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Nastiness Rating 5/10
Nastiness Rating 5/10

Some say that Furfur is an extremely powerful female Demon with a decidedly seductory attitude. Others aver the devil is masculine and extremely violent. There are rumours that there has been some kind of coup d'etat, and perhaps a sudden change of Power. Those interested can pursue the matter here: Furfur Silguitia the 4th.

Earl of Storms and Lightning

Furfure can appear as an almost female human who is covered in Lightning and Fire, with small white horns and a silver eye, and a snake for a tongue. Awaiting closer inspection by a competent summoner willing to make the attempt, it is assumed that this form is an insubstantial one, and there is an active book on this, with Dalran handling the money.

Furfur is known to be able to appear as a hart with a fiery tail, and this is not an insubstantial form. It is known, however, that the form of an angel covered in fire is, in fact, insubstantial. The form is, however, insubstantial and she will not assume it unless somehow forced to do so.

Furfur can raise great storms. When speaking, speaks with the voice of thunder, when dancing, the wind and the flame, and lightning is but a fawning slave. This devil has the power to make men and women fornicate and perpetrate perversions the one with the other. Secrets whisper their names wherever the Earl of Storms and Lightning passes. But, these are the secrets of mortals.

Furfur is one of the great in the diabolical realm of: Ars Spirt Theurgia Lust Storms Lightning and Secrets.

Known Agents and Followers

Maps and Charts

The Demonic realm of Furfur
The Demonic realm of Furfur

Activities and Known Interests

Furfur loves violence and to see the works of mortals brought down. He will take any opportunity to deceive, unless somehow bound or compelled not to.


A Chronology of Events and Encounters

Summer 808WK

In Summer 808WK rumours spread abroad that Furfur had been destroyed and then later replaced by a diabolical lieutenant called Silguitia. Little is known for certain, although it is clear that something happened. It has been suggested that it is in the interest of certain guild members to confuse the issue by making a false claim, and so conceal their own hand in matters.

Earl of Storms and Lightning
Furfur appears as a hart with a fiery tail. He may also assume the form of an angel. The form is, however, insubstantial and he will not assume it unless somehow forced to do so. He has the power to raise great storms. When he speaks, he speaks as thunder and the lightnings dances to appease his wrath. So great is the noise of his voice that it is painful to hear. He has the power to make men and women fornicate and perpetrate perversions the one with the other. He knows many secrets, including those yet to come, so long as they be of the mortal realm. He rules of the demonic realm of: Ars Spirt Theurgia Lust Storms Lightning and secrets.

Summer 808WK

Wild accusations by certain members of the Seagate Adventurer's Guild, and the Mage's Guild of Sanctuary with respect to the supposed death of Furfur.
See -> Blood of Girwyllan and Dalran's investigation of Furfur's realm-Summer 808

Spring 807WK

Furfur was encountered and had his books sold to him in The Fate of Queen Aleksandra

  • Air Mage, Alchemist, Mechanician, Navigator, Ranger, Spy
   Minions - Air Elemental, fallen Seraphim, Unicorn, Stag
   Influences men and women to make love, knows many secrets of things that have happened or will happen.
   "Also he will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts, and Great Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded."
   Will generally lie. Is a scoundrel. Can appear as an angel

Summer 805WK

A temple in the mountains between Carzala and Waterford that was once dedicated to Foras is now dedicated to Furfur.

12th Meadow: Aryan, Eric, GoK, Grendel, Kern Silvercrest, Mebh, and Razor kill or capture (and later hand over to Urielites) the worshipers of Furfur.

Furfur shows up when his priestess is killed and is also slain.