Merchantile Traders

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WestKing Trading Company
Location Home port - Zumular

Brandenburg, Aquila, Bowcourt, Foxcourt, Innesburg area.

People Two Master Merchants families - 11 Wagons Masters & 14 Tinkers, 7 Captains, 5 First Mates, 1 Watermage (Freetown)
6 Caravel, 3 Cutters, 2 Carrak
13 teams, 14 tinker & mules
Weapons, Armour
Grain, Rye, Flour.
Lead time
Three months.

This trading company was formed some 10 years ago to better cover the realm and its commodities than each as individuals could do. Since then these trading companies have prospered with the extra business generated.

All these traders are reputed to be honest and reliable.

A small merchant based in Newcourt specialising in transportation

This merchant based in Elfenburg specialises in Fabrics and is well known in the baronies for excellent contacts.

Holler is based in central Aquila and specialises in Ales & Wines. They have extensive contacts with Breweries wide and far.

These merchants are a large family specialising in sourcing Ales & Wines as well as Weapons & Armour. They have offices in Seagate, Bowcourt, Innesburg, Burgelfin, Novalar and Aquila.