Giant Trouble at Desert Flower

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Scribe Notes


Adventure: Giant Trouble at Desert Flower
GM: Michael P.
Season: Spring 823 wk
Level: Medium/High
Place: Kelsie's place in Albany.(7pm start-time)

  1. Merco Mind Mage - Jono Bean
  2. Lila Air/Celestial- Kelsie
  3. Mungo Third Son Mind Mage - Michael M
  4. Anooke Ice Mage- Michael H
  5. Aurora Air Mage- Keith
  6. Minerva Celestial Mage- Jacqui
THE Official EMPOLYER is Prince Querkus
Prince Querkus was explicitly charged by Her Serenity, the [Elvish] Queen of Lilac to hire a guild party to swiftly “REDUCE” a hazard that “might” hazard. Her western neighbour-slash-nation, the self-styled “Militant Human Republic”, which also includes many native hobbits as well as shape-shifters [a.k.a. Vess’n or Wessen], … and quite a few of H.S.’s loyal subjects merely out for a wild night, week, or month of gambling, drinking, masked carnivals & other revelry… such as meeting or getting new faces professionally, getting cash or bargains from “pawn shops”, etc.

The Queen was impressed with the previous Guild party that incidentally somewhat foiled the Ice Giants that were plaguing towns in the M.H.R. Also, the Ice Giants created the new, permanent (?) icecap at the Southern Pole.

The “Nothing-In-Writing or acknowledged (wink-wink) solution”
 The current leader of the Ice Giants (Eyjafjatl) plans to CROWN HIMSELF King of the Giants (or possibly — all to transform himself into a powerful Fire Mage … also, apparently, he will marry a grand-daughter of a famous, great but dead Fire Giant (Katla)

Those Grand-daughters, from oldest to youngest are called:

  1. Thingvatlavatn (the most beautiful & socializing of the grand-daughters)
  2. Fjatlsarlon (meaning the Fallen — she is acknowleged to be “very experienced”)
  3. Thorisvatn (meaning Very tranquil)
  4. Viti (meaning 'Very warm')
  5. Kerid (no known meaning), the youngest.

IMPORTANT OFFICERS/COURTIERS of soon-to-be King Eyjafjatl Myvatn the Beatiful, a famous alchemist & first cousin to all five would-be brides. Jokul the Master spy: Allegedly "Jokul knows several succesful Assassins” (An unsubtle threat!). It is rumoured that Jokul can freeze things and people just by looking at them (It would be advisable to have a way of defeating or, at least, minimizing such an event. Lagarfljot the Magician & “Bestest Master Brewer”: strongly suspected to be yet an other powerful alchemist. The curative effects of his various beers may be mythical.

The Party must ensure that the wedding (or even weddings, plural?) NEVER Happens.

According to Prince Querkus’s Sage, “the best way to prevent the ill-omened wedding is to permanently prevent the marriage. (Well, duh!) — It is assumed that means Kill the pretender & his Princess-bride(s) and, just to be safe, any other heiresses as well; then scattering all the resulting mincemeat across several planes and worlds


Scribe Notes

Blah blah blah

Buffs & Mil Sci

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Me Li Ma An Au Mi
Greater Ench. 20 +21% to Res, Mag, Com, and S&S. Var P ? ? ? ? Y
Shadowform (Li) 15 +32 def melee, ranged; +16 def close 8 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Strength of Darkness (Li) 12 +7 PS 130 min Y Y Y Y Y Y
Feather Falling (Li) 6 Fall no more than 5'/pulse 5.5 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Shadow Wings (Li) 6 36 mph, 126 miles range 3.5 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Witchsight (Li) 7 4 hours Y Y Y Y Y Y
Lightning Strike (Li) 5 [D-4]+7, save for 1/2 5hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Ice Traversal (An) 20 Travel over ice and/or snow without slipping or sinking in. (+7 TMR on flat ice) 7 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Walking Unseen (Li), (Min - Party Cast) 6 7 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Wings of Light (Min) (Party Cast) 10 40 mph, 220 miles range 5.5 hrs
Witchsight (Min) (Party Cast) 12 6.5 hours Y
Coruscade (Min) (Party Cast) 17 +36 def melee, ranged; +18 def close 8 hrs Y
Resistance to Light (Min)(Party cast) 10 +12 resist light, see through rk20 light 110 min Y
Light (Min) 20 Blinding light 5hr x D-5
Self Only  
Mind Shield 10 21 hrs Y - - - - -
Sense Danger 6 Sense danger Y - - - - -
Navigation Extra Navigator ranks as listed and safer travel 1+rk Hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration Me Li Ma An Au Mi
Lightning Strike (Li) 5 [D-4]+7, save for 1/2 5 hrs Y Y Y Y Y Y
Barrier of Wind (Li) 4 20 def vs missiles, 15 in melee or close 150 min Y Y Y Y Y Y
Create Light Sword (Min)(Party Cast) 8 +9 SC, +3 Dam 13 min Y
Mind Speech (Me) 20 Range 630ft 210 mins Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mind Special Knowledge Counterspell (Me) 12 +66% magic resistance to Special Knowledge Mind magics D+17 mins Y Y Y Y Y Y


Herbalist Lunch/Broth

Watch Order

8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm 12am 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am
Merco & Guard IV Lila Marseille Merco & Guard IV
Aurora Anooke Minerva

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)


Double File


Single File



Spring: Thaw 823 (10)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Candlemansa 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Spring: Seedtime 823 (11)
5 6 7 8 Rites of Thunor 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 Eostre 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Spring: Blossom 823 (12)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 Floralia 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Walpurgisnacht