Great Land Mammals

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Natural Habitat
Arctic, Caverns, Highlands, Waste, Woods
Bears exist in any climate and have even been known to live in desert habitats. Arctic and mountain bears will be white. Other bears may vary in colour from brown to black, and some will have creamy or rust tinged fur. They will generally weigh between 500 and 1500 pounds. They tend to walk on all four feet, but may stand on their hind legs to fight.
Bears are omnivorous. They are also curious. They will, consequently, investigate and possibly attack a party of less than 6 humanoids. Larger parties will less likely be bothered. In spring, they will have 1-2 cubs in their lair. Each cub will fetch 400-800 Silver Pennies in an untrained state.
Bears possess no special skills or talents. They are not magic or tool users. However, shapechanger bears may use tools (and weapons) in their bear form.
Movement Rates
Running: 300
PS: 35-40 MD: 10-15 AG: 10-15 MA: None EN: 30-35 FT: 35-40
WP: 8-10 PC: 18-22 PB: 6-10 TMR: 6 NA: Fur absorbs 4 DP
Bears may bite and claw while in Close Combat or they can attempt to "hug" their victim. Bears may make two claw attacks in Melee.
Claws: BC 35%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4.
Bite: BC 20%, [D + 4], Close, Rank 0.
Hug: BC 60%, [D + 8], Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Highlands, Wetlands, Woods
1-3 (1)
Boars grow to 550 pounds, are covered in long, dark bristles and have long tusks. They tend to be both stupid and vicious.
Boars tend to be nocturnal and will seldom be encountered in daylight. They are omnivorous and will devour anything they find laying about or will kill humanoids for food.
Boars have no special skills or talents and use neither tools nor magic.
Movement Rates
Running: 350
PS: 22-27 MD: 14-18 AG: 20-25 MA: None EN: 20-25 FT: 25-30
WP: 4-10 PC: 12-16 PB: 6-10 TMR: 7 NA: Bristles absorb 4 DP
Boars always attempt to Charge and Close, and either gore them with their tusks or knock them to the ground and trample them.
Gore: BC 50%, [D + 1], Close, Rank 1-2.
Trample: BC 20%, [D + 3], Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Plains, Waste
1-6 (3)
A camel is a tawny, thin-legged creature often used as a riding beast. Camels will have either one large hump on their back or two. If the latter is in the case, the camel is called a dromedary.
Camels' metabolisms allow them to retain large quantities of fat and water, so they are able to survive for long periods without eating or drinking. On average, a camel can live for a week to ten days without water without suffering substantial ill effects. While valued for this trait, they are difficult to train and so will bring little money in an untrained state. Trained camels will bring 700-900 Silver Pennies.
Movement Rates
Running: 600
PS: 25-30 MD: 12-15 AG: 11-14 MA: None EN: 27-30 FT: 20-25
WP: 10-12 PC: 14-18 PB: 7-9 TMR: 12 NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Camels may either bite or kick into their rear hex.
Bite: BC 30%, [D - 1], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Kick: BC 25%, [D + 4], Melee Rear, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Plains, Woods
1-5 (1) or 50-5000 (200)
Deer are wild creatures, like thin, agile horses. They generally have a tawny coat, but rare specimens are black. Stags are male deer and have large racks of antlers. Antelope have straight, non-branching horns, and are usually a shade of grey or brown.
Deer are usually found in woods, while antelope are found in the plains. Deer travel singly or in pairs, and will be wary of humanoids, but will not flee them.. Antelope travel in vast herds, and are not shy of man. Female antelope are as large as the males, while female deer are smaller and without antlers. Stag antlers and some antelope horns are extremely valuable (worth 200-700 Silver Pennies).
Deer have no special talents or skills and use neither tools nor magic.
Movement Rates
Running: 750
PS: 20-26 MD: 19-24 AG: 22-26 MA: None EN: 15-20 FT: 20-25
WP: 10-11 PC: 20-25 PB: 12-13 TMR: 15 NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Deer may either use their antlers or kick into their rear hex.
Antlers: BC 30%, [D + 5], Melee & Close, Rank 1-4.
Kick: BC 50%, [D + 3], Melee Rear, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Jungle, Plains
1-50 (20)
Elephants are 10 to 14 feet high at the shoulder and weigh between 4 and 8 tons (with "Indian" elephants being much smaller on the average than "African" elephants). They tend to be grey in colour, but may appear brown, yellow or red, depending upon what type of mud they have been wallowing in. Elephants are four-hex monsters.
Elephants will usually shy away from humanoids unless provoked (70% chance that provocation short of attack will be ignored). If one elephant is attacked, all nearby elephants will come to their assistance, especially if the elephant is a cow or calf. Elephant tusks are valuable (500-800 Silver Pennies per tusk weighing around 100 pounds). Calves will sell for 1000 Silver Pennies and adult bulls will sell for three times that if unharmed. Adult females may fetch 1500 Silver Pennies if still in their breeding years.
Elephants have no talents or skills and are not magic or tool users. They are dextrous with their trunks and can often use them to lift large burdens, shake trees, crush or throw objects (like people) without much accuracy. They have a highly developed sense of smell and poor eyesight.
Movement Rates
Running: 450
PS: 60-75 MD: 15-18 AG: 10-12 MA: None EN: 40-50 FT: 45-55
WP: 10-14 PC: 10-12 PB: 6-8 TMR: 9 NA: Hide absorbs 5 DP
An elephant may use its tusks and trunk, or may trample (four attacks). From a distance, it may charge with its tusks.
Charge: BC 60%, [D + 8], Melee, Rank 0.
Tusks: BC 15%, [D + 2], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Trunk: BC 80%, [D - 2], Melee, Rank 0.
Trample: BC 50%, [D + 6], Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
1-16 (6)
Giraffes are giant antelope with long necks and a horse-like head. They can grow as tall as 18 feet, averaging 12 feet high at the shoulder, and can weigh over 3000 pounds. They have long legs, round bodies, and are quite fast. Giraffes are vegetarian, feasting on the leafy tops of tall trees. Their fur ranges in color from golden to brown, usually dotted with darker spots. Giraffes have two small flesh covered horns, valued for their alchemical properties. Giraffes travel in small herds, usually led by one dominant male. They will generally flee from the presence of humanoids who come closer than 200 yards. They are 2 hex monsters.
Giraffe horn is valuable to Alchemists. One horn from a full grown Giraffe can sell for 100 Gold Shillings or more. The horn is often used to make potions or as an item to be imbued with magical properties.
Giraffes have no special skills or talents, and are not magic users.
Movement Rates
Running: 700
PS: 30-36 MD: 14-18 AG: 12-16 MA: None EN: 22-26 FT: 30-35
WP: 10-12 PC: 18-22 PB: 12-16 TMR: 14 NA: Fur absorbs 2 DP
Giraffes can kick either forwards or backwards.
Back Kick: BC 20%, [D + 8], Melee Rear, Rank 0.
Fore Kick: BC 40%, [D + 5], Melee, Rank 0.

Hippopotamus (River Horse)

Natural Habitat
1-10 (4)
Hippos are huge aquatic mammals with long round bodies, short ears, and large oblong snouts. They can grow to lengths of over 12 feet, and often weigh more than 4 tons. Their skin is rough, usually dark brown or gray. They have round flat teeth, and horrible breath. Hippos sweat blood all over their body when they are about to attack. They are 4 hex monsters.
Hippos can breathe underwater, and are treated as aquatics. While submerged, hippos are difficult to spot, as usually only their nostrils and eyes protrude above the water. They are territorial, and will challenge any creature or boat that comes too close to their young. They will attempt to surprise and capsize any craft that comes too close or appears hostile. On land, hippos are slow and virtually defenceless, and will hide in mud wallows to avoid danger. They will retreat into water if threatened.
These animals have no special skills except water-breathing and sweating blood.
Movement Rates
Running: 150; Swimming: 250
PS: 40-50 MD: 7-9 AG: 7-10 MA: None EN: 35-45 FT: 40-45
WP: 10-12 PC: 14-18 PB: 6-9 TMR: 3-5 NA: Hide absorbs 4 DP
Hiipos may bite creatures 4' long or longer. Smaller creatures are swallowed whole, inflicting no immediate damage. Additionally, they can attempt to capsize boats less than 20' long.
Bite: BC 25%, [D + 7], Melee, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
Plains, Rural
1-20 (2)
Oxen are literally castrated cattle. This heading subsumes all such forms of domesticated beasts (water buffalo, caribou, etc.) used for pulling wagons, carts, ploughs, etc., or for carrying burdens. Oxen generally have horns, but will seldom use them unless directly attacked.
Wild ox, such as buffalo, bison and yak, are extremely territorial, and will attack in concert to drive off predators.
Oxen have no special talent or skill and are neither tool nor magic users. They will almost always be trained to pull a plough or wagon.
Movement Rates
Running: 250
PS: 50-60 MD: 7-9 AG: 8-10 MA: None EN: 25-30 FT: 32-40
WP: 7-9 PC: 12-15 PB: 6-8 TMR: 5 NA: Hide absorbs 3 DP
Oxen may attack with their horn, or trample (4 attacks).
Horns: BC 20%, [D + 3], Melee, Rank 0.
Trample: BC 40%, [D + 5], Close, Rank 0.


Natural Habitat
1-4 (1)
A Rhino is a large land mammal with a huge head, small eyes, and one or two horns protruding from their snout. Their skin is grey and thick, generally with short abrasive hairs covering their head and neck. They can grow as large as 6 feet high at the shoulder, 10 feet long, and weigh up to 3 tons. Rhinos are solitary herbivores, although bulls will fight over females and territory during mating seasons: Spring and Autumn. These creatures are generally not afraid of anything, including lions, tigers, or man. Additionally, they consume a great deal of food (about 120 pounds per day). Rhinos will usually not attack unless provoked. They are 3 hex monsters.
Rhinos are not shy, but they do have a short temper and will attack if annoyed. They are short-sighted and will often charge to displace creatures they can not identify. Courtesans have found use for rhino horns as an aphrodisiac. Horns will sell for 25 Gold Shillings each in most cities.
Rhinos posses no special skills or magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates
Running: 350
PS: 50-60 MD: 10-12 AG: 10-12 MA: None EN: 35-45 FT: 45-50
WP: 10-14 PC: 12-14 PB: 5-8 TMR: 7 NA: Hide absorbs 7 DP
Rhinos will attempt to gore or trample (four attacks).
Charge: BC 60%, [D + 6], Melee, Rank 0.
Gore: BC 40%, [D + 2], Melee, Rank 0.
Trample: BC 25%, [D + 2], Close, Rank 0.

Woolly Mammoth

Natural Habitat
1-10 (4)
Mammoths are huge, hairy, evil-tempered elephantine animals growing to twice the size of elephants. Mastodons are generally longer and lower to the ground, but otherwise similar to the mammoth. Both mammoths and mastodons are four-hex monsters.
Mammoths tend to be more irritable than elephants and will be quicker to attack, but are otherwise similar. Their tusks are valued the same as elephant tusks, but weigh only 50-80 pounds each.
Mammoths possess no talents, skills or magic. They are not tool users.
Movement Rates
Running: 500
PS: 65-80 MD: 15-18 AG: 10-12 MA: None EN: 50-60 FT: 55-65
WP: 10-14 PC: 10-12 PB: 5-7 TMR: 10 NA: Hide absorbs 6 DP
A mammoth may use its tusks and trunk, or may trample (four attacks). From a distance, it may charge with its tusks.
Charge: BC 60%, [D + 9], Melee, Rank 0.
Tusks: BC 15%, [D + 3], Melee & Close, Rank 0.
Trunk: BC 80%, [D - 1], Melee, Rank 0.
Trample: BC 50%, [D + 7], Close, Rank 0.