A Body for Pug
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- Summary
- GM: Miles Jackson
- Time: Winter 814 WK
- Day: Wednesdays
- Level: Low
- The Party
- Perrin – Party Leader, Human E&E (Scribe)
- Mave – Human Bard
- Mîm – Dark Celestial Elf
- Lim – Water Mage Elf
- Employer
- Mission
A guild member called Pug died a year ago. He was a nasty little Goblin and tried to sell out his party.
Being dead hasn’t stopped him from being annoying. Death wants us to travel to Kerrena and convince Tuvar (a necromancer) to build a fresh body for Pug. Death is offering an incentive to Tuvar as he really wants Pug gone from his realm. Once the body is created Death will ensure Pug uses it.
Death has also provided a goblin guide for us called Grebo. Grebo is on a leash which compels obedience and truthfulness.
- Payment
10,000SP + 2,000SP to provision
Day 1 - Mission Briefing and Supplies
Meet Death and Grebo. Get mission. Get supplies
The Pit
Day 2 - Into the Pit, A Task
LeRoy, the new Death, hires us to get Pug out of his realm. We buy some goods and Grebo activates a rune portal to get us to Kerrena.
We appear in a darkened crypt. There are voices approaching muttering about thieves pillaging the crypt. If they find any they will kill them.
We take them by surprise and kill the mage and one of the guards, the last guard surrenders when we offer it. We explain we are here by accident and meant no offence. We tie him up and seal the door to buy us some time.
We find 3 horses outside and lead them away in to a forest, then let them free. This should serve to distract any pursuers while we head off to the Goblin Pit.
The pit is a huge settlement of several thousand people, mostly goblins, orcs and humans, but elves are not uncommons since it is a trading center for the area.
Grebo doesn’t know where Tuvar is so we pass ourselves off as workers with merchant leanings.
Mîm has a conversation with Julia (the head Madam of the area) and we find ourselves hired to “make an example†of Kovax. Kovax has been killing her girls. He is skilled with knives and has a silver octopus ring. No one knows what he looks like but we believe we can organize a contact through playing as a band of merchants looking to hire a barge with other merchants.
Day 3 - Barges and Bsrds
Talk to pit boss. Organise barge
See Kovax in the pub
Day 4 - Discrete Investigations
gather information on Kovax and the spectre
Day 5 - Ambush
Kill Kovax
Day 6 - 7 - Barge at Large
load up barge and depart pit.
trade goods and return
Day 8 - 9 - We Split the Pit
Tuvar appears and gives us a list of components to build Pug's body

- Bones: wild boar horn - from the Goblin Teeth Hills (300 miles north)
- Muscle: muscles of goblin trolls (2 miles deep in the pit)
- Organs: Salamander or Fire Drake glands - Gaterville (1000 miles south)
- Brain: brain coral - The Abyss (1000 miles south)
- Eyes: goblins - under any rock
- Head: goblin - under any rock
- Essense of Life: evil pixies - The Waterfall of Epherium (700 miles west)
- A Spine: never had one so doesn't need to be replaced
Leave town for the Goblin Teeth Hills
Goblin Teeth Hills
Day 10 - Crash, Smash, Splash
Perrin dies - crashes to ground from flying.
Mîm attacked by a squirrel

Mave was heard to murmur
Flying Perrin forgot what he was taught; shield charging the ground came to naught
Had to stomach another shot of squat goblin snot; next time shield charge a boar – not
Day 11 - A Boar Scores
Perrin gored by large boar
Day 12 - Nature Maker
Perrin jumps from tree and dies again
Mîm summoons an owl but spirit of forest appears. it says it is 'death incarnate'. Lim says we are working for Death. Owl runs away.

Mave was heard to murmur
Grebo is goblin – nimble and light; Perrin is human – armoured and not slight
Grebo jumps tree to tree at great height; Perrin falls - to another deadly ground smite
Day 13 - Passing By In The Sky
Lim sees a figure on a flying boar
Black Agie appears in the evening
Summon Goblins to help us.
Day 14 - 18 - R&R
Black Agie makes potions and we train while weapons are silvered
Day 19 - Mound of the Beasts
Destroy the Demon of Beasts mound
Area purged with Light and Fire by Spirit of the Forest
- Home of the Boar Babe
Day 20 - R&R
Back to Black Agies for some healing and planning
Day 21 - 38 - In Pursuit of Happiness?
travel to Kerrena town
Day 39 - 43 - Swamp Romp
not far from Gaterville
Day 44 - Tales of the Drake I

RIP: Mave
RIP: BIG Drake
Resting: Lim
Day 45 - Where's Perrin?
Day 46 - Tales of the Drake II
- Rescue

RIP: Mîm
RIP: Perrin
Resting: Lim
Mave was heard to murmur
Death flies with the Winged drake - teeth that bite and claws that scrape
Beware their bard blistering breath - and the weight of a crushing death
- Comments of the Day
- Combat Order
- Front – Perrin and Grebo
- Middle – Mave
- Rear – Lim and Mîm
- Watch Order
- Perrin and Grebo
- Mave and Perrin/Mîm/Lim (alternating nights)
- Lim and Mîm
- Death Register

- Perrin - the ground is harder than it looks I (flying)
- Perrin - the ground is harder than it looks II (jumping)
- Mave - a drake bake (grilled really)
- Mîm - heart stopped by necro ward (she has a heart?)
- Perrin - flattened (a falling drake)
- Perrin - Mîm (had to be done)
Treasure Rolls
- Perrin –
- Mave -
- Mîm -
- Lim –
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