwilling subjects can resist with a contest of wills. With Mental Affinity(T3) Rank 5 and above – The adept can receive emotions and imagery from their subjects. For example this may be the subject’s ‘feelings’ about something or what they are looking at right now. This is very useful for sympathising with animals and other non-sentients. Use [4 * Mental Affinity] + PC for ‘deeper scans’.
Class of Physical Mastery
G7. Minor Telekinesis
Range: (1 + Rank) Feet
Duration: (30 + 30 / Rank) Seconds
Experience Multiple 200
Base Chance: 40 %
Resist: Passive
Storage: Investment
Target: 1 Object
Effect: This is the spell that adepts use to stir their tea with. It can be used for simple tasks that require uncomplicated movements. System: The adept can lift (1 + 1/5 Rank) lbs of material. It can be moved at 2+ (1 per 5 Ranks) TMR in one simple motion i.e. along a line, up and down, in a circle etc. This spell cannot be used to directly harm anything/one although it can be used to pull or push the lever that sets the trap off (if that lever has no more than the maximum pressure (weight) behind it).
G8. Matter Distortion
Range: 1 Foot
Duration: Permanent
Experience Multiple 200
Base Chance: 25 %
Resist: None
Storage: None
Target: Object
Effect: The adept can heat and warp materials. System: Half a pound per rank of material (metal, wood, water/ice and earth/stone) can be affected. Only one material at a time will be affected. (e.g. the metal boss on a shield or the wood in the shield). The material must be mundane. The material must not be under the effect of any other spell. The material will heat up until it – warps out of shape, burns or boils. It will take 11 minutes minus 1 minute per 2 ranks.
General Knowledge Rituals
Q1. Astral Projection.
Range: (15 + 3 / Rank) Miles
Duration: (2 + Rank) Minutes
Experience Multiple 300
Base Chance: 25%
Resist: N/A
Storage: None
Target: Area
Cast Time: 30 minutes Effect: The adept sends their astral self to a location. They can see and hear that local and interact, on a limited basis, with the entities in the area. System: The adept enters into a trance to do this ritual. They may not be moved or the ritual is broken. A projection can only be sent to a place that is known to the adept or within their line of sight. Note: It is feasible to use a crystal of vision to ‘target’ a projection but there are inherent dangers in this practice. Once the trance is complete - The adept has sent their astral projection to the defined place. They can keep the projection in place for up to the duration time, breaking off at any time shorter than that. The appearance of the projection will be a ghostly disturbance in the air of the approximate (true) appearance of the casting adept. It is not possible to disguise this image. Otherwise – treat the projection as an unseen person. The projection can be attacked by magic and magical weapons. The adept must make a 4 times WP check (one per pulse of attack). A failure will result in D-4 FT damage as well as the loss of the projection. The adept can turn their projection around a 360-degree axis but cannot move it once it is in place. It is possible to target the entities in range with Sympathy(G7), Telepathic Mastery(S6), Command/Suggest(S5) and Stun(S4). No other spells may be channelled through an astral projection.
Q2. Astral Inspiration
Range: Special
Duration: Special
Experience Multiple 150
Base Chance: MA + 4% per Rank
Resist: Special
Storage: None
Target: Self
Cast Time: 1 Hour Effect: By entering into a trance sleep with definite questions in mind – an adept may wake up with inspiration from their dreams. The better the success – the easier it will be for the adept to make sense of their dreams. System: The GM will roll for the outcome of this dream and present the player with an answer that fits the success/failure. Only one major question will be answered per ritual. (Treat this like the astrology skills)