Pongo Gutbag and the Legion of Doom!

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Scribe Notes


GM: William
Season: Autumn 816 wk
Night: Monday
Location: Chez DJ.
Level: High

  1. Viola - Bridget
  2. Tegan - Kelsie
  3. Lath - Jono
  4. Mordrin - Clare
  5. Boris - Michael
Steal an artifact from a dude named Pongo Gutbag. And his cult of admirers. And the dragon. Of course there's a dragon. The game's not called Gobboquest you know.
I have been told to promise jelly and ice cream, bunnies and flowers.

Scribe Notes

Day 1-4

Prepare. See goblins.

Day 5

Gaseous form to a statue in the middle of the Sea of Grass which goblins are trying to steal pursued by goblins on chariots. We kill many of them and interrogate the rest. They worship Pongo and have a ziggurat symbol with a star on it. There is an iron mountain with lots of food and Pongo is at the top of it. Pongo gives all the goblins food. They wish to ascend. We decide to go back to the guild and heal up, repair armour and get rid of the goblin infestation.

Day 6 - healing

Day 7

The town guard have arrested some goblins. We interrogate them. They have some horse barbarian trading tokens. They are restoring the world. Everyone will be a goblin.

Day 8

Lath sends 2 rank 20 air elemental a to guard the statue. We head out to the statue again. The elementals say they feel bad. They are under a curse of punishment caused by sin. The curse may be removed by holy things. So are Lath, Teagan and Mordin. We return to the guild again.

Day 9

Curse removal. It is a greater curse as we have offended a God. +1 to dice rolls. The curse can also be removed by giving birth, carrying a heavy load or giving up treasure. We talk to other gods about getting protection from Pongo. Chantris's priests give Teagan, Mordrin and Lath idols of the fighting God, while Viola negotiates with Sabrina and gets an amulet of a three headed dragon.

Day 10

Loki gives Viola a cake to feed to Pongo and a throwing spear. We divinate the cake and it is divine food from the halls of the venir and is a gift. Lath goes into town to do some business. We head back to the statue and Teagan sense danger so we go by cloud rather than gaseous form. The statue has gone. Instead there is a large patch of disturbed earth. Boris who has joined us asks a random goblin spirit who says the statue was sucked into the earth. There is a curse on air mages to shrivel up and die.

We head to the storm which is moving slowly and deliberately. We land near a black snail trail behind the storm which looks like a very large army walk over the land. Teagan notices a glint of metal on a nearby hill (about a mile away). There are 3 or 4 humanoid creatures up there in good camouflage. Bigger than goblins. Lath sends them a message that we want to talk and they retreat over the hill. We fly up the hill and Mordrin tracks them. We confront them. 4 men who are from Lunar. They are charting the progression the storm makings sure it does not head towards the wall. The storm started 200 miles east. People go in but donor one out. Some raiding parties come out. We head off around the storm giving it a wide berth. On the south side there are plains barbarian necromancers. So we head there. They are not plains barbarians but from the Artsdorf necromancers guild. Boris discusses necromancer stuff with them. No sign of burials or spirits at site of death. The storm is absorbing life and is filled with life. The necromancer send someone with us to take notes.

Lath casts a control weather over the area and lifts the storm and and there is a huge stepped pyramid. 8 steps high. It's not currently moving. We are attacked by earth elementals. Lath makes the ziggurat very very cold. She suffers a lot is death curses. Spirits from the ziggurat head for us (Tegan thinks the ziggurat is erupting). We flee flying. Lath loses an ear. Flying runs out and we get lost back to the guild.

Day 11

Back a guild for healing and curse removal

Day 12

We head back to the ziggurat by cloud and then flying. The ziggurat and cloud have moved. The cloud is tethered to the ziggurat. We fly invisible towards the ziggurat until out flying cuts out. It rains pies and beer. We fly up to the top of the ziggurat on Viola's owl. There is an 8 ft tall fat goblin with a huge gold club. He is attended by many goblins. We can't see the spear we are looking for or any non-goblins. He calls for entertainers. We land one layer down and enter the ziggurat. We are directed to level 4 by an elderly goblin when we tell him we are deceased spirits. We head down to level 4. There is a room where deceased goblins just appear, spirits inhabit them and they resurrect. Healers cure them. One of them has a bracelet which gives healing powers. There are a few other healers with various healing items - not Pongo powered. We knock out has the room. Lath stands on a bed to cast. A spirit tries to invade her. We loot the room and disable the resurrecting beds. Zephyr has turned to the goblin side and advises us to turn into goblins. Viola kills a goblin and consumes his soul, Lath absorbs the death buzz and Boris takes the body.

We explore. We find some amulets connected to Pongo. The floor is made of a huge piece of iron with no rivets or joins. It looks like it was rolled out from a press. We find a goblin nursery with 100 babies and 40 adults. We find a rubbish tip. We find goblins torturing other goblins to no good purpose that we can see. While we decide what to do, a Demonic sphere with 4 tentacles comes down the corridor. We attack it and it eats into Boris's arm. Viola banishes it. We find a room full of goblins - 1000 goblins fused into one piece of flesh. We find another hospital ward and Lath uses knock out gas to put all the goblins to sleep. Boris uses one of the beds to aid in healing his arm. We take some prisoners - two leaders, a healer and two goblins that look like they used to be animal and a dwarf. Leaving the winds do not come and we have leave under own steam.

We return to the guild.

Day 13

The dwarf goblin was a dwarf and was resurrected as a goblin. He is very fertile and life aspected. We feel like we are the wrong colour and should look more like goblins (except Boris). Another was a human, and another an elf. We all get cured.

The dwarf tells his tale. He was led to believe there were emeralds under the sea of grass. The elf in the other hand is upset to be t urged back into an elf as she therefore lost the ability to resurrect the dead. The resurrection beds are made in the pyramid - level 3. One of the goblin goblin believes he is a dragon. Until a year ago all the g online lives in a place with 2 suns (Pongo was there to). One day they were pulling the pyramid and they went to bed and woke up and there was only one sun. The priests had announced that they were going to cure a land.

We go borrow some Pegasi from Sabrina. When we tell. Them we are finished they are going to throw us off and crush our heads and kill us.

Day 14

We head back to the iron mountain on the Pegasi. We fly through dark tunnels hearing the screaming of souls and then we are at our destination. Some goblins are offering Pongo some good stuff - crown etc.

We head back to the guild for more information and discover people scrying us. Eventually we find the miscreants who are 8 foot tall adventurers from the same plane as the goblins. They have sent the goblins here to get rid of them. We discuss many plans. In the end we head to Tycho City to consult the Lunar Empire and the Calamar. Lath comes up with a good plan to contact the Calamar. We meet up with their agents have dinner and request to talk to the Calamar on the morrow. The desserts are interesting including the psychotropic flying jellyfish candies and the creamed filled chocolates. They also have stasis boxes to keep produce fresh.

Day 15

We meet with the Calamar. Trading occurs. We take 4 boxes of holding and looting the pyramid and then to Tycho City to talk to the Calamar they will take us to another world to look at a pump and steal it and take it to the pyramid and suck up the pyramid and then deal with poncho. Then return the pimp to to the Calamar in Tycho and get 5 favours.

We went back to the guild. We release one of the captives to take a ransom note back to his guild. We head back to the pyramid on the Pegasi. We can hear a massive ritual going on. Drums etc.


(and expenses)

Item Qty Effects 1 2 3 4 5 6
Restoratives? ...
... ...

Buffs & Mil Sci

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Viola Tegan Lath Mordrin Tegan's Ape Bert (Air Elemental Left) Eernie (Air Elemental Right)
Flying (Air Mage) 20 Wind picks you up. First time takes 1 min, after takes D +2 pulses to arrive. 10.5 hours Y NA NA
Barrier of Wind 21 Def of 42% in close, melee or ranged. 11 hours Y NA NA
Vapour Breathing 16 Can breath. 8.5 hours Y NA NA
Feather Falling 9 Wont fall to your death. 5 hours Y NA NA
Resist Heat & Cold 20 6 effects better on the weather table and 6 less damage from heat or cold. 21 hours Y Y Y

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur Viola Tegan Lath Mordrin Tegan's Ape Bert (Air Elemental Left) Eernie (Air Elemental Right)
Fast as the Wind 16 7 to TMR up to 16 total TMR 44 mins Y Y NA NA
Enhancing Enchantment 14 +14 ranks on either range, rank or damage. 16 pulses Y Y NA NA

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  V T L M

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)


Double File


Single File



Autumn 816 wk

Autumn: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Autumn: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest