Power Words

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Power Words

Power Words are a small but quick magic. They are either a quick utterance or a gesture, requiring no more than the use of a Free Act. They may not be used when shape-changed, even if they can gesture or speak.
An utterance can have influence up to 10 hexes away, a gesture no more than a couple. Utterances cannot be used in the same Pulse as a Magical Fire Action in most cases, meaning that they cannot usually be combined with casting a spell, although they can be used while Preparing the spell. A gesture requires at least one free hand. Gesturing with a weapon or shield does not count, so gesturing cannot usually be combined with making a strike check.
They have a number of properties in common. A Power Word's effectiveness decreases with repeated use. In any case, that Power Word cannot be used again until 4 Pulses have passed (although different Power Words may be), and they cost 5FT. In general, after three uses, a Power Word is ineffective (still costing 5FT to use, however).
This effectiveness may be recovered for each Power Word by observing the dawn, or, if an Adept, performing a Ritual of Purification and focusing on it like a mantra at dawn. Adepts recover each Power Word separately and they must choose whether the Power Word is an utterance or a gesture at this time. Those who are uncolleged recover all of their Power Words on observing the next dawn and need not declare whether they are utterances or gestures.
The term 'break 100' will be used from time to time when describing the measure of the Power Word's success. To break 100, the player rolls percentile dice and adds some value to the number generated. If the result is greater than or equal to 100, the Power Word has succeeded.

General Power Words

Spell Surge

  1. Adds four Ranks to either the BC, range, duration or damage modifier property of a spell within range.
  2. Adds two Ranks to either the BC, range, duration or damage modifier property of a spell within range.
  3. Adds one Rank either the BC, range, duration or damage modifier property of a spell within range.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP. Subtract 100 + the weight of the object. The object may be flung up to the remainder feet in any direction so long as it is away. The object cannot be attracted.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP. Subtract 100 + the weight of the object. The object may be flung up to the remainder feet in any direction so long as it is away. The object cannot be attracted.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP. Subtract 100 + the weight of the object. The object may be flung up to the remainder feet in any direction so long as it is away. The object cannot be attracted.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP. Subtract 100 + the weight of the object. It is attracted up to the remainder feet.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP. Subtract 100 + the weight of the object. It is attracted up to the remainder feet.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP. Subtract 100 + the weight of the object. It is attracted up to the remainder feet.


  1. Subtract 4 from all percentile dice rolls for one Pulse
  2. Subtract 2 from all percentile dice rolls for one Pulse
  3. Subtract 1 from all percentile dice rolls for one Pulse

Life Surge

  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP + Rank in Healer. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Use the remainder to restore a target's EN and FT lost to damage. Next Pulse, and each Pulse thereafter, the target loses 10 of the restored EN and FT until the Life Surge effect is gone.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP + Rank in Healer. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Use the remainder to restore a target's EN and FT lost to damage. Next Pulse, and each Pulse thereafter, the target loses 10 of the restored EN and FT until the Life Surge effect is gone.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP + Rank in Healer. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Use the remainder to restore a target's EN and FT lost to damage. Next Pulse, and each Pulse thereafter, the target loses 10 of the restored EN and FT until the Life Surge effect is gone.

Burst of Agility

  1. Raise target's AG by 2 D10 for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Raise target's AG by D10 for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Raise target's AG by 1 for the rest of the Pulse.

Burst of Dexterity

  1. Raise target's MD by 2 D10 for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Raise target's MD by D10 for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Raise target's MD by 1 for the rest of the Pulse.

Burst of Strength

  1. Raise target's PS by 2 D10 for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Raise target's PS by D10 for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Raise target's PS by 1 for the rest of the Pulse.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP . Subtract 100. A point is chosen within range (as noted above). Every entity within 15 feet of that point whose PC is less than this value is penalised by 30 points for the next 4 Pulses
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP . Subtract 100. A point is chosen within range (as noted above). Every entity within 15 feet of that point whose PC is less than this value is penalised by 30 points for the next 2 Pulses
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP . Subtract 100. A point is chosen within range (as noted above). Every entity within 15 feet of that point whose PC is less than this value is penalised by 30 points for the next Pulse

Burst of Taste

  1. Break 100 + 3 x PC + Rank in Artisan Cook - Target's WP. Subtract 100. The remainder is added to a Reaction Roll to determine the pleasantness of what they are tasting.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x PC + Rank in Artisan Cook - Target's WP. Subtract 100. The remainder is added to a Reaction Roll to determine the pleasantness of what they are tasting.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x PC + Rank in Artisan Cook - Target's WP. Subtract 100. The remainder is added to a Reaction Roll to determine the pleasantness of what they are tasting.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that Charms by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that Charms by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that Charms by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that Sleeps or Hypnotises by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that Sleeps or Hypnotises by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that Sleeps or Hypnotises by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that burns by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that burns by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that burns by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that chills or freezes by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that chills or freezes by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR versus magic that chills or freezes by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP - target's WP. The target is wakened, recovers from Stun or both.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP - target's WP. The target is wakened, recovers from Stun or both.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP - target's WP. The target is wakened, recovers from Stun or both.


  1. Freely move 4 more hexes in that Pulse. This does not count against any other movement and may be combined with any other Action except a Free Act.
  2. Freely move 2 more hexes in that Pulse. This does not count against any other movement and may be combined with any other Action except a Free Act.
  3. Freely move 1 more hex in that Pulse. This does not count against any other movement and may be combined with any other Action except a Free Act.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP – Caster's WP. Subtract 100 from the result. If this number is greater than the Rank of the spell to be broken, then it dissipates before it can take effect.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – Caster's WP. Subtract 100 from the result. If this number is greater than the Rank of the spell to be broken, then it dissipates before it can take effect..
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – Caster's WP. Subtract 100 from the result. If this number is greater than the Rank of the spell to be broken, then it dissipates before it can take effect..


  1. Inflicts 2D10 fire damage or ignite a flammable object.
  2. Inflicts 1D10 fire damage or ignite a flammable object.
  3. Inflicts 1 fire damage or ignite a flammable object.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 WP – target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 x WP roll at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 x WP roll at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – target's WP. The target loses a non-magical pass action until they recover. This requires a 2 x WP roll at the end of the Pulse, followed by a 3 x WP roll next Pulse, then a 4 x WP roll. Recovery is automatic after that.


  1. Break 100: percentiles + 3 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  2. Break 100: percentiles + 2 x WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.
  3. Break 100: percentiles + WP – target's WP. If the result is greater than 100, subtract 100. Reduce the target's MR by this amount for the rest of the Pulse.


  1. Raise the target's EN by 2D10 (which may exceed their maximum) for 4 Pulses.
  2. Raise the target's EN by D10 (which may exceed their maximum) for 4 Pulses.
  3. Raise the target's EN by 1 (which may exceed their maximum) for 4 Pulses.


  1. Reduce all incoming damage on the target by 4 for the rest of the Pulse
  2. Reduce all incoming damage on the target by 2 for the rest of the Pulse
  3. Reduce all incoming damage on the target by 1 for the rest of the Pulse

Spell Shield

  1. Increase the target's Spell Armour by 2D10 for the rest of this Pulse.
  2. Increase the target's Spell Armour by D10 for the rest of this Pulse.
  3. Increase the target's Spell Armour by 1 for the rest of this Pulse.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP + Rank in Darkness spell. Subtract 100. Reduce the light level over an area 35ft across by the remainder, to a minimum of 0. Light level returns to its original state at a rate of 10 per Pulse.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP + Rank in Darkness spell. Subtract 100. Reduce the light level over an area 35ft across by the remainder, to a minimum of 0. Light level returns to its original state at a rate of 10 per Pulse.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP + Rank in Darkness spell. Subtract 100. Reduce the light level over an area 35ft across by the remainder, to a minimum of 0. Light level returns to its original state at a rate of 10 per Pulse.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP + Rank in Light spell. Subtract 100. Increase the light level over an area 35ft across by the remainder to a maximum of 100%. Light level returns to its original state at a rate of 10 per Pulse.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP + Rank in Light spell. Subtract 100. Increase the light level over an area 35ft across by the remainder to a maximum of 100%. Light level returns to its original state at a rate of 10 per Pulse.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP + Rank in Light spell. Subtract 100. Increase the light level over an area 35ft across by the remainder to a maximum of 100%. Light level returns to its original state at a rate of 10 per Pulse.

Gesture only


  1. Break 100 + 3 x MA. Subtract 100 then halve the result to generate PS and MD (fractions are rounded up). If this PS & MD is sufficient it will open an unlocked door, window, lid or similar.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x MA. Subtract 100 then halve the result to generate PS and MD (fractions are rounded up). If this PS & MD is sufficient it will open an unlocked door, window, lid or similar.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x MA. Subtract 100 then halve the result to generate PS and MD (fractions are rounded up). If this PS & MD is sufficient it will open an unlocked door, window, lid or similar.


  1. Break 100 + 3 x MA. Subtract 100 then halve the result to generate PS and MD (fractions are rounded up). If this PS & MD is sufficient it will close a door, window, lid or similar.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x MA. Subtract 100 then halve the result to generate PS and MD (fractions are rounded up). If this PS & MD is sufficient it will close a door, window, lid or similar.
  3. Break 100 + 1 x MA. Subtract 100 then halve the result to generate PS and MD (fractions are rounded up). If this PS & MD is sufficient it will close a door, window, lid or similar.

Turn Blade

  1. Break 100 + 3 x MA - attacker's WP. Subtract 100 and add the remainder to the die roll result of the attacker's Strike Check for the rest of the Pulse. Does not affect Strike Checks made with crushing weapon.
  2. Break 100 + 2 x MA - attacker's WP. Subtract 100 and add the remainder to the die roll result of the attacker's Strike Check for the rest of the Pulse. Does not affect Strike Checks made with crushing weapon.
  3. Break 100 + MA - attacker's WP. Subtract 100 and add the remainder to the die roll result of the attacker's Strike Check for the rest of the Pulse. Does not affect Strike Checks made with crushing weapon.

Utterance only


  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP - target's EN. If successful, the shape change takes a Free Act (which may be the same as the one used for Power Word: Shift)
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP - target's EN. If successful, the shape change takes a Free Act (which may be the same as the one used for Power Word: Shift)
  3. Break 100 + WP - target's EN. If successful, the shape change takes a Free Act (which may be the same as the one used for Power Word: Shift)

Advanced Power Words

Spell Hex

  1. Break 100 + 3 x WP - target's WP. Subtract 100 and add the remainder to the die roll result of the target's next Spell Cast Action (making it harder).
  2. Break 100 + 2 x WP - target's WP. Subtract 100 and add the remainder to the die roll result of the target's next Spell Cast Action (making it harder).
  3. Break 100 + 1 x WP - target's WP. Subtract 100 and add the remainder to the die roll result of the target's next Spell Cast Action (making it harder).