A Body for Pug
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- GM: Miles Jackson
- Time: Winter 814 WK
- Day: Wednesdays
- Level: Low
- The Party
- Perrin – Party Leader, Human E&E (Scribe)
- Mave – Human Bard
- Mim – Dark Celestial Elf
- Lim – Water Mage Elf
- Employer
- Mission
A guild member called Pug died a year ago. He was a nasty little Goblin and tried to sell out his party. Being dead hasn’t stopped him from being annoying. Death wants us to travel to Kerrena and convince Tuvar (a necromancer) to build a fresh body for Pug. Death is offering an incentive to Tuvar as he really wants Pug gone from his realm. Once the body is created Death will ensure Pug uses it. Death has also provides a goblin guide for us called Grebo. He is on a leash which compels obedience and truthfulness.
- Payment
10,000SP + 2,000SP to provision
Scribe Notes
Day One
- Comments of the Day
- Combat Order
- Front – Perrin and Grebo
- Middle – Mave
- Rear – Lim and Mim
- Watch Order
- Perrin and Grebo
- Mave and Perrin/Mim/Lim (alternating nights)
- Lim and Mim
- Death Register
Treasure Rolls
- Perrin –
- Mave -
- Mim -
- Lim –
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