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An ancient dragon of the first generation, wife of Baal and, with him one of the first dragons created by Xanadu.

Her powers lay in fertility, the growing earth, and the creatures of the fey.

"Anu's love was the faerie folk and she tended and loved them. From her they gained wisdom and understanding, and their long lives, but they also inherited her one weakness -- a vulnerability to the Dead Metal, iron.

Only the elves overcame their fear of iron and they used it to make beautiful artworks. In time an elven smith fashioned a sword of it, from a vision that had come to him in a dream. He did not know what it was that he made, for there was only peace amongst the Dragons and their young kin. It was a magnificent sword and he was pleased with his work and showed it to Anu.

Anu sensed the future and saw only destruction, and unaware that this future might stem from her own actions she made to take the sword from the smith. In his surprise he struck her with it, and she died -- the first Dragon to ever die.

At first Baal could not understand what had happened. He called to Anu but she did not respond. He tried to summon back her spirit, but it had passed beyond his power. Baal called for his father and begged for Xanadu's help, but when Xanadu explained that Baal and all the children were mortal, and that in time all of them must pass from the world, Baal fell into a black rage and cursed his father, and fled to the dark places beyond the world."

-- excerpt from Jade Dragon's Story