Rule Book Orders

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Revision as of 01:42, 25 July 2006 by Mandos (talk | contribs)
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Note: This page refers to orders for the previous edition of the Rulebook. For orders of the 2006 Rulebook please use the 2006 Rulebook Orders page.

The new rule book will be available as a PDF (approx 900Kb).

I plan to be able to offer printed copies at the guild meeting. Prices and binding options to be confirmed asap.

  • First Quote: $15 Unbound, $20 Bound (comb binding).
  • Printed and Bound by Presentations on Dominion Rd at $15 each for 20. Fastback binding (glue and cloth spine).

If you would like a printed copy at the June guild meeting then please add your name to the list here.

  1. Stephen - 1 Copy, Bound
  2. Chris - 1 Copy Bound (X)
  3. Keith - 1 Copy - Bound
  4. Ben - 2 Copies - Unbound
  5. Alan Mason - 2 Copies - Bound
  6. Simon - 1 Copy - Bound
  7. Kelsie - 1 copy - Bound
  8. Bernard Hoggins - 1 copy - Bound
  9. Scott W - 1 copy -
  10. Mandos - 4 copies - Bound
  11. Clare - 1 copy - Bound
  12. Phil - 2 copies - Bound (X)
  13. Lisa - 1 copy - Bound
  14. Michael McFadden - 1 copy - Bound

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