Main Page
This is a resource for the multi-gm campaign of Dragon Quest that runs for the most part in
Auckland, New Zealand
If you would like an account please contact one of the admins. If you don't have the contact details for one of these people please speak to your GM who should be able to assist.
Important Pages
Next Guild Meeting Sunday 8th December 2024 1pm - 2pm |
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A number of area's of the Wiki are of particular use and are listed below in no particular order.
- Scribe Notes - For detailing, announcing and signing up for games. Current Scribe notes
- User Guides - A collection of documents that discuss or detail aspects of the game for both GM's and Players.
- Category:GMs - A list of the GM's with information on the Wiki.
Also on the side bar are the Current events and Recent Changes pages. Current Events will keep you up to date with the current Guild Meetings as well as campaign information and activities in the game world. Recent changes will show you the latest edits in the Wiki so you can keep up to date with changes to the pages that interest you.
If you want to know what needs to be added to the Wiki the Wanted Pages (list of pages that people have created links to, but which don't exist yet) is a great place to start. Or you could check out the To Be Formatted category
Here is a Wiki Index to assist in finding the page you want.
Game Worlds
The information here and throughout the wiki was at a point in time. It was all or some of the information available or detailed at the time. GM's can use this information and update the location & information as they see fit, or simply ignore it. Its an open GM World in that respect.
The main world where our campaign takes place. A number of areas are well documented and additional information is being added as it becomes available.
- Lands of Alusia - Documenting the countries, counties and lands of the world.
As well as the documented areas there is also documentation on Alusian Climate, Peoples, Myths, Timeline, Deities, Magic, Price Lists, Portal Networks and The Sky at Night.
Other Worlds
Other planes have been popular with GM's over the years and a number of them have been documented.
Real World
- Gods Meetings - Sometimes Monthly meetings often for GMs (and interested players) to get organised.
- Guild Meetings - Quarterly meetings where adventures for the quarter are organised.
- Social Events - Dinners, Events, Parties and Functions.
- DQ Emailing lists - Join the email discussion on DQ.
- Guild Finances - The cost of fun..
- Social Networking - Connecting with DQ'ers outside of DQ..
Game World
- The Seagate Guild of Adventurers
- Listing of Guild Members
- Masterworks Master works of rank 8+
- The Seagate Times, Quarterly Chronicle of the Guild
- The Guild Library, archive of adventure Scribe Notes, SGT and other documents.
- The Guild Pub - in character conversations, notices etc.
- The Alusian Calendar and Almanac.
- Acronyms, abbreviations and other Jargon specific to DQ and our campaign.
- The Languages of our realms.
- Starting a New Character
- In Game Current Events
Game Mechanics
- The Rules and Players Guide - that we play by.
- The GM's who run games.
- Committees and Tribunals.
- The Dangers: Monsters (including the Bestiary), Villains, NPCs
- The Rewards: Experience, Skills, Statistics
- Arcane Items - an open item reward system.
- Loot Guides Writeup Guidelines, Standard Items, Guild Vaults, Artifacts and Examples of Loot.
- Additional Material: Aids for players and GM's that enhance the rules or make things easier.
GM Information
Additional information providing background and detail on the Medieval/Renaissance era.
Related Sites
- Guild Library
- Back issues of the SGT in PDF format (current issue of the SGT can be found here)
- Mortimer's Library (defunct)
- DQ Mailing List Archive
- DragonQuest on Wikipedia (they link to our wiki)
- Dragonquest Newsletter List
- DragonQuest Newsletter Archive
- DragonQuest Players Association
Other Wiki Sites
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wiktionary Dictionary and Thesaurus Wiki News Site MediaWiki, the Tool behind the Wikis Wiki Project Co-ordination
Alternate Universes
Any original SPI material published on this site and are under copyright by Wizards of the Coast remain the property of Wizards of the Coast.