Horror Items and Loot

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Divying up the loot

41,630 sp per share [excluding scooters]. Please add your name, in order next to the AVAILABLE item that you choose (replace the dash '-' between the two uprights). (e.g., Item 16 Ruby ... Aryan #1 —— example only)

Choosing order is Motley, ——, Cap'n Kit, Word!smith, HSH IE, Aryan, Amelia; and back again (Loxi is passing on loot and taking the cash).

HSH IE finished
Aryan finished
WordSmith finished
Cap'n Kit finished
Amelia finished
  1. Motley << NEXT
Loot Taken by...
Item 1 — Ring of Healing (1 chg remaining) @ 3,900 sp Motley #3
Item 2 — Ring of Healing (3 chg remaining) @ 11,400 sp Amelia #1
Item 3 — Mantle of Ostentation @ 12,500 sp Aryan #1
Item 4 — Mantle of Ostentation @ 12,500 sp Kit #1
Item 5 — Necromancer Fighting Robes @ 21,500 sp Isil Eth #5
Item 6 — Necromancer Fighting Robes @ 21,500 sp Aryan #5
Item 7 — Necromancer Cloak @ 31,500 sp Aryan #2
Item 8 — Princess Wig @ 6,000 sp Aryan #3
Item 9 — 5 fake pearls @ 2,500 sp -
Item 10 — Potion R20 Mind Shield #1 @ 4,900 sp Amelia #2
Item 11 — Potion R20 Mind Shield #2 @ 4,900 sp WS #2
Item 12 — Ruby of True worth @ 39,999 sp Isil Eth #1
Item 13 — Potion R20 Mind Shield #3 @ 4,900 sp Isil Eth #2
Item 14 — Corundum dust and shards @ 500 sp -
Item 15 — Sounding Drum @ 4,500 sp Kit #2
Item 16 through 29 — 14 x 25 lb Titan-metal ingots (@ 350 sp) Kit #3 Kit #4 WS #3 WS #4 IE #3 IE #4 Amelia #4 Aryan #4 Motley #5 WS #5 Amelia #5 Amelia #6 IE #6
Item 30 through 34 — 5 x Quiver of Ill-popper arrows (@5000/qvr) Motley #1 WS #1 Motley #2 Amelia #3 Motley #4
Item 35 — Gold base, with free artwork @ 70,000 sp Art (WS)

Ryo's Bracelet

Not Loot. This Bracelet is part of something very powerful, although the other elements are assumed lost/destroyed. It can act as a large round shield. It was Ancient Div'd by WordSmith on the first night on Ares.

OUTSIDE INSCRIPTION (Ancient): Seven Purple Sities Pledged | Well to Goodly Gods of Old || Evil Entered Elvi Arose | the Blessed Voyage Beyond the Veil || to Safety Fled Five Sities | to War Two Tribe Went || Mighty Warriors for Many Years | Fought Valiently, Finding Victories | Unable to Vanquish Vile Enemy | Deathlessly Alive, Eternally Deceased | Perpetually in Place of Pwer Protected || Behind the Stars Sailed the Brave | to Home Discovering Holiness Departed | in Deities' Stead, Decadent Scions | Magisterial Over a Monkey World | that Hate Peace and Hunt the Pure ||

OUTSIDE INSCRIPTION: (more recent, cruder): The People was divided: the Holy Speakers tired of struggling and sought to follow whither the True Gods had gone and with the Blessing lifted the curtain again and stepped Elsewhere. The other Tribe, warriors born, gathered the innocents who would come and sailed the airless sea to the next pebble and briefly dwelt in and above Paradise, a green Rolling land with the Honest Faithful, for whom the people wrought Great Wonders, and the Eighth City [City of Eight] surpassed the clay-dwelling of Home. Too soon the dravin [Drow] deceitfully wreaked chaos in Paradise and the world was twisted. Many died. Again the People was unsafe and in their fear divided. The High Lords of Art' withdrew and knew no outsiders; safe in their devices and shunning stratagems. Those of the Heart danced on the sands, as did the servants expelled by the Savants and, as the green forests died, they did too. Yet some became of this world and retained their from by remaining true to their spirit; Be thou one such.

Carmen Loot

Plane of origin (when this is detectable) is Purple.

Ring of Healing
3,900sp. (From Jack Russell) 1 remaining charge: 22 pts of damage (END first, then wraps to FAT), automatically on the end of any pulse whenever wearer is still alive but drops below 10% of natural full Fatigue &/or 20% natural full Endurance. 130% Base chance; On a multiple effect, the Damage Points restored may be multiplied. Value: (150sp+chges*3750 sp.)
Ring of Healing
15,150sp. (From Gerry Sheppard) 4 now 3 (IE used in Honour Guard fight) charges: 22 pts of damage (END first, then wraps to FAT), automatically on the end of any pulse whenever wearer is still alive but drops below 10% Fat &/or 20% END. 130% Base chance; On a multiple effect, the Damage Points restored may be multiplied.
Potion of R20 Avatar - Used vs vampire group
7,900sp. (From Gerry Sheppard, spare). Duration: 25 minutes; effect automatic; Resist: None. Imbiber increases in size and physical prowess gains 21 foot in height, 21 PS, 21 EN, and 6 TMR. Target becomes a 5-hex creature
Mantle of Ostentation (x 2)
@12,500sp. (From Jack & Jerry) 5 peacock feathers attached to belt standing up in display.
Effect: When the wearer is fully adapted, they gain full vision of their surroundings, 360 degrees around and even including overhead. PC is increased by upto 2 (may exceed racial maximum by 1 point); but +2PC does not stack with other PC enhancements — greatest effect applies.
Some Specific disadvantages: wearer gets no bonus or penalty to low or high lightings, but is particularly susceptible to Flash of Light or effects explicitly or implicitly described as being like Flash of Light. Sum up wearer's normal resistance to FoL, including counterspells & other magic, then halve that final figure to get their actual resistance.
Unlike normal magic items, it takes 3 full days to get used to wearing the Mantle without serious side-effects. When first put on the wearer is at –10 visual PC, and they recover 3PC per 24 hours. The wearer is not particularly disoriented if the mantle is taken off, and it may be taken up again within the following week with no disorientation. However, for every full week the mantle is not worn it will take one full day to get re-adapted to the mantle (upto a maximum of 3 full days).
Combat effect: The wearer does not have a rear hex and an opponent behind the wearer does NOT automatically strike first; strike order is determined by normal initiative. When the wearer strikes an opponent behind them, there is no penalty in close combat, nor for A-class mele weapons. Eventually, with practice, combat with other weapons is possible with pole-arms (at -1 to –10 penalty, as GM determines) or other B-or C-class melee weapons (normally at upto –30 penalty, as GM determines). Multihex strike options may be limited. Thrown weapons should be viable, with practice; but the GM should rule that some some attacks into one or all erstwhile rear hexes are physically impossible because of the limitations on arm movements (e.g., bowfire is impossible; similarly two unarmed attacks with fists are impossible, but a single kick at no penalty should be possible)
Magic effect: The wearer may only cast magic to any of the three front hexes, because of the limitations on hand and arm movements; but wearer may trigger in any direction unless the specific write-up of the triggering mechanisim prevemts it. The wearer may actively resist in any direction provided that they physically see whom they are resisting.
Necromancer Fighting Robes (x 2)
@21,500sp. Origin & appearance: Each loose-fitting robe is made from finely spun mineral fibres, processed tar, and greyish hair & skin from a metataxic titan of ancient power. The robes have a smokey, shadowy appearance. The robe's protection is partly it physical make-up (2 points), but predominantly a magical titanic aura (3-4 points). The robe may not be cut or torn and is generally impervious to most damage, even if the wearer isn't — although if the wearer is destroyed by magic then the robe will be destroyed as well. Once woven/forged for its specific wearer, a robe may not be reshaped, but it may be worn by some-one less than the height and build to the wearer. Unlike armour the robes are not weakened by grievous blows rained upon the wearer. Gives –5 Reaction roll to those who don't have a good reason to trust the wearer; There is a mildly repugnant sense of menace or tragedy to the wearer.
Effect The robe has Armour Protection 5 (7 if the wearer is a devotee of the specific Titan & performs the correct renewal rights) and Weight factor 2. The armour protection of the robe may ONLY be effectively combined with cloth or fur armour (which may itself be magically enhanced). Should the wearer be wearing non-cloth or non-fur armour, he may always receive the greater benefit from the robes or his armour, unless the armour's write-up says otherwise. Because the robe's aura, there is a variable stealth modifier. The wearer will normally be highly noticable if he is not invisible and in 80% light or brighter (equivalent to an autumn morning with light cloud or an artificially lit but brightly lit room), But in 5-30% lighting (equivalent to midnight in a storm through to Night in a town, or equivalent to underground with no lights through to shuttered room during the day), the wearer gains +15 stealth.
Special Protection (from the aura component): Against physical attack, the robes function like normal armour except that against criticals or endurance blows the damage is still reduced by 3 points (or 5 for a devotee). Similarly the damage from magic or from undead draining is still reduced by 3 points (or 5 for a devotee), however if the wearer is already protected by the talent of Necrogeny or other anti-draining magic or power, then ONLY the greater/greatest protection applies.
Regeneration for a non-devotee: During the night wearer regenerates 1 point of Endurance per 15 seconds during the night; or, for any damage done by fire or acid, 1 point per 5 minutes. During the night it will regenerate ALL lost Endurance, regardless of cause. During the local day the robe regenrates at a quarter of the nightime rates, and it does NOT regenerate endurance damage done by the environment, starvation, or over-exertion.
Necromancer Cloak
31,500sp. (From Carmen) Origin & appearance: This rare cloak is only semi-substantial; including greyish hair & skin from a metataxic titan of ancient power and somewhat resembles grey mist or smoke made solid; in shadows or low light it automatically appears a darker grey. It has a large cowl that hides the face in deep shadow, despite the ambient lighting. The wearer has a –15 reaction roll as if they have a palpable air of tragedy or doom about them. In most cases, if a person or mob is wondering why they are suffering bad-luck or misfortunes, the cloak-wearer is the obvious reason.
Effect The cloak may be work with armour and gives additional protection. It reduces all incoming damage (including endurance, criticals, and magic) by 3 points — or 6 points for a close devotee of the titan concerned. The cloak gives +15 Magic resistance (+20 for a devotee) which does not stack with any magical or quasi-magical against magic other than amulets and a magic-user's purification ritual. E.g, it does not stack with counter spells or consecration, but is independent of branch/elemental modifiers, etc.
There is a variable stealth modifier. In 40% to 80% lighting (Night of Full Moon through to an autumn morning with light cloud), the wearer gains +10 stealth.
Special movement: On a 1xWP roll and a pass action, the wearer may drift through the air relative to the current airflow at TMR [MA divided by 5, round down] and has their normal appearance except they seem to be draped in trailing whisps of cloud and perhaps standing on a hex of cloud. They gain no addition protection (possibly not even the 5 defence for flying) and are still substantial. They may come out of this motion at whim, but it requires another WP roll & pass action to return to the air-walking state.
Regeneration for a non-devotee: During the night wearer regenerates 1 point of FATIGUE per 20 seconds during the night. When the wearer is at full fatigue, the cloak will regenerate 1 point of Endurance per 10 full minutes instead. During the night it will regenerate ALL lost Endurance, regardless of cause. During the local day the robe regenerates at a sixth of the night time rates, and it does NOT regenerate endurance damage done by the environment, starvation, or over-exertion. This regeneration usually permits the wearer to function at full capacity for [5+ WP] hours without the need for sleep or rest; although the GM may over-rule this if other, crucial factors apply.
Princess Wig
6,000sp. (From Carmen). Made from human scalp & hair; its aura is different from the wearer's natural aura. Wearer is under the effect of personal Rank-0 Counter-mind general & special counterspells. Wig is very tight. It cannot be worn when sleeping normally and must be removed for at least one hour in every four or else the wearer has splitting migraines.
Silk bag containing 5 fake pearls
@ 500sp. (From Carmen) Actually each pearl is a rolled pill of a mildly addictive hallucinogen similar to Aguave.
Potions of Rank-20 Mind Shield (x 3)
@4,900sp. (From Carmen) 41 hour duration. Imbiber's thoughts cannot be detected or "read", e.g. by Telepathy or other mind reading talents, spells or rituals. The Imbiber's Resistance versus Mental Attack is increased by 50 while the potion is in effect. The potion does not block ESP or Empathy. The imbiber may choose to decline Mind Speech from an external source.
Ruby of True-Worth
(From Carmen) Appears to be a very expensive, exquisitely cut ruby (worth some 5 or 6 thousand) worn on the forehead attached to a jingly gold chain. Ensures wearer is the cynosure of all eyes. Gives +10 Reaction roll but HALVES stealth chance (after all other modifiers).
However ... on a 3-hour divination from someone who has closely examined the back of the gem, which is glyphed. The wearer is believable and what they say cannot be detected as falsehood, even if it is. The number of people that may be Bardic voiced is doubled and the speaker has noticeably more latitude in what they can say to their audience without undue suspicion. Unfortunately(?), when the wearer says something they believe to be false they must make a 1xWP roll or else they believe it to be so, even to the extent that conflicting memories are lost and they tend to ignore evidence of the opposite. This change occurs deep in the mind of the wearer and is NOT detectable by Divination or the like; nor is a "resistance" of a change detected. Moreover, if the wearer eventually says the untruth a third time, they will automatically believe it even though they resisted twice before. Value 39,999 sp

Honour Guard Loot

Corundum dust and shards
gathered from remains of crystal flechettes and other items embedded in Princess Blade

Clash of the Titan Loot

Titan-metal ingots
Like an ideal titan, this metal is comparatively strong, light, & incorruptible. The party may take up to 14 of these 25-lb ingots (@ 350 sp per ingot).
It is grey-silver in colour and the obvious oddity is that is so light (almost half the weight of cold steel). Indeed, a 25-lb ingot is twice the size of a copper ingot; about 2 and a half times the size of a Silver or Lead ingot; and over FOUR times the size of a gold ingot the same weight. It is quite hard, has a much higher melting point than silver or iron, but does NOT seem to be useful for weapons or shaped armour -- although plates of it may make good shields if you want an extravagant all-metal shield. The dwarves think that it will make good springs and durable metal rods inside mechanical devices; and good cymbals. They have priced it at 350 sp per Alusian ingot (compare with 110 for a Copper ingot), but the price will probably fall about 10% once they figure out how to produce it. The Hex-pyramid contained about one and a half tons of the metal -- they assume you're interested in taking up to 10% of it. If you give them a few seasons, they'll have more research for you
Illusion poppers
[Plane of origin is Ares] 5 quivers of 20, at 5000 per quiver. These arrows with flat stone heads (like a nail), that have -10% to base chance of hitting, and do [D-4] base damage. The head bears runes that destroy "illusions" on contact — being any Illusion spell or the specific Mind-mage spell Phantasm. The first "illusion" that the head makes contact with, it is destroyed/dissipated/no-more, no further checks required. If the popper physically hits a target on which illusion spell(s) have been cast, then the highest-ranked illusionist spell is popped/dissipated; if there are several spells of that rank, then one is randomly popped.
IF the archer gets an endurance or potential-grievous strike, the damage to the victim is still only physical FATIGUE damage, but the popper gets rid of two or three illusions respectively. As soon as it has popped its illusion, an illusion-popper arrow has no further magical effect.
[Q:Will the rune be expended if there is no illusion available on a target an arrow strikes? — A: no; magic only goes when it popps target ... of course if arrow head is broken, it is useless]
Drum of the Deep 4,500sp.
This looks like a tambourine (without its jangles), but when struck in air or underwater emits a deep note too low for an ordinary humanoid to hear but may be audible to fantastically large creatures — it is barely perceptible by a six hex giant. It causes all within range (1-2 miles through air, depending on local conditions; about twice that underwater) who cannot "hear" the beat to feel wary for an unknown reason — unless they do know what the exact source of their wariness is, in which case they are merely uncomfortable, but not particularly distressed.. Such wariness is as per the fear table ["The target will not voluntarily approach the source of their fear. If they are not aware of the source they will be very cautious and seek to optimise safety."], except that, for most of the area of effect, the "source of their fear" is not generally known. However, if a victim is within 100 yards of the drummer, they get a 1xPC chance of getting a vague sense (say, within 45 degrees) of the direction of their wariness.
The game-effect of such wariness is to make those in the area much more cautious, and more likely to flee from dangerous situations (without specifically quantifying the effect or mandating action on the GM's part).
With practice, the drum can be employed as a form of sonar.

Permanent Illusions

Kit can make his Illusions Permanent at no cost while at the ex-Drow Monolinth, and it only takes ~25 seconds. So, he's offering the party some spells:

  • Permanent Rank 21 Disguise. PB +/-14, race, sex, locate level adjustable.
  • Permanent Rank 5 Deep Pockets
  • Permanent Rank 20 Illusory Animals that pop after 11 damage.
  • Permanent Rank 13 Seeming on your scooters/gear.
  • Permanent almost any other Illusion on application.
Any Perm Illusion is removable by the caster on request, or by the four Ds (Dissipation, Dispel Magic, Death, Dismembership)
Kit took
  • Deep Pockets
  • 8 x Chicken; 2 x Nightgale; 2 x Lark
  • Fox, Vixen, 4 x Kits
  • Breeding Mare (already have stud)
  • Seeming on his armour & 7 swords
Amelia took
  • Deep Pockets
  • Seeming on Scooter (fair-ground wooden pegasus)
Aryan would like
  • Disguise (technical limitation - max PB 21 or he'll look like an elf, pansy, mama's boy or fop)
  • A couple of pet dogs
  • Seeming on Scooter (what depends on the size/shape of the scooter)
  • Seeming on a few bits of gear.