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6pm dining downstairs and awaiting Allied Trader contracts.
6pm dining downstairs and awaiting Allied Trader contracts.
# Suden - Bearded Human, dark brown robe, makes containers, bread tins and coffins - recover daughter (Roxanna) held by ruffians, they have an alchemist, taken yesterday. 4 women (Coleen's Roses) hired yesterday for the same pay, took his money and didn't come back. Pays 2,500sp. Undertakers say girls are being taken and sacrificed at the full moon.
# Suden - Bearded Human, dark brown robe, makes containers, bread tins and coffins - recover daughter (Oksana) held by ruffians, they have an alchemist, taken yesterday. 4 women (Coleen's Roses) hired yesterday for the same pay, took his money and didn't come back. Pays 2,500sp. Undertakers say girls are being taken and sacrificed at the full moon.
# Glamoured dashing man (Sibelious of the Enchanter's Guild) - 4 women assaulted him and his guards claiming he had stolen an heirloom (his fiancé, an heiress - Princess Bael of Cognitum). 4 Elves in light leather armour turn up looking for Glamour Boy.
# Glamoured dashing man (Sibelious of the Enchanter's Guild) - 4 women assaulted him and his guards claiming he had stolen an heirloom (his fiancé, an heiress - Princess Bael of Cognitum). 4 female Elves in light leather armour turn up looking for Glamour Boy.
# 2 male older, regal Elves in robes - their master (Aron Bonesinger) is missing, water scrying showed him to be in Khatovar, in the Artificer's guild. They live at 'the grove'. They have been here 3 months, they have a room in an Inn (Golden Crown), they took the whole inn for a year, he went to take a bath and was taken a month ago, possibly taken by a water elemental. Offer a year of training in secret arts in their grove, may stay at their Inn. They cover our current rooms for 3 weeks while we consider things and leave a significant deposit. They bless our halflings with 'Tears of the Grove' - luck of the wild (bad things will happen to non-Elves intending harm to you).
# 2 male older, regal Elves in robes - their master (Aron Bonesinger) is missing, water scrying showed him to be in Khatovar, in the Artificer's guild. They live at 'the grove'. They have been here 3 months, they have a room in an Inn (Golden Crown), they took the whole inn for a year, he went to take a bath and was taken a month ago, possibly taken by a water elemental. Offer a year of training in secret arts in their grove, may stay at their Inn. They cover our current rooms for 3 weeks while we consider things and leave a significant deposit. They bless our halflings with 'Tears of the Grove' - luck of the wild (bad things will happen to non-Elves intending harm to you).

Revision as of 02:33, 20 April 2022

Scribe Notes


Adventure Red Dresses in the Shadows
GM Jono
Season Autumn 822 WK
Night Starting Monday the 14th of March 2022 in Gleneden (Jono's place) at 6:30pm.
Area Alusia
Level High
Info Information from players for Jono
House Rules House rules


Character name College / Skills Player
Cher Binder Sean
Roderigo E&E Michael
Tegan Earth/beast mage Kelsie
Anooke Ice mage Surfboard
Mario PL Mind mage Dean
Thaeuss elf (m) MilSci Scribe Binder, Mechanician, Discreet Stephen


Syrene The Keeper of the Great Heart, requires the assistance of six guild members who are not warriors.

  • First and foremost, you will need to think with a clear mind.
  • She is instead interested in those skilled in stealth, subterfuge, and quiet murder in the shadows, and the wisdom to know if it is required.
  • She is interested in those experienced in resisting or dealing with Adepts of the Mind.
  • She is not interested in employing evil mindless killers or those who do not know when to use discretion.


  • The party with the assistance of Syrene, will represent her in dealing with the Red Crowns.
  • Convince or strike a deal with an agent in the Red Crowns, to provide information about the location of some rebels.
  • Contain the "rebels" quietly, leading to the recovery of some items.


Syrene will provide payment as follows -

  • Coin to the value of 25,000 sp per person for success, or on failure, 1,000 sp and up to three resurrections per person.
  • Additionally - Spell training for Earth, Mind, or E&E adepts to a value of 15,000 sp each member.
  • Additionally - Professional skill training for those aiming at mastery.

Syrene will provide a bonus in special training (at her discretion) if the party does well.

Scribe Notes

Note to scribe - Please include the calendar day & month as the adventure moves forward. --Jono (talk) 02:45, 11 March 2022 (UTC)

Meeting & Briefing

1st Fruit 822 WK

Guild meeting.

Syrene has many student mages in her camp.

Red Crowns - fanatical auditors of an armoury, mind mages, quasi-religious, lost their way, strayed, corrupted. Being driven mad by the nature of their longevity, trade life force for life extension. Wear golden crowns which allow pooling WP & MA (within a few miles of each other).

RCs stole the items from a friend's house (in mountains north of Brandenburg) some time ago.

RC schism, main RCs claim not to have the items and would probably have traded them by now if they did, splinter group probably has them.

Splinter group has disappeared from astrology. They were last seen about a week ago to the east, north Tycho city.

Missing Items:

  1. Set of stones from the time tunnels. Relating to a specific date. Stolen some time in the last 4 years.

Potentially to be stolen next year:

  1. Belt
  2. Purple hand jewellery

Presumed that they will be stolen by the splinter crowns. Ideally this theft shouldn't happen.

  1. Leader: Incarla Gray - Human shapeshifter wolf
  2. Olga
  3. Yasmin
  4. Psaki
  5. Turner

We disguise ourselves and head to Seagate to meet with Syrene over dinner at Turf's. 6 Superstition Mt Dwarves also there. Mario sells 30 barrels of Wine.

Matt Tumbledown appears, some discussions, Matt warns us there are Lunar Inquisitors at the camp who may take askance to those with extra souls.

Matt takes us to Syrene's camp which is in a north facing bay in a tropical climate (somewhere south of the Five Sisters). Cher is given 3 amulets. Syrene's enchanter studies us for locate. This evening's password for the guards is Nightingale. Dancers, performers, and entertainers from many different cultures - it is the second of a two-night seasonal festival. Cup rituals to indicate interest in dalliance for the evening. Dancing went on till dawn.

2nd Fruit 822 WK

Breakfast with Inquisitors, they tell us they were tracking the RCs north of Tycho.

  • The RCs went into Khatovar about a week ago, they have been here since.
  • Three Senators of Decay may have dealings/allies in Khatovar.
  • Mining troubles, mines outside city having issues with Minotaurs.
  • Castle on the Island in the Inland Sea is active - unknown to what end.
  • Inquisitors have contacts and a safe-house in Khatovar to help with exit if we need it (address & codes given).
  • They offer us introduction to colleagues in the Allied Traders (name & codes given).
  • Inquisitors are based at Cognitum, they're happy to help with any issues with extra-planar entities.
  • If we need to get their attention, there is a chest in an old windmill, 3 miles south of Khatovar, under 3rd floorboard.

Syrene's Mind Mage:

  • Shares what the five RCs look like.
  • A crown that they are believed to have - locatable.
  • Shows us similar time stones, look like river stones, unlocatable.
  • Blood mage on an island who can make an amulet to hide their Mind College. Matt can take us there.
  • Some Janx may have returned about 18 months ago.
  • Khatovar does not allow battlefield weapons or armour. Leather is ok for mercenaries.
  • Illusions are not detected but being found to have been under an illusion is generally bad.

A few hours of rituals.


  • Doesn't recommend using the Blood Mage amulet. Juan discreetly suggests talking to Matt about it.
  • The S. Dwarves have a neighbour who might be able to help with Tegan's soul problems.

Matt takes Mario to the rocky island, square tower, walled garden, graveyard, the blood mage makes the amulet (6 hours), it will drain his mind over time. He has a sister (hair weaver) in Tycho who can find him if Matt is not available.

At around 4pm Matt takes Tegan and I to the Superstition Mt Dwarves, from there I fly us to Camdindel tower.

Crown Investigation

Tegan is taken to the lab and has some spirits extracted to potions.

Matt collects us from the far side of the lake and takes us back to Syrene's camp about 2am local time.

Mario arrived back from seeing the blood mage a few hours ago.

3rd Fruit 822 WK

Over breakfast, Syrene says the Crowns are known to destroy air as a tactic to disable/kill opponents, she gives us 3 Bottles:

  1. 3 x drops of Liquid Air: WP Pulses of Air, inspire joy for 1/2 WP days.
  2. 3 x drops of Liquid Air: WP Pulses of Air, inspire joy for 1/2 WP days, +20% for Air Mages.
  3. 3 x drops of Liquid Air: WP Pulses of Air, inspire joy for 1/2 WP days, +20% for Air Mages, -2 on Dice Rolls for Air Aspected

Syrene clarifies that in addition to recovering the stones:

  1. She wants us to arrange a truce with the main Red Crowns.
  2. She wants them to stop attacking.
  3. She wants to know why they attacked and what's going on.
  4. She wants her prisoners returned to them.

The Red Crowns have a negotiator, Lady Vost who works out of an Inn (The Ravishing Philosopher) in Wasyrat (Arabie). She has a support staff:

  • Hornhoof the Unicorn
  • Fae Mind Mage Sylph
  • 2 human Mind Whisperers
  • her own Red Crowns (the Crownless, 23, dressed in black).

Syrene and Matt take us to a plateau where she has about 50 Red Crowns are held captive in cold iron cages. These represent two groups that have attacked her in the past two & half weeks (since she decided to engage a guild party - which might be coincidental).

  • The captives are less powerful than they were when they attacked.
  • The Red Crowns have male members, but they don't leave home.
  • They may have a few hundred members in total.
  • They have probably 3 others of similar importance to Lady Vost. We later learn they had 5 founders, one may have been lost in the maelstrom
  • 800 years, guards & auditors of an (or maybe THE) ancient Elven Armoury. Last news of them that the High Guard have was 30 years ago.
  • Later review of translation could instead mean the original 5 came from The Armoury 800 years ago.
  • Known to have 5 leaders - The Five Ladies (descended from the Fates - according to some)
  • A senator, Voross (since discredited, embezzled grain guild, exiled) sought information about them about 5 years ago. He still has 3 of the High Guard tablets that had information on the Red Crowns.
  • They gives us a High Guard Guild travel token each, Roderigo scams a couple extras in return for a promise to deal with a troublesome in-law.
How do we find out information about the politics of the Red Crowns and where is the best place to look for it
The High Guard guild in Lunar City

We ask Matt to ask the High Guild for the information they have on the Red Crowns, he takes us (Roderigo & me) there and they let us read the one tablet they have and tell us what they recall (info included above).

We return to see Syrene after lunch, she and Matt take us to her friend's tunnels, there he takes us back a few decades and we spend just over a week in a painting room (artist's studio) creating linked portraits and R&S Golems.

Mis-communication results in Tegan and Mario being left in Seagate and the rest of us back to Syrene's camp. They drop off Tegan's box of potions and pick up her monkey then Dream Walk back to Syrene's camp.

Syrene has a box for us with 5 x Mind Cloak Potions.

Around sunset, Matt drops us off where the prisoners are. After midnight we head up to the sleeping prisoners and start divining and psychometry.

  • History of their attack: Several Rune Portals, Buffs, Walked, Levitated, Captured.
  • History of one: 80 years as a potter, went to a fungal forest, there was rejuvenated & became a mind mage.
  • History of a couple: Slaves, maybe in Arabie, fungal forest...
  • History of others: varies, full lives, maybe around shores of Inland Sea, leading to a late life visit to fungal forest...
  • Most seem to be highish WP & MA (> 15)
  • Spells nearly always on: Mind Speech, Mind Shield
  • 1-week periods when they were significantly enhanced. Imbibed something and gained telepathic link to another entity that grants access to the pool. Mind College.
  • The Infusion of fungal energies to rejuvenate them was on Alusia. These prisoners originally got fungalled between 10 and 200 years ago.
  • Some have visited the Elven Armoury

4th Fruit 822 WK

Senator Voross was buried at his family plot in Vlifas, Doblian Province (southern Lunar Empire). Matt has bought us his coffin. We carefully avoid the curse and remove the traps (which included a mechanical Scorpion). We extract the 3 tablets that are concealed within his funeral wrappings then close the coffin up again without taking anything else and ask Matt to return it.

Tegan reads the tablets.

  • About 400 years old. Much of it written in triplets.
  • An account of an encounter with bad senators (presumably ... of Decay) who employed Crowns. Crowns being in a triplet that could equally mean: The Red Crowns, something from demonic realms, or an Elven dish of red crowned funghi.
  • Led by 5 women, who rule over 5 realms at North, South, East, West and Central. They meet in the middle for council.
  • from their realm, it is 3 days of night and terror travel time to the entrance of the Elven Armoury
  • Half of the crowns were slain in the battle with the Lunar Empire.
  • The 5 stole magic from the fates and stitched them into their line.
  • Factions have colours, Red (was ascendant 400 years ago, current status unconfirmed). Black, Gold, White, & ?.
  • Their collective mind doesn't work in Lunar Empire due to the Glow Lines.
  • The unknown colour (?) faction are associated with the Maelstrom in the Inland Sea, they were there and targets of Lunar Titans wrath which created the maelstrom.

Fates and Arabie

After dinner, at our request, Matt takes us to The Fates. He warns us there may be Drow nearby who don't like him. He'll be back to pick us up at dawn.

Mario picks up the feelings and minds of a hunting pack on the ridge above us, we stealth ahead invisibly, at a whistle the drop into the valley behind us. We sense something hiding ahead so exit the gully. Continue up the parallel Dwarven road.

A camp up top by the temple, pack animals, 50+ workers, tents, dogs. They look to be doing maintenance, some steps have been cleared and repaired, mosaics being worked on.

There is a new wall at the back of the temple and 3 statues. Staring into the eyes of a statue takes us to the other side of the wall. Further in leads to the Mother at her loom. Tegan sees the mother skinning a crocodile.

  • Roderigo's greatest enemy is a Senator of Decay.
  • The leaders of the Crowns and their interaction with the fates is of no concern of ours and there is nothing she wants us to do about it. She is happy with the current situation.
  • There are three factions of the crowns we should be most concerned about: Red, Gold, Black/White. Mostly the red.
  • A Celestial Shape-Changer Polar Bear has been employed about 6 months ago to hunt Anooke.
  • The attacks on Syrene's camp by the Red Crowns was because she was planning to employ us.

We leave, touch the wall and appear on the other side of it. It is stormy outside.

We rest/sleep in the corner of the temple.

5th Fruit 822 WK

We head down hill to meet Matt soon after dawn.

He takes us to a different camp, at a sea shore south of a desert, near Adjepbar.

Cher has a rolled up Crocodile skin, presumable placed in her pack by the fates. Matt says it is the skin of the mount of Ipos the Demon. On unrolling, it will spring into Ipos' mount.

Matt takes Cher out to the desert and has her leave the skin there.

We sleep through most of the day. Tegan gets covered by a tent and lost. Removing the tent, we discover Tegan is about 4 feet deep, partially petrified and covered by petrified Octopus from the Drowning Deep. When she is awake, Tegan says they look like the ones she has been seeing drifting around that none of the rest of us can see. Possibly indicating interest in us from Forneus.

Syrene asks us to check in with her Captain of the Guard when we arrive at camp to get weapon spells against demonics while we're in camp.

Wan tells us that we are likely to be attacked by Gargoyles in the next month. If they only have 3 toes then they are from the Summoner's Island.

A caravan of 300 halfling merchants dressed in blue arrive in the camp.

Matt takes us to near Wasyrat, about 5 miles west of it beside a large river. We fly to about a mile from the city then walk in.

Make our way to the Ravishing Philosopher (near the library). Get a fairly expensive suite, drinks and food (2,300sp). Enchanted rooms, baths, dinner.

We meet Lady Vost in our room about 7pm.

  • Lady Vost has sent a discrete group after the splinter group.
  • The Red Crowns have sent a substantial squad after the splinter group, they will keep the time stones if they can.
  • There will be no repercussions if we take out the splinter group but there would be if we clashed with the red crowns group.
  • The Janx will be after the stones at some point and that is one of the main reasons they have been taken.
  • The Janx are still rebuilding their strength and have been working with the Senators. Both have been seen going into Khatovar and not coming out.
  • The Janx that were killed in the time tunnels are currently alive in our timeline, their death is still in their future.
  • The Splinter Group are likely to try to appeal to our sympathies (seeking emancipation from control), expecting this to work on most guild members.
  • Lady Vost thinks the Splinter Group is negotiating to recover the lost faction of the crowns.
  • In return for her help, Lady Vost wants forgiveness from Syrene from the thefts that will happen next year.


Demonic Oasis

Checking our bags for extras not there before we visited the fates then spend 2 hours divining them:

  • Roderigo has a set of Tarot Cards - Protected by Instil Fear on the nosey. Allow prediction within the next 6 hours. Aid Astrologers in specific predictions.
  • Mario has Dried Elder Flowers - May be consumed as a tea. Provides some sort of protection to about 6 people, an effect like Evil Eye, lasts 1 month.
  • Anooke has a potion in his pack - Piece of slime, magical construct, dissolve things and grow.
  • Thaeuss a crushed & singed old parchment - was restored from a previous time. Faded raised writing.
  • Tegan - Twisted copper cord, squished by a bear. Magic, Destiny/Prophecy. Is connected to a larger piece of copper. Will hint at your next death. Concentrate on it to gain a view of something.
    • Anooke sees being crushed by a bear
    • I see myself dismembered, presumably by Janx.

Mario takes us into dream to head to Ajepbar. We encounter 6 horsemen on the way:

  • Headless, carrying a cage of desiccated birds, ...
  • They appear to summon nightmares.
  • Looking at them through a crystal we see 3 Elven Women on white horses.

The Elves ride down to the edge of the road and hail us. They have been sent by Syrene to warn us of danger from summoned creatures - the horsemen. They say Elves could use the same method of hiding from them that they are using but the others couldn't. Roderigo casts invis to undead on us all and we sneak on past them arriving at Adjepbar a few hours later.

A short flight to Syrene's camp, passwords, checkpoints, check in with the captain. Get Enchant Weapon vs Demonics for the next 21 hours (doubles on Anooke, Roderigo, Cher, Mario).

They are expecting a large fight at the camp in 3 days about midday.

3am, we get some sleep.

6th Fruit 822 WK

6am, over breakfast, Wan tells us we need to come up with some bad news to bring to Syrene to fulfil an astrology reading.

We go to see Syrene, Tegan gifts her a kitten named Bad News.

Syrene says the Demonic skin in the desert has created a well of water from the Drowning Deep.

If someone successfully steals the items, Lady Vost will be forgiven, however in return she must forgive Syrene and her allies for any of the attempted thieves who are maimed or killed.

Excluding Mario and me, the party visits Syrene's Astrologer. He has a general reading he prepared a couple of days ago.

General Astrology reading
In the place that can not be seen
Where the eight female and eight male faces are blind
Where the Dwarves lost and gained their sight
Where the three mothers can not look
Inside the walls made of blood
The dresses of red have gone
The cast out gold can no longer be seen
The sister’s fear, the gold, the crowns, the eyes, the voice 
In the place not seen often but can be heard
Where the gold will tarnish
Where the voice will seduce
Where joint will's fail, savagery
Inside the face of the three skulls opposite luck
The wind will grow cold
The earth will grow hot
The waters will grow still, senators will weep tears of fear
In the place that you can not fly or grow old
The six eyes will have seen the six eyes caring a serving of death
The with six eyes will seek luck
The six eyes and the crowns will know the revenge 
Will it be cold, hot, or still
If the senators move
If only I could see
If some walk-in
Inside the walls
Make it count
Mastery, Stealth and surprise

  • The summoner on the isle set the monsters on Tegan, he is working for someone else.
  • Cher is being troubled by a jilted lover (Fire Dragon) from another world. A temple in Azuria was destroyed a few days ago, by the dragon coming through.
  • Roderigo is being hunted by a Senator called back from the dead relating to an incident of grave robbing.
  • One of us will become pregnant
  • Getting purified may help throw off pursuers (this may only apply to Tegan)

Matt arrives and takes us to the desert to deal with the demonic well.

In the desert, the well is 2-3' deep, about 15' across, the centre is about 40' deep, water from the drowning deep is bubbling up. Walls to create a bridge to the middle. Anooke charges in as bait to summon the undead spirits that are in the water. Roderigo, Anooke, and Cher slay the 3 wraiths. The wraith's drain as undead, the demonic waters drain EN on contact. We petrify and itemise the skin. Matt will bring Inquisitors to deal to the well water.

Tegan has arranged for the cook to prepare the Elder Flower tea to have enough doses for all of us. It grants -15 on resistance checks of our targets for 3 weeks.

A young woman, Boyka wants to apprentice to Tegan as a Beast Mage.

Cher and Anooke go out into the desert to be wounded (punctured lungs), oiled and burned to recover faster from the demonic draining. Burns and wounds are healed afterwards.

Tegan and Cher consult Syrene then charm and bully the seer into helping transfer their dooms off them onto his assistants. 3 hours later, Anooke, Tegan, Cher, and Roderigo have their dooms transferred.

Matt arrives around dusk to take us to Wasyrat. We just missed a bull running festival.

We check into the Ravishing Philosopher, exchange messages with Lady Vost, arrange a 4-5am mtg. Have dinner, arrange rooms, select the Desert Storm room - one random day a month a desert storm will sweep through it. One wall is sometimes an ice portal, Anooke snuggles up to it, clears the ice off it, 3 ice creatures react and move towards him.

Approx 11pm.

Anooke Picks a Fight

Ice Elemental, 2 Yeti's. Mental attack gets all 3, we kill the Yetis quickly, the Ice Elemental takes a lot longer.

Anooke then goes exploring further, opens another ice wall and gets jumped by:

  1. Ice Elemental with lighting effects - 25' radius disjunction - from black helm.
  2. Devil
  3. 4-Armed thing in ice armour. Threw alchemical darkness grenados.
  4. Yeti in ice armour
  5. Yeti in ice armour
  6. Humanoid

Nasty fight, lots of damage dealt both ways. Tegan is killed. The humanoid gets away, we destroy the others.

The Inn Management taps on the door to see if everything is ok.

Lady Vost arrives at 4am, resurrects Tegan, accepts Syrene's condition.

She'll notify her people to meet us for lunch at the Dancing Dolphin inn on the 8th, black scroll case on the table. Her agent will use 'golems' in a sentence.

She is expecting some Red Crowns to visit her for lunch.

7th Fruit 822 WK

We settle our bill and head out of town to meet Matt after dawn.

He Teleports us to a rocky shore about 10 miles from Khatovar. We find a quiet copse in which to rest, ritual and recover.

Head towards Khatovar, stop at a hamlet when we realise we won't make it before sunset.

Nearby large tiled arrow and tower, lit up at night to direct flyers to Khatovar.

Large arrow pointing at Khatovar

Orcs & Ogres raid the region occasionally, usually in groups of 200+.

8th Fruit 822 WK

Walk the rest of the way after breakfast, get to gates about 9am.

50' high sheer red walls. Cleared ground around the outside. Black gates. Guards, some in purple, others in blue. Paper Guild.

First Contacts in Khatovar


Multi-story buildings, road in towards the first square has 9-12' golems stalled in the street being inconvenient - Obsidian Servants, apparently something the Artificer's Guild were responsible for.

Book into the Dancing Dolphin, a suite on the top floor with 2 1/2 small rooms on the top floor for 3 days with 2 meals per day.

Roderigo has some contacts here:

  • Dunwise - Information broker, a few years history
  • Degrace - Fence
  • Black Face Rose - Head of the Thief's Guild
  • ? - Assassin's Guild

Roderigo & Tegan head to the Temple of Tyr (a fire god) to make contact with Dunwise through a dead-drop.

The rest of us head to Allied Traders to register for work as Marco's Mercenaries and to send a message to Syrene's contact (1sp).

Because we have hobbits, a Dwarf immediately hires us on to guard a ship (Blue Wave) until 4pm. Paid 14 gold coins. Mario and I head back to the Dancing Dolphin for our lunch date while the others head to the docks.

Outside the wall through the harbour gate, through fisher districts, stone docks. Crew heads off to the pub as soon as we arrive. Ship is about 60' long, open cargo hold.

Mario makes a date with a local girl, Lady Vost's agent turns up a while later and we discretely chat on Mind Speech.

  • Stable boy is a spy for the Allied Traders.
  • One of Inkala's people has been seen at a building. Sophie will engage us through the Allied Traders to spy on the building.
  • Allied Traders are looking for a human female mage who was involved with a poisoning at the Healers Guild. The Healers want the assassin found (10,000sp reward) or they'll go on strike. One of the healers was killed.
  • Rumours of mercenaries selling odd trinkets.
  • Another mercenary group is looking for a part-unicorn woman.
  • Lunar Empire Senator of the Earth Clan, getting mercenary contracts for 6 months starting in a month.
  • Princess from Cognitum looking to restore her family seat.

Meet here tomorrow at midday, or send a message through Allied Traders to Sophie.

Ship guards are relieved at 3pm. All meet back at the Inn.

Roderigo gets an appointment: Caroupian Square, red seat, 10.35pm.

6pm dining downstairs and awaiting Allied Trader contracts.

  1. Suden - Bearded Human, dark brown robe, makes containers, bread tins and coffins - recover daughter (Oksana) held by ruffians, they have an alchemist, taken yesterday. 4 women (Coleen's Roses) hired yesterday for the same pay, took his money and didn't come back. Pays 2,500sp. Undertakers say girls are being taken and sacrificed at the full moon.
  2. Glamoured dashing man (Sibelious of the Enchanter's Guild) - 4 women assaulted him and his guards claiming he had stolen an heirloom (his fiancé, an heiress - Princess Bael of Cognitum). 4 female Elves in light leather armour turn up looking for Glamour Boy.
  3. 2 male older, regal Elves in robes - their master (Aron Bonesinger) is missing, water scrying showed him to be in Khatovar, in the Artificer's guild. They live at 'the grove'. They have been here 3 months, they have a room in an Inn (Golden Crown), they took the whole inn for a year, he went to take a bath and was taken a month ago, possibly taken by a water elemental. Offer a year of training in secret arts in their grove, may stay at their Inn. They cover our current rooms for 3 weeks while we consider things and leave a significant deposit. They bless our halflings with 'Tears of the Grove' - luck of the wild (bad things will happen to non-Elves intending harm to you).

The Dwarven captain enters with his first mate and another human. His crew was assaulted by 4 rough women (Ogres), they beat up the 15 guards, 4 of his crew, then took 8 of his crew to the abattoir in the port - outside the walls. 16,000sp if we can do it tonight. Optional pay in enchanted daggers that prevent healing, he has been selling them locally. He has heard through a kinsman that the Healer's poisoner was a bug lady. He offers a night of passion for our ladies at The Cockatrice's tail.

Local waitress offers to sell us info as we're new. There are gangs that control the docks area.

  • 200sp bribe to the (papal?) paper guards at the gates to report trouble that will get the gates closed.

As we head upstairs, a women is waiting and wants us to break into the Artificer's Guild to rescue her sister (Natalia). She was charmed by Lord Randal (the budgie smuggler) who plans to render her down (shriving?). Went missing two days ago from the public bathhouse. She can conceal items, protect them from being located/found. She has contacts with the thieves guild who may be able to give us a discrete way in and out of the Artificer's Guild. She is staying at the Dove and Blanket.

Rest and plan in our room, I divine Anooke. Meanwhile the rest of the party get involved in screaming from a building across the street. Roderigo casts Wizard's Eye and triggers an alarm from the palace. Crossing over, a man is being attacked by a Wraith and a wall-walking assassin. They are quickly defeated, presumably they have been trying to break into the neighbouring jewellers. Return with the body which we petrify and itemise.

Roderigo's meeting is with an old lady.

  • She believes the Healer was poisoned while on a house call in the docks area. Inkarla's team may have been involved.
  • Artificers - twin brothers are trouble. 4 are good, the golems are theirs and they are investigating what happened to them. The golems appeared one night and took about 12 steps towards guild street then stopped.
  • Rivals to Black Face Rose are operating from the Abattoir.

She has sentient cat guards, some follow Roderigo from the building.


Night 7

9th Fruit 822 WK

10th Fruit 822 WK

Buffs & Mil Sci

Long Term (assumed always on)

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Duration/Enh An Ch Ma Ro Te Th
Mage Armour/Shield (Th) 19 +24% def, +5 physical damage reduction, 1 S.G. 20 hrs
Alligator Skin (Te) 12 +13% def, +4 natural armour 6.5/12.5hrs
Resist Cold (An) 12 4 Gauges, -4 Cold Dmg. 13 hrs
Magic Cow Milk (Te) costs 3 Ft, +3PS, +3EN until dawn
Firearmour (Te) 12 costs 3 Ft, 52 ablative prot 13/25hrs
Cat Vision (Te) 6 110ft vision in low light 7/13hrs
Ice Cubes (An) 20 Heal 1/2 dmg up to 40 Weeks
Modify Aura (Th) 6 +/- 3 Levels 7 hrs
Linking Lifeforce Sketch (Th) 20 Reflect health within 2,100 miles. 20 dmg. 1 day each to make. Perm
Linked R&S Golems (Th) 15 May hold your spirit on death Season
Greater Enchantment (Ro) 20 +21% Season - -
Self Only  
Ice Armour (An) 16 24% 4 AP, SG, Fire Armour 8.5 hrs
Force Shield (Ma) ? ?% Def ? hrs
Herbal Lore (rk) +10+2/rk% to Find Herbs 1+rk hrs 6
Mind Shield (rk) +10+2/rk% vs M.Att. 1+2/rk hrs 8 ** 10
Sense Danger (%) Mind Talent (or equivalent) 75% 79% 48%*
Detect Ambush (%) Ranger (-5/rank of opposition) 151/161% 124
Sixth Sense Thief/Assassin ability 111% 106% 127%
See Invis Ranks Effective rank for seeing invisible 20 7 20 any*** 11

Enhance Enchantment (Ro) rank 12: 70 seconds

* Thaeuss' Danger Sense from Ladybird brooch, 7 hr downtime and re-cast to recharge after use.
** animal mind
*** Tegan can see all invisible, out of phase, ethereal etc, recognise illusions. In fairy gown can also target same with magic and see through illusions

Short Term

Magic (caster) Rk Effects Dur/Enh An Ch Ma Ro Te Th
Heroic Aura (Ma) 17 Mario: +18 SC, +3 Dmg, +18 vs Fear;
Allies: +5 SC, +1 Dmg, +9 vs Fear;
Both: +5 Def, +1 DR
9 hrs
Trollskin (An) 12 90 sec Y
Fireproofing (Te) 6 costs 3 Ft 7/13hrs
Mind Speech (Ma) 8 Range 240ft 80 mins
Weapon of Flames (Ma) 11 +12 SC%, +5 Dam 16 min
Weapon of Ice (An) 18 +19 SC%, +7 Dam 23 min
Enchant Weapon (Ro) 20 +21 SC%, +7 Dam 25 min
Invisibility (Ro) 20 Std or Invis to Undead 105 mins
Ice Traversal (Ch) 20 Travel over ice and/or snow without slipping or sinking in. (+7 TMR on flat ice) 7 hrs
Instil Flight (Th/Ch) 10/20 40/60 mph, 650/1,000 lbs limit 5½/10 hrs - Y - - - Y


Herbalist Lunch/Broth
Thaeuss rk 6, Meal 4 FT or Broth 4 FT
In arctic, jungle, waste or woods Tegan gives
+7 def and +7 IV vs melee or missile attacks
Cher's Snail Shells
Crush it to roll back a pulse (1 each)
Dance (Cher)
Reroll 1 failed MR or ignore 1 stun
Sausages (Roderigo)
Bonuses for Thieves

Watch Order

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Thaeuss Cher Mario Thaeuss
Tegan Roderigo Anooke

Marching Order

Skirmish Formations (Front)

Anooke Roderigo
Mario Cher
Tegan Thaeuss

Double File

Anooke Roderigo
Mario Cher
Tegan Thaeuss

Single File



Autumn 822 WK: Fruit (4)
Moonday Duesday W'ansday Th'rsday Frysday Reapsday Sunday
Lugnasad 1 Guild Meeting 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 1 2 3 4
Autumn 822 WK: Harvest (5)
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 Equinox 16 17 18
19 Harvest Moon .. 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2
Autumn 822 WK: Vintage (6)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 Blood Moon 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Beerfest