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Revision as of 02:41, 23 October 2005 by Jono (talk | contribs) (Summary of ideas)
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Just to be clear to all people at the start; I see a number of steps happening towards what I feel would be better than the current system.

I do not think that all these steps need to be taken at once (or at all). As a start I think PC's should start recording faction.

  • NPCs groups being used between GMs in games with a history of faction/reaction with Characters.
  • PC's recording some form of faction or standing with those NPC groups.
  • PC's maybe having an expectation of being able to work towards raising or lowering their faction with a NPC group.
  • PC's maybe being able to activitly use their faction on some NPCs within a game for a result (as the GM see's fit).

I think all these parts can come later:

  • PC's maybe being able to influance a Group based on their standing with a group that is allied to them.
  • PC's reaction maybe modified by faction.
  • I would like the system to take into account character skills.

--Jono 15:41, 23 Oct 2005 (NZDT)