Logan's Award
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Logan has spent 10 weeks on adventure and may advance Talents by 10 Ranks. By virtue of the magicks of the Bishop's library, he has 20 normal weeks of training which can be spent on the acquisition of 'knowledge'. Skills affected are Alchemy, Astrology, Mechanician, Philosopher or Herbalist. Training in these Skills is compatible with training in magic in this particular place.
Salvage: 17,563sp
Less Guid Tax: 1,042sp
Scribe Experience: 1,000
Experience: 57,671
Return to Brides of Blackrod
Light Oil
This phial weighs 4 oz and contains an oil that can easily be spread over a single object no greater than 3 cubic metres. If it weighs less than 3 tonne, the anointed object becomes a legal target for a Levitation spell.
Valuation: 2,500sp
Healing Potion
This phial weighs 4 oz and may be taken without requiring a Prepare Action, so long as it is attached outside armour.
It will heal D10 +12 EN deficit.
Valuation: 800sp
Potion of Powerful Restoration

Rank 10 Alchemy
The potion has one of two possible effects:
- If the imbiber has no deficit to EN or FT, then they will increase their maximum FT by one.
- If the imbiber is alive but has taken harm, then it will restore ALL deficit to EN and FT, but permanently reduce their maximum FT by one. It will not cure EN lost to Specific Grievous injuries or Afflictions.
The FT may be bought back in the usual way.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Tanuel | Formerly living | Enhancement | 15,000sp | ![]() |
E&E Scroll
Chance: 72%
Effects:The target of this spell's personal charisma is increased. In general, most sentient entities who do not resist versus Special Knowledge E&E magic will tend to believe whatever the target says, so long as it is not obviously untrue or ridiculous. Even in cases where the target is not believed, people will believe that it is an honestly-held conviction.
Anyone under the effect of Charisma increases the effectiveness of their magic by reducing Magic Resistance by 5 for every 5 Ranks. This penalty only applies to magic that attacks the personality; Charming, Fear, Binding Wills, Hypnotism, Compelling Obedience, Control Entity, Mass Fear.
Control Person or Control Animal do not benefit from this magic.
Valuation: 5,000sp
E&E Scroll
Evil Eye
Chance: 86%
Effects: Any single target who fails to resist (at half their Magic Resistance) and who is within 315 ft has their Strike Chance and Magic Resistance reduced by 20. An Amulet of Elder Flowers will not protect against this minor curse. This effect lasts for 21 days.
Chance: 61%
Effects: This incantation of Quickness has a range of 195 ft and awakens 5 targets from the effects of Enchanted Sleep or Mental Attack. It also relieves the faint, collapse, catatonia, and frozen results from the Fear/Awe Table. Hysteria results are not affected, however.
Valuation: 9,500sp
Medeanite Scroll
Fatigue Shower
Range: 105 ft
Duration: Immediate
Cast Chance: 68%
Effects: Triggering this spell causes an ephemeral, toxic shower to precipitate from a height of about 70 ft, over an area 25 ft across. Anything caught in the area of must resist vs Water Special Knowledge magic. Their Magic Resistance is halved.
Those who fail to resist halve their maximum FT value. This penalty can only be removed by someone who can neutralise a Rank 7 synthetic poison.
Freezing Wind
Range: 80 ft
Duration: 16 Pulses
Cast Chance: 75%
Effects: Triggering this spell causes arctic conditions to prevail
in a 25 ft cube. Any entity within this cube that fails to resist will suffer [D - 4] + 7 points of magical cold damage per pulse. Creatures of fire (efreeti, salamanders or elementals) take half damage even if they resist.
Water Breathing
Duration: 16 hrs
Cast Chance: 70%
Effects: This spell forms a set of gills in the subject’s neck and covers their eyes with a transparent film. This allows the target to breathe and see equally well under water as on land. The target may cast spells subject to the restrictions of their College. The spell does not affect the target’s ability to operate on the surface.
This spell allows vocal communication to a range of the target’s perception in hexes.
Valuation: 9,500sp
Spellwarden Shield

This large round shield is wooden and weighs 10 lbs. It penalises MD by 2 and provides 5 points of Defence per Rank. Every Pulse, the wielder ignores the first 10 points of magical damage.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Tanuel | Previously living | Enhancement | 18,000sp | ![]() |

Scarlett is a robe sized for someone of size 6 and weighs 12 lbs. There is no penalty to AG, but because of the richness of her hue, Stealth is penalised by 15. She provides 5 points of Protection, and reduces damage from magic by 7
The wearer's chance of casting magic is increased by their Rank in Artisan Tailor/Seamstress or similar trade.
Scarlett may be communicated with, treating Rank in Artisan Tailor or Seamstress as a language, although she has little to offer aside from snide comments about what other people are wearing. She is, however, committed to illicit sensation. To this end, if her wearer spends a night of passion with a barely known acquaintance (of whatever gender, or, within the borders of practicality, species), then she will store an amount of FT equal to the wearer's Rank in Courtesan.
This special FT is only used when the wearer's normal FT is exhausted and may not be used to absorb damage. It cannot be 'healed' or 'restored' by any means other than a night of illicit passion.
- Firethread
- The wearer may embroider Scarlett with a 'firethread', a thread dyed in their own blood. Such a thread may only be embroidered once per season or adventure, whichever is least. The first firethread will cost 1 EN, each subsequent thread costing double the previous amount. This may be bought back in the usual way.
- Once per firethread per day, the wearer may cast an alternative form of Fire Arc. If this form of the spell is chosen, the wearer (only) is consumed in a fiery conflagration, appearing within 5 feet of a potentially flammable substance, an entity or a solid surface. When they arrives, all entities within 1 hex take 1D10 damage. The range is the same as for the normal Fire Arc spell.
- Protection and magical Damage Reduction are increased by 1 per firethread.
- The wearer ignores the first 5 points of fire damage from any source per Pulse. This is increased by 1 per firethread. This effect is calculated after all other forms of damage avoidance.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Formerly living | Fire | 25,000sp | ![]() |
Distaff and Spindle

This reel of thread weighs 1 oz. On command, it will grow into a distaff and spindle which may be used for the spinning of thread of flax, wool or similar material.The distaff must be held under the secondary arm, and the spindle held in the primary hand.
If the distaff and spindle are so wielded, and the wielder casts a web spell, andyone who fails to Resist is Entangled. All entities in the web who are Entangled are automatically the target of any other spells cast by the wielder. This means that if the wielder casts a Fear spell at one Entangled victim of their web, all of the others would have to Resist or have to roll on the Fright Table.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Perfidious Albion | Magical | Thread | 15,850sp | ![]() |
Doubling Ring

This ring must be attached to a staff or pole weapon, and will increase its weight by 1 lb. The wielder of the staff or pole weapon can double the range of any non-ritual teleport magic that they know, up to a maximum of 1 mile. Doubling the distance traveled costs 1 EN the first time it is used, then doubles each subsequent teleport, resetting at midnight.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Spring 811 | Tanuel | Magical | Dimensional Folding | 12,350sp | ![]() |
Chaise Lion
This small orichalcum figurine of a lion weighs 10oz.
Once in a tweny-four hour period, the owner can use it in one of two ways.
- Riding Lion
- During the day it can be turned into a very large Lion, who will occupy two hexes. The owner may ride upon the Lion, reclining along his spine. The ride is magically comfortable.
While the sun is in the sky (not necessarily visible), the Lion will cover at most 360 miles from dawn to dusk. If half of the day is used to travel, then half this distance is traveled, and so on. Oddly, the Lion in Winter travels faster than in Summer.
Travel is always broken by natural and geographical barriers, e.g. rivers, forests without paths, mountains without passes, etc.
The pace of travel always appears as if it were no more than a stately amble (light exercise), and does not avoid encounters. Mostly, only those confident of being able to deal with a two-hex Lion will choose to do so. Unfortunately, the Lion lacks any combat abilities or any inclination to engage in it, and will immediately return to its figurine form should violence more threatening than an exchange of insults ensue.
- Comfortable Chaise

At any time, the owner can turn the figurine into a chaise longue, where it provides decorous comfort. Whoever sleeps, rests or dines (in the Roman fashion) on the chaise recovers one extra FT per hour or meal.
If the figurine is used, the owner must spend either one hour or more of dusting, cleaning and polishing the chaise longue or one hour or more of stroking, braiding flowers into his mane and making frequent mention of how handsome the Lion is. This is essential to the maintainenance of the enchantment. If this is not done, the figurine loses it virtue and simply becomes an attractive piece of bronze.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Transformation | 14,000sp | ![]() |
Tome of Dissipation

This dusty old tome has heavy leather covers and pages of yellowing parchment. It weighs 3 lbs.
The holder of this tome may advance any Counterspell they know beyond Rank 0 by paying the standard Experience cost.The Counterspell must be written into the book, and if it should leave their possession, all Ranks so advanced are lost.
In addition, the tome allows the Adept to dissipate the effects of a spell by casting a Counterspell they know. They must perform at least one hour of Ritual Spell Preparation at the end of which they must cast the appropriate Counterspell, and specify the name of the spell to be dissipated. Only spells (not rituals) may be dissipated using this technique.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Counterspell | 12,700sp | ![]() |
Spell Rack - Logan's Horseshoe

This golden horseshoe weighs 2 lbs and is a Spell Rack,
Whenever Logan engages in any activity involving the exchange of money, his profit margin is 5% greater than can be otherwise accounted for. This will always be true unless his profit margin is zero or less.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Meta-magic | 950sp | ![]() |
Copper Scroll: Plans for a House of Life

These plans show how to make a building containing resurrection chambers. All building must be completed within three months of the start as the scroll crumbles progressively, revealing the next step in construction until it is entirely reduced to dust.
Although those who are Death-aspected can build a resurrection chamber, they may never return to life by means of one, their spirit being drawn off to the Valley of Death.
The House itself is octagonal in shape, and must have a diameter equal to 10 feet per chamber and cost 500sp per ft of radius. It will take two weeks per chamber to construct. The time to build the House is reduced by one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Mason and one week per Rank of the most advanced Artisan: Carpenter. The minimum time may be no less than a month.

Each chamber must be built by the hand of the intended user, and no particular Skill is required, the process happening magically to some degree (although still requiring the time and hard work of the user). It will take a month to build the chamber itself and cost 10,000sp in materials. Counter-intuitively, the more money spent on the appointments of the chamber, the faster it will be built. If an extra 1,000sp is spent on decorating it, the chamber will be completed in one less day. The time taken, however, can never be less than a week, although, of course, it can be made ever more beautiful.
Once completed, then the user may prepare the chamber to receive their spirit and regenerate their form should they be so unfortunate as to require it. The following conditions apply:
- The user must sacrifice 3 EN to the chamber. Once sacrificed, the EN are converted to points of their Aspect (the most unusual part, otherwise it will be the Element part).
- Subsequently, if they die, then their spirit will travel back to the House of Life, resurrecting uninjured a year and a day later unless they are resurrected earlier by other means.
- Obviously, the resurrectee's itemry will be lost unless other means supervene.
- In the event that the resurrectee has succumbed to a Dark Sphere (not a Light Sphere), then a number between 1 and 10 is nominated by the player, and a D10 is rolled. If the number is equal to a 1, 2, 3 or the one nominated, then they will be resurrected. Otherwise not.
- The place of death must be proximate to a plane that is proximate to a plane that is proximate to the location of the House of Life for the spirit to be able to find its way to the resurrection chamber.
- For example
- if the resurrectee dies on Tanuel, which is adjacent to the Astral, which is adjacent to the Abyss, which is adjacent to Alusia, then they are close enough to resurrect.
If this special resurrection is used, the House of Life and the chamber itself remains. However, until another 3 EN is sacrificed it is simply magical architecture.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | Magical | Resurrection | Quest | ![]() |
Copper Scroll: Of Discipline & Mental Fortitude

24 hours after this scroll is opened, it will crumble to a greenish dust.
Whoever reads from this scroll for 4 hours must permanently sacrifice 3 EN (which may be bought back in the usual way). From then on, they may advance their FT by 1 per Adventure or Season, whichever is less.
There is no upper limit to which their FT value can ascend.
Adventure | Season | Plane of Origin | Aura | Nature of Magic | Value | Cursed etc.? | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Nualis | None | Discipline | Quest | ![]() |
Incantation of the Evil Dr. Mesmer
Name: Retardation
Spell: Slowness
Effects: The targets of this incantation of Slowness must resist (at half their normal Magic Resistance).
If they fail, their MA, WP and PC values are halved.
Cost: 2,500 Experience
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT value by 2
Valuation: 6,500sp
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Meta-magic | E&E | Quest |
Levitation - Mystic Elevation
Name: Mystic Elevation
Spell: Levitation
Effects: This incantation of Levitation is cast upon a megahex. It will lift or lower 7 hexes of creature (i.e. 7 1-hex creatures, or 1 3-hex creature and 1 4-hex creature, or any combination of hexes that does not exceed 7) upwards or downwards at a rate of Rank ft per Pulse. Maximum height (or depth) is 20 feet per Rank of the spell. The duration of this incantation of the spell is 2 minutes.
Cost: 500 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT by 1
This incantation is not teachable.
Adventure | Season | Nature of Magic | College of Magic | Value | GM |
Brides of Blackrod | Autumn 811 | Meta-magic | E&E | Quest |
Ventriloquism-Whisper Line
Name: Whisper Line
Spell: Ventriloquism
Effects: This incantation of the Ventriloquism spell allows the Adept and 1 (+1 per 3 or fraction Ranks) other entities to communicate with each other by unheard speech. The range is calculated from the Adept. Entities may be added to the speech community after the initial cast if the Adept touches them, and provided that the spell can support that amount of targets. Similarly, if a member of the community moves out of the Adept's range, they may be returned to it, requiring the Adept's touch as above.
Enhanced Hearing or similar may detect the Whisper Line, but not overhear what is said unless the eavesdropper Breaks 100 + PC + Rank in Enhanced Hearing. The range at which they might detect and overhear is 10 ft (+10 ft/Rank) from the nearest member of the speech community.
Cost: 750 Experience.
Constraints: Unracks the spell, reduces FT by 1
This incantation is not teachable.