Special Alchemy

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Great Gems

The Formulae of Creating Great Gems

Creating a Great Emerald
The creation of a Great Emerald is a Masterwork Alchemical Operation for Rank 8, and on the first occasion does not cost Experience. Subsequent Emeralds always cost 12,750 Experience to create.
It takes eight weeks to make the Emerald and no other task can be performed alongside it. At the end of this time, if the Alchemist pays 12,750 Experience, the will achieve Rank 8 in that profession, if they are not already .
A Great Emerald can be cut to create one amulet of three different kinds:
The Amulet of the Voice
This amulet adds 15 to the Base Chance of any magic that Compels, Charms, Binds or Controls by use of the voice. It does not provide a benefit to a Ritual of Binding Wills nor Control Person nor Controlling Earth Elemental, although Hypnotism would be affected.
The Amulet of the Word
The wearer of this amulet may choose to capture the effects of a Power Word of which they are the target. They suffer none of the effects of the Power Word and can release it on their next available Magical Fire Action. The amulet will store the Power Word indefinitely until it is used, thus making it capable of capturing a new Power Word. However, only one Power Word may be released from the amulet on any day. This will reset at midnight.
The Amulet of the Incantation
The wearer of this amulet may cast (if they know the spell) Compelling Obedience at a single target. If the target fails to resist, then they must obey the Adept's instructions. They are aware that they are under Compulsion, and usually harbour great resentment over it. If forced to an action which would put them at credible risk of their existence, they are entitled to another MR check. If they succeed, the spell is broken.
Alternatively, the wearer can cast Compelling Obedience at their usual number of targets, but they are treated as if subject to Mass Charming of the College of Ensorcelments and Enchantments. The amulet, however, does not change the College of the magic being cast.
Finally, any spell that Compels, Charms, Binds or Controls will have the duration enhanced to 1 day + 1day per Rank of the spell if it is cast as a ritual.

Three Emerald Waters are formed in the process, as well. These waters replace the components required to make potions that allow the imbiber to Communicate, Compel, Charm, Bind or Control by the written or spoken word.
Creating a Great Sapphire
The creation of a Great Sapphire is a Masterwork Alchemical Operation for Rank 9, and on the first occasion does not cost Experience. Subsequent Sapphires always cost 14,500 Experience to create.
It takes nine weeks to make the Sapphire and no other task can be performed alongside it. At the end of this time, if the Alchemist pays 14,500 Experience, they will achieve Rank 9 in that profession, if they are not already .
A Great Sapphire can be cut to create one amulet of three different kinds:
The Amulet of Vision
This amulet adds 10 to the Base Chance of Catsight, Dark Vision, Detect Aura, Detect Enchantment, Enhanced Vision, Flame Sight, Interpret Runes and Symbols, Location, Mana Sense, Night Vision, Reading the Night Sky, Rune of Truth, Runes of Sight, Second Sight, True Seeing, Visitation, Waters of Vision, Witchsight or Wizard's Eye.
The Amulet of the Astral
This amulet adds 10 the Base Chance of Banishment, Rune Portal or Teleportation magic.
The Amulet of the Open Eye
This amulet is a focus for the Talent Enhanced Vision.

Three Sapphire Waters are formed in the process, as well. These waters replace the components required, and allow the Alchemist to make potions of these spells: Catsight, Dark Vision, Detect Aura, Detect Enchantment, Enhanced Vision, Interpret Runes and Symbols, Location, Mana Sense, Night Vision, Rune of Truth, Second Sight, Visitation, Waters of Vision, Witchsight or Wizard's Eye.
Creating a Great Ruby
The creation of a Great Ruby is a Masterwork Alchemical Operation for Rank 10, and on the first occasion does not cost Experience. Subsequent Rubys always cost 17,000 Experience to create.
It takes ten weeks to make the Ruby and no other task can be performed alongside it. At the end of this time, if the Alchemist pays 17,000 Experience, they will achieve Rank 10 in that profession, if they are not already .
A Great Ruby can be cut to create one amulet of three different kinds:
Siege Master's Amulet
This amulet adds 15 to the wearer's chance to Perceive Tactics whenever they are in a siege. In addition, they add 15 to the Magic Resistance against any attempt to confuse them with mazes and labyrinths. This applies to the Maze spell, as well.
Ruby of the Speaking Beast
If this ruby is ground up and added to the food of an animal, they will become a Speaking Beast. Speaking Beasts know the languages of their own kind at Rank 8 or maximum, whichever is lower, and 1 Rank lower in the language of the one who fed them. If they were already a Speaking Beast, then they may learn a spell.
Ruby Pommel Stone
This stone must be set into the pommel of a sword to be effective. It will not be effective in any other kind of weapons. Daggers and Mains Gauche do not count, either.
If this is done, the wielder of that weapon is entitled to an extra Attack at half their Engaged Initiative value.

Three Ruby Waters are formed in the process, as well. These waters replace the components required, and allow the Alchemist to make potions of these spells that generate Defence (e.g. Armour of Earth), or that increase PS or EN (e.g. Strength of Stone or Strength of Darkness).Immolation, Quickness or Resist Pain.
If the waters of all three gems are poured together, then 27 alchemical liquors are produced. If an Alchemist is attempting to make a potion and they use one of these liquors, they will not need a laboratory and the work will be completed in 8 hours. Unless the magic is known by the Alchemist, the assitance of an Adept is still required.

The Alchymical Marriage of Fire and Water

The Consummation of Fire and Water

Rank 10 Alchemy
This requires mercury, sulphur and powdered salts of opal in sufficient quanitiy that it costs the Alchemist 1,500 sp, one Fire and one Water. It must be begun on a Friday by the hour of the Seven Sisters and be completed no earlier than the hour of the Sun on the next Sunday. This will make enough to fill an 8oz phial. The fluid is vividly orange/red in colour. When the phial is thrown at an object or entity it will rapidly spread to cover a surface of about two square metres, large enough to cover a man. This will make the target as flammable as paper to the point where it can be ignited with Pyrogenesis or like magic. A cantrip would be incapable of generating sufficient heat. A lighted match would do just fine, however.
Usually, entities who catch on fire will burn from the legs up, but obviously if other body parts have been exposed to an open flame, they will start burning from the point of contact. It is extremely unusual for the head not to burn last, unless the victim snorts a lighted candle or something.
This is a curious spectacle to observe, the victim experiencing nothing more than an unusual sensation of warmth and perhaps some alarm. It takes about two pulses for the legs to burn off, about two pulses for the arms, and another three pulses for the torso. Their head will burn up at the end of the pulse. Until that time, the victim can move, attack, cast spells and so on. If the Consummation is somehow stopped short of death, then the victim's body will gradually reappear over a like number of pulses. Items that were subject to the Consummation, i.e. those that were worn on the parts burnt off, have a good chance of being destroyed. They are considered to be made of paper and must save versus normal fire. The chance of the item surviviving is 10% plus any magical bonus inherent to the item, plus the value of the wearer's enchantment. Only items made of orichalcum or those that are bound to the victim's soul are immune to this destruction.
Since the residue of the Consummation does not constitute a torso-sized lump, then dying by this method is likely to be permanent barring unusual defenses of some kind.
If the fluid is applied to an inanimate surface it will quickly spread over an area that would be easily big enough to fit a man. If this area is lighted it will burn for 4 pulses before guttering, burning through

  • ¼ inch of metal or stone per pulse.
  • 1 inch of material like wood or bone per pulse.
  • 1 foot of ice per pulse.

It will not burn through orichalcum.

If the ash and smoke are collected, dissolved into a solution, and all of the corruption filtered from it (requiring an Alchemist of Rank 8 or better), abstract properties may be decanted off (at the G.M.'s discretion). The Alchemist might collect Wood from the remains of a door, for example.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 14,500 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

The Formula of the Suspension of Fire onto Water

Rank 9 Alchemy
This requires mercury, sulphur and salts of tin, distilled and suspended in oil of rosemary in sufficient quantities to cost the Alchemist 250 sp to create enough of the preparation to fill a silver thimble. It must be begun on the second Saturday of the month by the hour of the Scorpion and be completed no earlier than the hour of the Waterbearer on a Monday. Thereafter, the oil may be poured:

  • onto the surface of about a pint of water and it will produce a view of a place they know that is within 5 miles + 15 miles per Rank in Alchemy which will last for a minute.
  • into the right eye so that any visual obscurement, illusion or deception will be penetrated. This effect will last for a minute.
  • into the left eye so that the emotions or spiritual state of an entity can be observed. This may reveal curses, geasa, afflictions of the soul and other obligations (i.e. pacts, bloodthirst, etc). This effect will last for a minute.

Whenever the oil is used, a D10 is rolled. If the result is less than the Alchemist's Rank, then it works perfectly. Otherwise, the thing it is poured onto catches on fire and is burnt up within a pulse. Losing an eye reduces MD by 1, PB by 2 and PC by 4.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 14,500 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

The Formula of the Sublimation of Water into Fire

Rank 8 Alchemy
This requires mercury, sulphur and salts of pyrite dissolved in wine in sufficient quantity to cost the Alchemist 3,000 sp, 1 Fire and 1 Water. It must be begun on a Tuesday by the hour of the Waterbearer and be completed no earlier than the hour of the Hunter on the next Thursday.

When drunk, the imbiber's body is transformed into an explosive ball of fire inflicting 4 roll up D10 damage on everything in the same hex, minus 10 for every 5 feet distant. The imbiber will find themselves transformed into smoke covering the volume of a megahex. Treat them as if Gaseous Form has been cast on them at the creator's Rank in Alchemy. They will smell strongly of burning wherever they drift.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 12,750 Experience for each Alchemist taught.


The Formula of the Angry Bees

Rank 6 Alchemy
The Alchemist gathers sufficient white lead, flowers of sulphur and finely ground charcoal to fill half a bucket, and costing 300 silver pennies. The rest of the bucket must be filled with drake's urine. The mixture must be churned in a safe place for at least four hours and then allowed to settle for the passing of two days. The corruption must be decanted and disposed of for it attacks the breathing of the young and weak. This will leave a fibrous mass which should be pressed into moulds in the shape of bees, then heated carefully.
At the moment the mass becomes molten, it must be taken off the heat and allowed to cool for no more than four hours. The mould should be opened and the bees painted with a mixture of oil and powdered red marble, the painting to happen after the Sun has passed noon but before they are cold.
This will create 30 bees.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 8,650 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

Formula of the Black Iron Grenado

Rank 4 Alchemy
This operation may only be begun on a Thursday or a Sunday and takes at least three days.
This means it can only be attempted twice a week, and sometimes only once.
The Alchemist must gather 3 lbs of wood from a lightning-struck tree. The wood must be steeped in sufficient drake's urine to completely it, and left to stand over a slow fire from noon until dusk (the process being somewhat swifter in winter by virtue of the well-known property of drake's urine to capture fire as the sun falls from the sky).
The wood must be steeped for two consecutive dusks, and then the wood transmuted to charcoal by slowly burning it over sufficient flowers of sulphur to fill a giant's tankard of ale, must take at least two consecutive dawns to complete. A cup of iron ore must be finely ground and the powder thus obtained vigorously mixed with the still-hot embers. Many Alchemists prefer a bronze pestle in a stone mortar, but the passionate use iron pestles on flint mortars. This labour will produce enough reagent to fill [D10 + Rank - 11] grenados. If the result is less than 1, no reagent is produced at all. Results less than -1 indicate that there has been a catastrophe, and the smaller the number, the greater the catastrophe. If the result is -2, 1 Specific Grievous Injury is rolled and applied, if the result is -3, then 2 such injuries are inflicted, and so on. They may avoid harm by Breaking 100 + MD versus each such catastrophe.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 4,350 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

Black Iron Grenado

Rank 4 Alchemy

This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 2 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone who it shares a hex with, while those in the surrounding hexes suffer 1. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.

Date Created Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? Alchemist
Alchemy Incendiarism 1,000sp Grendel Beetlebrox

Formula of the Cobalt Chaos Grenado

Rank 6 Alchemy
This operation may only be begun on a Wednesday and takes at least four nights.
The Alchemist must engage a Kobold to willingly part with their 'Famous Blue Liquid', such a resource known to be highly-prized and rarely surrendered, except on the occasion of the Night of Reckless Kobold Passion. Kobold's frequently charge as much as 250sp for their Famous Blue Liquid. To this is added the heart blood of a chimaera, which, being naturally fiery, will dissipate unless captured in a round obsidian urn one cubit across and which stands as high as a cat . Oil pressed from a stone of coal should be poured gently into the urn, and the mixture exposed to the open air for four consecutive nights, there to bathe in the bathe in the light of the moon. This operation will fail if any of the four nights is moonless, however meteorological factors have no influence for good or ill.
This labour will produce enough reagent to fill [D10 + Rank - 12] grenados. If the result is less than 1, no reagent is produced at all. Results less than -1 indicate that there has been a catastrophe, and the smaller the number, the greater the catastrophe. If the result is -2, 1 Specific Grievous Injury is rolled and applied, if the result is -3, then 2 such injuries are inflicted, and so on. They may avoid harm by Breaking 100 + MD versus each such catastrophe.

Cobalt Chaos Grenado

Rank 6 Alchemy This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.

Result # of Spec. Griev. Injuries
1-4 1
5-7 2
8 or 9 3
0 4

Those who share the same hex as the grenado suffer the indicated number of Specific Grievous Injuries. Those one hex further out suffer one less Specific Grievous Injury, and so on until there are no Specific Grievous Injuries left. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 8,650 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

Date Created Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Alchemy Incendiarism 2,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Formula of the Red Iron Grenado

Rank 8 Alchemy
This operation may only be begun on a Friday when the moon is full and takes at least five noons.
Sufficient iron ore to fill a wheelbarrow must be bought from a dwarf merchant. Any attempt by the Alchemist to haggle will cause the operation to fail. Dwarven merchants will normally charge what the traffic will allow, but if they see an Alchemist coming, may substantially increase their rates unless they are generous of nature. Generous dwarves are the subject of myth, and many kingdoms offer a substantial reward where such a claim is proven.
The ore must be laid on the summit of a hill on a bed of red clay, covered with 10 lbs of lodestone (which will cost 350sp) over which a sheet of beaten copper about a yard across (which will cost 150sp) has been placed. This construction must be exposed for the passing of five consecutive noons, and be struck at least once by lightning.
The lightning-struck metals must be crushed, and dissolved in a bath of Aqua Regia and the solids decanted off. The liquid purified thus must be heated in an athanor for eight hours, but not so vigorously that it will contract excitation, such an occasion known to be unhappy for Alchemists fond of their body parts or, indeed, life.
Once the fluid is reduced to 1/3rd its original volume, it needs but to rest for the space of a week before it can be used. This labour will produce enough reagent to fill [D10 + Rank - 13] grenados. If the result is less than 1, no reagent is produced at all. Results less than -1 indicate that there has been a catastrophe, and the smaller the number, the greater the catastrophe. If the result is -2, 1 Specific Grievous Injury is rolled and applied, if the result is -3, then 2 such injuries are inflicted, and so on. They may avoid harm by Breaking 100 + MD versus each such catastrophe.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 12,750 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

Red Iron Grenado

Rank 8 Alchemy This grenado contains an alchemical incendiary device. It is usually thrown at a hex within range (15 hexes). The hex has no Defence, but the thrower's SC is reduced by 3 per hex beyond the first. Any Strike Check greater than 70 + MD means that the thrower dropped the grenado at their feet, or, if the roll is 99 or 100, has gone off prematurely.
If the Strike Check result is high enough to indicate a miss but not high enough for a catastrophe, then a scatter D10 is rolled.
On a 1, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond the target hex.
On a 2, it was hrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the right of the target hex.
On a 3, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the right of the target hex.
On a 4, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the right of the target hex.
On a 5, it was thrown 1D10 feet short of the target hex.
On a 6, it was thrown 1D10 feet short and to the left of the target hex.
On a 7, it was thrown 1D10 feet to the left of the target hex.
On an 8, it was thrown 1D10 feet beyond and to the left of the target hex.
On a 9, it was thown 2D10 feet beyond the the target hex.
On a 0, it was thrown 1D10 <bold>hexes</bold> short of the target hex.
On detonation, the grenado inflicts 3 Specific Grievous Injuries on anyone up to 3 hexes away. Targets who are between 4 and 6 hexes away suffer 2 Specific Grievous Injuries, while those between 7 and 9 only suffer one. The grenado inflicts A, B or C Class injuries, so all results are applied.
Targets are allowed to Break 100 + 2 x AG + Rank in Sense Danger to avoid each wound.

Date Created Plane of Origin Aura Nature of Magic Value Cursed etc.? GM
Alchemy Incendiarism 3,000sp px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Formula of Death Metal Shot

Rank 6 Alchemy

An arquebus or similar weapon is required to fire this munition, and some means of dispensing with the Itemisation effect inherent in this preparation.
The Alchemist gathers sufficient white lead, flowers of sulphur and finely ground charcoal to fill half a bucket, and costing 300 silver pennies. The rest of the bucket must be filled with drake's urine. The mixture must be churned in a safe place for at least four hours and then allowed to settle for the passing of two days. The corruption must be decanted and disposed of for it attacks the breathing of the young and weak. This will leave a fibrous mass which should be heated carefully. At the moment the mass becomes molten, it must be poured through an iron grille with holes no larger than a hen's eye, there to fall into a vat of small beer. and allowed to rest until dusk.
The shot can be wrapped into parchment twists drenched in oil of winter (which will cost 20 sp each) and this will Itemise the payload. The operation creates enough Death Metal Shot for 6 payloads.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 8,650 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

Death Metal Shot
The payload must have its Itemisation suspended before it can be fired.
The area of effect is 20 ft long and the spread will be 10 ft wide. Anything in the area of the cone rolls on the Specific Grievous Injury table. Damage is applied to the target if the result falls in the range for an A or C Class injury. No ability may be used to influence the Specific Grievous Injury result in any way.
If two arquebuses are fired, then each target must roll twice on the Specific Grievous Injury table. Only one injury may be inflicted but the wielder chooses which injury to apply. Armour is often damaged by this weapon, the shot reducing it by 2 Protection, in general. Note that entites protected by rings of protection like this, Force Shields like this or similar magic will be largely unaffected.
1 Pass Action is required to load Death Metal Shot into each arquebus or similar, additional to those required to clear the breach, if it has been fired recently.
Adventure Season Value GM
Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376

Formula of the Sunhammer

Rank 10 Alchemy
An arquebus or similar weapon is required to fire this munition, and some means of dispensing with the Itemisation effect inherent in this preparation.

Operation 1
24 gold shillings must be melted, purified, and concentrated until it is but 1/12th of the original weight.
Operation 2
The concentrated gold must be bathed in sunlight at the stroke of noon on Sunday.
Operation 3
The Alchemist takes 2 silver pennies worth of pig iron which must be purified and poured into a mould large enough to create a bullet the size of a dwarf's thumb.
Operation 4
When the bullet is cool enough to handle, it should be rolled in Powders of Calcination and then in the concentrated gold to forestall the fiery reaction of the Powders. This will Itemise the bullet.

Each Operation will take 4 hours, but the Alchemist can spend no more than 8 hours in their workshop at any one time. Thus, it will take at least 2 days to make 1 bullet.
The formula is teachable, but whoever teaches it must expend 17,000 Experience for each Alchemist taught.

Sunhammer Bullet
The bullet must have had its Itemisation suspended before it can be fired.
When it is fired, the Sunhammer bullet will travel to a hex within 50 ft of their position which is in line of sight. The Powders of Calcination will volatilise the iron into a fiery liquor inside the gold covering.
Upon impact, the volatile iron will consume the gold and the sunlight stored therein. Everything within the volume of effect must Break 100: PC + AG to avoid being dazzled by an explosion of searing light. In addition, a D10 is rolled. The result is squared and applied to everything in the central hex. The unsquared result is applied to everything in surrounding hexes.
If two arquebuses are fired, then the volume of effect is increased by a further hex.
Adventure Season Value GM
The Face of the Deep Summer 811 Quest px50 Jim Arona 021 076 9376