The Dragon Court of Ambra

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Dragon Court of Ambra


Date: Thaw 797 WK

Party Members

E&E and party leader.
Dark Celestial and party scribe.
Young boy of sorts.
Poncy elf Illusionist.


Thaw 8, 797 WK

Meet party employer, Randolf Peridale II, a hobbit of independent means. He wanted to employ the party of retrieve an item from the Dragon Court of Ambra, on the plane of Ambra. The pay was 50,000 silver pennies, but the cost of the item, should be have had to purchase it, would have been deducted.

The employer had an item should would transport us to Ambra and back as needed. We decided on a cover and left. The cover decided apon was the following.

Lady Kathlene of Mittelmach Hauptstadt, going on a shopping trip.
Sir Christopher of Bowcourt.
Sir Geovani of Elfenburg.
Reeve Geoffrey of Eltrandor.
Squire Cottle.

We arrive during the morning in Ambra. The place was very picturesque with rolling fields, copses of trees and straight hedgerows. The land was all very civilised in a pastoral way. We turned up in a field about five miles from the keep.

We travel into town along a paved road which meandered is a pleasant fashion into a town which was all too clean and nice to be real. In the town, over which the keep looks from its position situated on a small hill, we stop at a tavern. There we meet a Bard by the name of Manam, would had recently returned to Ambra from Alusia. From him we received some useful information.

  • The Ruler is called Sivley.
  • His son, the Prince of Kaloria (who has the item), is the crown prince.
  • Currently visiting the court where three groups.
    • Two elves from Alusia but not from Elfheim.
    • A noble of sorts from Alusia, which two female assistants and two hillgiant guards.
    • A group of nobles from the north of Ambra.

Manam gives each of us a sash made from silk which disguises their aura. It also enables the wearer to comprehend and speak Ambran fluently, but does not help when trying to read the language.

After a discussion on chess and various game tactics, we make our way to the castle. At the castle we are presented to the court. The Ruler has short dark hair, aged between twenty to thirty, wearing purple. The throne is stone carved to look like a wyvern. Next to the Ruler was a man in brown habit, called Doctor Versalt.

The Ruler was, throughout the visit, except once, very distant, and behaved as if completely outside the normal happenings of the court. The court itself was thoroughly dedicated to following fashion. The fashions, it seemed, were all part of the game, and changed regularly.

One important consideration was the difference between being female and being a Lady, and likewise, being a man and being a Lord. Ladies wore dresses and make up, and Lords wore trousers and coats. Women could be Lords and men could be Ladies, depending on dress, but couples were always man and female. There was once exception to this, where both the woman and the man where Lords, for reasons explained later.

All nobles of the court can cast magic. This is mainly minor magic and apart from Versalt there didn't do seem to be any serious mages. There was plenty of illusions and glamours, but all were frivolous. The place itself was very magical. The walls stopped scrying and there were many examples of bound magic. Versalt probably a Shaper.

The courtroom was a large rectangular room with two levels of balconies (three stories plus roof). Various corridors and wings lead from the balconies with stairwells at each corner. After the introduction we were lead to our rooms on the first floor. From there we investigated the immediate surrounds to find the library, a music room and gaming rooms on the second floor.

The remainder of the afternoon taken by Lady Kathlene and a dressmaker, so while away until evening dinner playing music in the music room with Manam.

Dinner was a civilised affair, without pomp or ceremony. Afterward the crowd (12 noble couples plus visitors) mingled for a while before settling into cliques, mainly around the three dukes.

During the dinner Cottle manages be landed by Lady Freya and she goes head over heels about him. It all turns to trouble when her father (Duke Jarlyle) catches them doing hanky-panky on the second floor. He forces Cottle into getting married to Freya, who by now positively glows and her eyes light up at the very mention of Cottle's name.

The evening closes and couples drift away until about midnight. During the night I checked out the library but it was occupied by Jarad and Tania so come about at dawn.

Thaw 9, 797 WK

I studied in the library for about three hours but without knowing written Ambran I didn't make much progress. From the previous night we had agreed to go bear hunting with Prince Jarvik.

About mid-morning we set off and ride for about an hour. Geovani decides not to come and instead goes riding with Gwendolin. The Prince comes along and so does Duke Hama. Her husband is only a baron but is a Lord (being the exception to the rules). The fights are very contrived and the whole event completely ridiculous. The place has been without war for at least five generations and real blood and guts death and horror has been lost. The hunt, like everything else, was just a game.

Arrive back late afternoon, having done badly in the fight, but healed. We head for the baths where we meet Jarad. He says he is working for an Alusian noble who was trying to trace their lineage. The noble believed his ancestors may have had been through Ambra about 170 years ago. The noble hired Jarad to research the library here for clues.

Later one we meet Elrath in the corridor. He has a weapon cut down one arm but seems happy, or at least smug. Find out later he had run-in with Jarad and came off the better.

As we head down to dinner we meet Doctor Versalt, who asks us what the theme to the up and coming ball (several days away, and the date of Cottle's betrothal). After a discussion, it was decided on that it should be a Masquerade. He also asks that if we can tell him who the White and Black Queens are, he will give us some help.

At dinner the first thing noted was the Prince was formally and seriously dressed, and the Ruler was taking an interest in what was going on around him. Duke Jarlyle was notable by his absence. Later Duke Jarlyle is marched in under guard. He confronts the Ruler and after some comments by the Ruler which were missed, he leaves and is banished from the court.

Cottle gets terribly upset about this and quickly tries to find his loved one, but within minutes all records of the Duke are gone, including any memories the court members had of him. It was if he had never existed. Cottle got very upset about this and with Galand tried to follow a servant. They found a hidden passage but they didn't investigate.

Back at dinner arrange with Lord Jarad to meet outside the castle in the morning. Arrange with Elrath to meet the next afternoon. The court itself went on oblivious to what had happen.

Later that evening we investigate the cellars. There we find out that all the servants are petit morted during their off times. There is something missing in the set-up and I think they would also have to been slept or hibernated, otherwise they would eventually go insane from sleep deprivation.

All the hot water was created from a flask with bound fire (possibly an elemental) in it, with pipes from a Tap into the Elemental Plane of Water. Very sophisticated and clever. I am certainly impressed by it and the plumbing it an outstanding piece of engineering.

There was also a Sphere of Creation, which must be some sort of Ritual of Binding Mind Magics, which creates mundane items and food. They also had a Sphere of Annihilation, to get rid of stuff. The whole thing looked like a way out of having to the Ruler deal with reality.

Thaw 10, 797 WK

Have sword practice with the Prince. Discuss happenings and broach question of borrowing item (a sword as it turns out). Come to an agreement but have to act on it quickly.

We leave the keep about mid morning and go into town. Just outside town we meet Lord Jarad. He says he has been employed to keep an eye on us, but does not tell us by whom. We came to an agreement whereby we give him an abridged version of what we got up to and in return he kept out of our way and help us out on the side.

Later have picnic with Elrath. Lots of verbal fencing. Find out that he is working for his master, but not who his master is. Galand makes some headway with Andrana.

Thaw 11, 797 WK

Meet with Prince and arrange to borrow the sword. It turns out to be Lord Surtur's Bane. After recovering from the panic arrange for payment.

I depart back to Alusia and meet with our employer. Arrange with a friend (Sabastian Dragonrider) to do sculpture of a dragon in quartz. Find out when Randolf was there, 15 years ago, there were five Dukes. At the time the party was talking to Manam. Find out a bit more about the place and who is pulling the strings.

The party (except myself) leave and go back to Alusia.

Thaw 12, 797 WK

Randolf and Sabastian turn up in morning with quartz. Randolf has victim to take the sword. Receive payment. I stay for a couple of weeks while Sabastian works. Finally leave several months later.

Members of the Court

The Ruler
Sivley. The adjudicator of all that happens.
Prince Tarrant
Prince of Kaloria. All muscle and no brains. Looks about 18, and extremely fit. Good frontline troop material.
Doctor Versalt
The person who keeps the game running smoothly.
Duke Jarlyle of Fortaia
An old, portly man, with five daughters.
Duke Hama of Landfast
A woman who is a lord. A warrior.
Duke Aranan of Tarthia
Lord and noted scholar on magical items.
Count Isterion of Endmoot
A tall man who usually wore a full length sabre and looked as if he could use it.
Baron Nessa
Wife of Count Isterion.
Baron Aria of Westron
A Lord (but female) of little note.
Baroness Ronan
A man and husband to Baron Aria.
Lady Gwendolin
Daughter of Isterion and Nessa.
Lady Corena
The Prince's latest bird. The lights were on but nobody was home.
Lady Freya
Youngest daughter of Jarlyle.
Baroness Buchanan
A noble from the south and leading lady of the court.
Lady Marla
Doweger of the court.
Prince Jarvik
Son of King Gorak from the north. Bit of a barbarian.
Baron Weyreth of Dirwood
Son of Duke Hama and leading young lord of the court.
Lord Jarad of Eltrandor
Leader of the group from Alusia and professional researcher.
Rune mage and scholar.
Namer and thief.
Elf from Alcarzê.
Elrath's body slave for 100 years. Elf from Elfheim.